童心,childlike innocence
1)childlike innocence童心
1.The Confluence of Childlike Innocence and Poetic Talent——Andersen and His Fairy Tale World;童心与诗才的相交汇流——安徒生和他的童话世界
2.Interpretation of the Metaphor in Child in the Reconstruction of Values——A Comparative Study of Nietzsche s Superman Theory and Lizhi s Childlike Innocence Theory;重建价值之维的“儿童”隐喻解读——尼采“超人”论与李贽“童心”说之比较
3.With childlike innocence,a teacher can lead students into a colorful and fantastic world,and pay close attention to their feelings and life experiences.这要求语文教师带着情感进入课堂,具有一颗"童心",甘做一个"小孩子",走进学生丰富多彩、曼妙无比的情感世界,关注学生的情绪体验和生活经验;巧用教学语言机智,拉近师生之间的心理距离,融洽师生关系;创设轻松愉快的语文教学游戏,促使学生在玩中学、乐中学。

1.The heart,the gusto and the language of children--On Li Jianshu s and Yang Minghuo s invention of children literature;童心·童趣·童言——李建树、杨明火儿童文学创作论
2.Praise the Children’s Simplicity Purely--On the Comment of “Beauty of Naivety ” in Bing Xin’s Works;至纯至善颂童真——论冰心作品的“童心美”
3.Fairy Tales: Homeland for the Mind in the Course of Children s Psychological Growth--on the Relation between Fairy Tales and Children s Psychological Growth;童话:儿童心理成长的精神家园——略论童话与儿童心理成长的关系
4.Experimental Pedagogy and the Psychology of the Child实验教育和儿童心理学
5.Journal of Clinical Child Psychology临床儿童心理学杂志
6.Journal of Experimental Child Psychology实验儿童心理学杂志
7.Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology变态儿童心理学杂志
8.International Children's Centre国际儿童中心(儿童中心)
9.Child Development Center for Africa非洲儿童发展中心(儿童中心)
10.International Child Development Centre国际儿童发展中心(儿童发展中心)
11.children centre [amusement game centre]儿童中心〔游戏机中心〕
12.Respecting child's heart means respecting child's nature.尊重儿童的核心就是尊重儿童的天性。
13.The Relationship Anaiysis in Children Painting and Their Developing Psychology;儿童绘画与儿童的心理演变关系探析
14.A Psychology Thinking about Children of Rebellion Period in Children s Literature;儿童文学中“反抗期”儿童的心理学思考
15.trainable mentally retarded children可训练心智不足儿童
16.Pelletier Hall [girls' home] [Good Shepherd sisters]培立中心〔女童院〕〔善牧会〕
17.hurt by the snubs of the other children受其他儿童冷落而伤心.
18.It takes patience to educate children.教育儿童须要耐心。

1.And an analyse of the childishness ,the illusion and the pursue appeared in the poet works,meanwhile the article will come to another visual angle about the perpetual contradictions of the human intension and the incapacity facing the strangulation of the purity ,and therefore realizes the deepening cognition of intension of the aesthetic conce.笔者从顾城诗歌中所充盈的童心、幻想、追求等纯真人性最直观的流露中,去分析其审美取向所在。
2.All the things just shine upon childlike pictures from the depths of childishness.李贺的诗歌惯于运用童话艺术思维,所表达的意境常常是离奇古怪,新颖别致,趣味盎然,是其童心深处映出的具有童趣的画面。
3)Childish heart童心
1.Her childish heart makes her observe the world like a child to learn children s mind.对儿童深沉的爱是其从事教育、教学研究的不竭动力 ;童心使她能用儿童的眼睛看世界 ,体察儿童的心灵世界 ;充满诗意的心灵使其发现教育、自然和生活之美 ,引导学生体验美的世界 ;她勇于实践 ,善于思考 ,理论联系实际 ,在实践中发展理论 ,此其智慧之心 ;她锲而不舍、持之以恒 ,终臻成功佳境 ,此其恒心。
2.Childish Heart" is both a important psychology and a substance in WAN s fiction .“童心”是汪曾祺小说创作的重要心态和表现内容。
3.In Gu Cheng s Poems ,which constructs a fairy world consisting of a childish heart,the nature and freedom,the motive of this construction and the inevitability of his tragic end are discussed.《顾城的诗》构筑了一个童话世界 ,这个世界由童心、自然和自由构成 ,循着顾城的生命足迹 ,可以发现诗人构筑这一世界的动因及其悲剧结局的必然。
4)childish heart and taste童心童趣
1.Zhou Zuoren gives his attention to children and children s literature all his life : his so many the theories of children s literature , Prose and poems with childish heart and taste, and the translations of children s stories , naturally , show his children consciousness latently and obviously.对儿童、儿童文学的翻译研究,对童心童趣的倾心描绘,是作者的童心意识在文本中提供的直观、具体的童心世界。
5)child psychology儿童心理
6)Children heart儿童心脏

童心1.孩子气;儿童般的心情。 2.引申为本性;真心。