1.A Queer Reading of The Little Mermaid;《海的女儿》的酷儿解读
2.A Buffoon or Unnamed Shame——On Chinese Queer Performativity from Cui Zien s Writings on the Homosexu;丑角,或者未名的屈辱——从崔子恩的同志书写管窥中国酷儿的操演
3.Studies on New Queer Cinema in America during 1990s;论二十世纪九十年代美国新酷儿电影

1.Studies on New Queer Cinema in America during 1990s;论二十世纪九十年代美国新酷儿电影
2.Gender Study and Explanation of Language Teaching with Queer Theory性别研究与语言教学的酷儿理论解释
3.Text-based Study on Lesbian Virtual Community of Queer by "Uses and Satisfactions Approach";基于文本的对酷儿BBS虚拟社区的“使用与满足”研究
4.A Buffoon or Unnamed Shame--On Chinese Queer Performativity from Cui Zien s Writings on the Homosexu;丑角,或者未名的屈辱——从崔子恩的同志书写管窥中国酷儿的操演
5.Sports and Sub-culture of Homosexuality--Review on 'Sport,Sexualities and Queer Theory' by Jayne Caudwell体育与同性恋亚文化——评述简·科德威尔的《体育、性与酷儿理论》
6.To change a dress which is cooler.换件酷点儿的衣服吧。
7.Everybody says that my daughter bears a striking resemblance to me.人人都说我女儿酷似我。
8.Charity was a cold and disagreeable word.慈善是一个冷酷而令人厌烦的字眼儿,
9.Your school gear is really cool, where did you get it?你学校的用具都很酷,在哪儿买的?
10.The world will judge you very harshly, your daughter perhaps more harshly still.对你,社会已经够残酷,而你的女儿也许对你更残酷。
11.I know. My sister Leela hardly ever buys cool stuff.我知道,我妹妹莉拉几乎从不买酷玩意儿。
12.The findings of the United Nations Children's Fund make for grim reading.联合国儿童基金会的研究发现了这个残酷现像。
13.Haldeman's chilly discipline here was functional.霍尔德曼的严酷无情的纪律在这儿起了作用。
14.out in the cold world, with no shelter over his homeless head,在这冷酷无情的世界上,他这无家可归的人儿头上没有一丝遮盖,
15.Mother Thenardier loved her two daughters passionately, which caused her to hate the stranger.德纳第婆子酷爱她自己的两个女儿,因而也厌恶那外来的孩子。
16.As a result, winter temperatures average above freezing and summers are mild.因此这儿冬天平均气温在零上而且夏天也不会酷热。
17.She had always been her father's favorite and she could not understand his coldness now.她一直是父亲的宠儿,无法理解他如今为何这么冷酷无情。
18.Carmen: But have you even seen the thing? It just looks so cool. It's very well-designed.卡门:可是你看到那玩意儿了吗?看起来就是很酷,设计得很棒。

queer theory酷儿理论
1.Gender Study and Explanation of Language Teaching with Queer Theory性别研究与语言教学的酷儿理论解释
2.Chen Ran s different ideas on pursuing equal man and woman relationship,and the joint with queer theory are explored under the perspective of queer theory.从酷儿理论的视域出发,以陈染的《破开》和《私人生活》为基点,探讨这一性别理论与陈染小说的契合点,说明陈染在追求两性平等方面做出的另类努力。
3.This article attempts to cut into from the post-modernism,then utilizes the Queer theory to understand a series of culture phenomenon created by the common girl thoroughly.文章尝试从后现代主义视角切入,利用酷儿理论深入解读这个普通的女孩引发的一系列文化现象。
3)Queer Cinema酷儿电影
1.Studies on New Queer Cinema in America during 1990s;论二十世纪九十年代美国新酷儿电影
4)queer criticism酷儿批评
5)New Queer Cinema新酷儿电影
1.Studies on New Queer Cinema in America during 1990s;论二十世纪九十年代美国新酷儿电影
6)Natural ester catechins天然酷型儿茶素
