1.Study on the Difficult Judicial Problems Concerning the Crimes with Underworld Characteristics;黑社会性质犯罪司法疑难问题研究
2.Research for Underworld Crime and Criminal Policy;黑社会犯罪及其刑事政策研究

1.Comparison between Organizations with Traits of the Underworld and the Underworld Organizations;黑社会性质组织与黑社会组织之比较
2.That's a history of organized gangsterdom.那是黑社会帮会史。
3.A Comparative Analysis of Concepts between"Mafia" and"The Organization in the Nature of Mafia;黑社会黑社会性质组织概念之比较分析
4.The Underworld and Current Situation of the Underworld Crimes;黑社会和中国现阶段的黑社会性质犯罪
5.The Social Basis for the Breeding up and Spreading of Organizations in the Nature of Criminal Syndicate;黑社会性质犯罪滋生蔓延的社会基础
6.Some Social Elements for the Committing of Crimes by the Criminal Syndicates in China;我国黑社会组织犯罪形成的社会原因
7.The underworld of organized criminal gangs.黑社会有组织的犯罪团伙组成的下流社会,黑社会
8.Self-organization Cause Theory of the Underworld Crimes (Ⅱ)--A Brand New Cause Theory of the Underworld Crime;黑社会犯罪的自组织原因论(下)——一种崭新的黑社会犯罪原因理论
9.Self-organization Cause Theory of the Underworld Crimes (I)--A Brand New Cause Theory of the Underworld Crime;黑社会犯罪的自组织原因论(上)——一种崭新的黑社会犯罪原因理论
10.Conditions of the Existence of Black Economy and Prevention Strategies当今社会黑色经济存在的条件及防治策略——以黑社会组织犯罪为例
11.Study and Analysis of Mafia-style Crimes under the Vision of Harmonious Society;和谐社会视域下黑社会性质组织犯罪探析
12.Social Foundation of Mafia-style Organizations Forming in View of Sociology;从社会学视角看黑社会犯罪的成因与治理
13.Power Corruption: A Social Structural Sourceof the Formation of Black Societies-Implicationsfrom He Qing-lian s Studies of "China s Problems;权力腐败是黑社会生成的社会结构性土壤
14.On the Social Mechanism by Which Underground Organizations Survive and Grow in Contemporary China;论当代中国黑社会性质组织生成的社会机制
15.Social and Legal Factors of the Existence and Development of Underworld Society Crimes in China中国黑社会犯罪生存发展的社会和法制因素
16.The language or cant of thieves, tramps, or underworld figures.盗贼的黑话小偷、流浪汉或黑社会的人使用的语言或黑话
17.A member of the Parisian underworld.强盗,流氓巴黎黑社会中的成员
18.a murder carried out by an underworld syndicate.谋杀是黑社会联合进行的。

criminal syndicate黑社会
1.Identification of criminal syndicate organizations and legistalire problems thereabout;论黑社会性质组织的认定及立法问题
2.This article holds that organized crime is different from organization in nature of criminal syndicate, whose connotation must be extended in legal interpretation.黑社会犯罪与黑社会性质组织犯罪是两个不同的概念,对后者的认定应严格依照刑法的规定,不过在解释上应当予以适当的扩张。
3.They are caused by the interaction of multiplied facts: dysfunctional culture, penetrating of out-of-border organized criminal syndicate, weakening of the social control during the social turning point, corruption, weak leadership of the grass-roots authorities, ways of cracking down on the crimes, incorrect expansion of desire for materials and spirit (including political ways) on the part o.当前我国存在黑社会性质的犯罪。
3)the underworld黑社会
1.However, at present, the underworld crime is increasingly jeopardizing public security.在黑社会(性质)犯罪危害日益严重的今天,“关公文化”被黑社会所扭曲、利用,奉为神灵。
2.At present, Criminal gangs in China, with characters of the underworld, follow the examples of the underworld in form, and they are on the edge of the underworld in nature.目前属中国所特有的带有黑社会性质的犯罪团伙在形式上仿效黑社会的一些做法 ,本质上临近黑社会边缘 ,但又不同于旧中国和当今境外国外的黑社会组织 ,有其自身的鲜明特点。
1.A Comparative Analysis of Concepts between"Mafia" and"The Organization in the Nature of Mafia;黑社会黑社会性质组织概念之比较分析
2.Research on the Organization with Characters of Chinese Mafia;黑社会性质犯罪组织研究
5)underworld organization黑社会
1.To punish the crimes committed by underworld organizations,the correct guideline should be followed,the specialized team built,international cooperation launched.惩治涉外黑社会性质组织犯罪必须遵循正确的指导原则,建设专业化队伍,开展国际合作。
1.As a sub-cultural group,gangland has its own psychological features,which decide its behavioral patterns.黑社会作为一个亚文化群 ,有其独特的心理特征 ,而这种心理特征又决定了其组织行为方式。
