1.Tennessee Williams s A Streetcar Named Desire presents implicitly a theme-Blanche s journey of self-salvation to New Orleans, which has long been overlooked by most critics.由于对丈夫自杀的自责、对家族不幸的愧疚和对放荡行为的悔恨,布兰奇的心理承受巨大的负罪感,于是,前往新奥尔良寻找妹妹斯蒂拉是布兰奇进行的一次自我救赎的旅程。
2.In the light of the Chinese poets acceptance of Christianity in different periods,this paper mainly inquires into the expression of Christian culture in modern Chinese poetry in four aspects: consciousness of love,consciousness of confession,idea of salvation and self-salvation,and analyzes the significance that the new dime.结合不同时期基督教被中国诗人接受的情况,该文主要从爱的意识、忏悔意识、救世观念和自我救赎4个方面探讨了基督教文化在中国现代诗歌中的表达,并分析了由此而给中国现代诗歌带来的新维度及其具有的意义。
3.Tracing Dostoyevsky s c onsciousness of atonement, the paper tries to explore the special penance way of self-salvation, self-confession and self-sanction in Russia of 19th century, so that it offers a key to the depth of Dostoyevsky s soul.本文力图追踪和探寻陀思妥耶夫斯基的赎罪意识,厘清浸透着19世纪俄罗斯独特宗教文化的独特赎罪的道路———自我救赎、自我忏悔和自我惩罚,以图提供一把能打开陀思妥耶夫斯基深不可测的“灵魂地下室”的钥匙。

1.Blanche s Journey of Self-salvation in A Streetcar Named Desire;《欲望号街车》中布兰奇的自我救赎
2.The Call of Faith: Yasha s Puzzlement and Self-Redemption;信仰的召唤:雅夏的精神困惑与自我救赎
3.Self redemption and liberation of the human body--An interpretation of leisure sports;身体的自我救赎与解放——对休闲体育的一种解读
4.Back to Eden: YIN Xiao-tiao s Self-atonement in The Bathing Lady by Tie Nin;乐园的回归:铁凝《大浴女》中尹小跳的自我救赎
5.The Bepuzzlement in Life and Self-Salvation--A New Probe into the Theme of The Catcher in the Rye;人生困境与自我救赎——《麦田里的守望者》主题新探
6.Self-Redemption of Female Soul;女性心灵的自我救赎——评铁凝的长篇小说《大浴女》
7.Werther s Self-Rescue;维特的自我救赎——关于维特之死的一种解读
8.An Analysis on Blanche's Useless Self-salvation in A Streetcar Named Desire浅析《欲望号街车》中布兰奇无力的自我救赎
9.comments on The much-weather-beaten lady By Tiening;人性的自审意识与自我救赎欲——评铁凝的新作《大浴女》
10.Seeking for the Way of Blooming in the Dark--on the self-rescue in LU Xun s work "Wild Weeds";寻找在黑暗中绽放生命的方式——论鲁迅在《野草》中的自我救赎
11.Gun tune, banqiang style and self-salvation of traditional Chinese opera--A serial study on the dissemination history of the ancient Chinese opera (5);滚调、板腔体与戏曲的自我救赎——“中国古代戏曲传播史”系列研究之三
12.Saving Herself at the Edge of Insanity: A Review on Emily Dickinson s Poetry Writing Around 1862;濒临崩溃时的自我救赎——狄金森在1862年前后的诗歌创作述评
13.Spiritual Crisis and Self-Salvation;灵魂危机与自我救赎——论弗·克鲁平创作中的宗教主题
14.The Completion of Self-Redemption--a Brief Analysis on the Changes of the United States Basketball Team in the Two Olympic Games自我救赎的完成——浅析美国男篮两届奥运会的转变
15.On the Way of Women's Self-redemption: The Connotation of Its Definition女性自我救赎途径的实现——论“女性文学”内涵的界定
16.I just want so badly for Snape to redeem himself.我只是想斯内普能把他自己给救赎出来。
17.Su Manshu: Impossible to Save Himself--A Comparison With Li Shutong;苏曼殊:无法救赎的自我——兼与李叔同比较
18.The Self-rescue and the Loss of Main Body: Another Interpretation of Yu Hua s Writings;自我的救赎与主体的迷失——余华创作的一种解读

1.Significance and approaches of salvation of cultural relics through tourism development in TGP reservoir area;旅游业救赎三峡库区文化遗存的意义及途径
2.Tuya’s Marriage: Tuya’s Love Salvation;《图雅的婚事》:图雅的爱情救赎
3.The Lost Life, the Romantic Salvation;迷途的人生 浪漫的救赎——小说《蓝色的马》解读
1.The Suffering and Redemption of Contemporary Job;当代“约伯”的苦难与救赎
1.Lu Xun s thought is profound because of his despair,simultaneously,the more significant significance lies in his revolting against despair refusing to be shared,and has the quality of redeeming,which is closely connected with solitude,has historical value forever.鲁迅因其绝望而深刻,而同时他又抗争绝望,拒绝分享,孤独地走向救赎。
2.Weber thinks that moden art,including literature,have the function of redeem to these negative consequences.韦伯则认为现代艺术(包括文学)具有对这种后果进行“救赎”的功能。
3.It signifies that novel queries and criticizes reality,affirms and redeems man s value, and explores reality,affirms and redeems man s value,and explores and inquires the existence.昆德拉基于当下特定社会语境而提出的一个重要的理论概念,它意味着小说对现实进行批判和质疑,对人的价值进行肯定和救赎,对存在进行追问和探索。
1.Cherish the wolf:destroy and rescue;《怀念狼》:毁灭与救赎
2.From the angle of original sin of Puritanism,this journey made him agony because he found the darkness and sin in the deep heart of human beings, as a result,whether death is the way to rescue him contains Hawthorne s consciousness about Puritanism perspective.那么,死亡是否是他获得救赎的方式?这渗透着霍桑对清教主义观的认识。
3.This text firstly , analyses the protagonists prototype of The Winter s Tale ; then approaches the use of motif in Holy Bible-sin and rescue; lastly reveals Shakespeare s moral ideal which suffers deeply influence of the Christian culture.文章首先分析《冬天的故事》中的主人翁原型,进而探讨对圣经母题——罪和救赎的化用,从而揭示莎士比亚深受基督教文化影响的道德理想。

赎命【赎命】 (术语)佛以末代比丘起恶见,亡法身之慧命,为之说涅槃经,扶戒律而谈圆常之理,以为赎命之重宝,是曰涅槃之赎命。涅槃经十四说如人七宝,不出外用之,名之为藏,是人所以积此宝者,为未来故。所谓谷贵,贼来侵国,值遇恶王,用为赎命,得财难时,乃当出用。诸佛秘藏亦复如是。为未来世。诸恶比丘蓄不净物,为四众说,如来虽毕竟入涅槃,而为是等恶出现于世时灭此恶,说此经典。