1.Therefore, tragedies, on the one hand, offer outlet for catharsis of peoples emotion and purification of the soul, and on the other hand, touch off peoples strong sense of life-force.故悲剧一方面能宣泄人的情绪,净化人的心灵,另一方面能触发人强烈的生命力感。
2.As a popular cultural product,its recreational function has been demonstrated by psychological effect such as catharsis,substitution and compensation.通过宣泄、代入、补偿等心理效应,体现了它作为通俗文化产品应有的娱乐功能。

1.he was never slow to express his dissatistfaction with the service he received.他宣泄着自己的不满。
2.emotionally purging (of e.g. art).情感的宣泄(例如指艺术)。
3.Resentful emotions in society usually let off in three ways:to grumble,to disobey,and to use force.社会不满情绪的三种宣泄方式即牢骚式宣泄、背逆式宣泄和暴力式宣泄 ;
4.group catharsis团体精神宣泄治疗法
5.The children is out in the playground to let off steam .那些孩子在操场上玩,宣泄过剩的精力
6.The children were out in the playground letting off steam.那些孩子在操场上玩, 宣泄过剩的精力.
7.Get rid of a strong feeling or desire by expressing it openly or trying to fulfil it宣泄强烈的感情或满足强烈的愿望
8.Release surplus energy or emotion from being restrained宣泄被压抑的过剩精力或情感
9.The children are out in the playground let off steam.那些孩子在操场上玩,宣泄过剩的精力。
10.The poet's anger finds expression (ie a means of expressing itself) in the last line of the poem.诗人在诗中最後一行把愤怒宣泄出来.
11.The poet's anger finds expression in the last line of the poem.诗人在诗中最后一行把愤怒宣泄出来.
12.because they can put their aggression into their work,因为他们在工作中可以得到宣泄
13.The children be out In the playground let off steam那些孩子在操场上玩, 宣泄过剩的精力
14.Its flushing action is impaired by the surrounding islands.它的宣泄道为周围的岛屿所阻滞。
15.Vent self-awareness and self-growth is a catalyst.宣泄是自我认识与自我成长的催化剂。
16."Wolf Totem":From Silence to Drainage and "Another Uniqueness";《狼图腾》:从沉默到宣泄以及“别一种另类”
17.Pure Brightness Poems: Revelation of Amorous Feelings in Spring;清明诗:诗人在春光感召下的风情宣泄
18.The Power of Tragedy Catharsis, Purification and the Sense of Life-Force;悲剧的力量——宣泄、净化与生命力感

emotional disclosure情绪宣泄
3)Emotional catharsis情感宣泄
4)chest getting-off treatment宣泄疗法
5)get rid of the depressed feeling宣泄苦闷
6)Psychic Catharsis精神宣泄

宣泄宣泄catharsis  宣泄(catharsis)亦称4‘精神疏泄,,、,’,自理净化”。源自希腊语,意指净化、清洗。(l)精神分析的一种技术,指引导患者把被压抑于潜意识中的郁结无保留地倾诉出来,借以缓解内心的紧张和焦虑,促使其精神疾患得以康复。接受布洛伊尔(B reucr,J.)的治疗的安O·娜把它称为“打烟囱法”,意指将积郁于内心的烦恼与情绪纠葛倾诉出来,病情即可获得好转,由此把宣泄视为治疗过程中的重要效应。但随着移情理论的发展和对解释的重视,宣泄在精神分析治疗中的作用不再被强调。(2)心理咨询与心理治疗中的一种重要方法,指让来访者身心放松,自由倾诉,消除郁闷,缓解紧张,求得安慰。 (张明撰牟丈博审)