1.The Utopia of technology is one of the modern "meta-narratives" that characterized the discourse of modernity.现代性的话语以"元叙事"为其特征,技术乌托邦主义即是现代性的"元叙事"之一。
2.While modernity is characterized by meta-narrative,post-modernity subverts meta-narrative.“现代性”以“元叙事”为其特征,后现代性是对元叙事的颠覆。
3.The dissertation is to take a close examination on the outlooks of several scholars from Beijing University on modern Chinese literary history in their studies since 1949 and make a further exploration into their meta-narratives of literary history, with archeology and sociology as its main theoretical framework and the relationship between ideology and modern literary history the leading line.论文以北京大学现代文学学者的现代文学史观为切入点,以知识考古学和知识社会学为主要理论框架,以意识形态与现代文学史观的关系为中心线索,通过个案研究的方式,考察了49年以来中国现代文学研究中的几种文学史观,并进一步逼问出其文学史的元叙事

1.Postmodern-A Legitimate Process of a New Kind of Metanarrative;后现代—一种新的元叙事的合法化进程
2.The Pleasure of the Text-The Book of Judith in the Multinarrative Perspective;文之悦—多元叙事视域下的《犹滴传》
3.On Wang Anyis Eternal Grief: a Try on Pluralistic Narration;多元叙事的尝试:论王安忆的《长恨歌》
4.The Meta-narrative:Reality Dissolution and Fiction Reconstruction--A Narrative Analysis on the film of Suzou River;元叙事:真实的消解与虚构的重建——对《苏州河》等影片叙事的一种分析
5.Meta-narrative and inter-textuality induced by meta-fiction appearing in modernist novels lead to the change of narrative of modern novels.由元小说产生的元叙事和互文性大量出现在现代派小说之中,造成了现代小说叙事的重大转型。
6.Ben - Hua: The Construction of Nation - State Historical Master Narration in the 21th Century《笨花》:建构21世纪国家民族历史的元叙事
7.Story Element in Literature Narration and Television Program Narration;文学叙事与电视节目叙事中的故事元素
8.On Metafictional Narrative Strategies of Horizontal Narrative Discourse and "Fragment" Narration in Zuckerman Trilogy;“佐克曼三部曲”的元小说叙事策略:碎片叙事及非线性叙事话语研究
9.Telling Means More Than Talk:Faulkner s Experiment in Multi-angle Narration;叙事比故事更重要——论威廉·福克纳对叙事角度多元化的追求
10.On Pluralism of the Narrative Art in Wuthering Heights;试论《呼啸山庄》叙事艺术的多元化
11.News Element in Narrative Poems of the Tang Dynasty;纪实性——唐代叙事诗的新闻性元素之一
12.An Idiosyncratic Image of Guan Yu in the Folklore of the Yuan and the Ming Dynasty;元明民间叙事文本中关羽的另类形象
13.On the Plurality of "Loyalty" in the Narration Structure of Outlaws of the Marsh;论《水浒》叙事结构中“忠”的多元性
14.A Study on Multi-dimensional Narration of Music in Movies:Taking In the Mood for Love as an example;电影《花样年华》的多元化音乐叙事
15."The Presence of Author"Can Not Be Found in the Narrative in Metafiction;论元小说叙事中“作者出面”的不成立
16.The Structuralistic Narratology:from Dualism to Integrity;结构主义叙事学:由二元对立到融合
17.Diversity and Unity:the Narratives of Travel in Genesis多元而统一:《圣经·创世记》的游历叙事
18.On the Multi-force of the Revitalization of the Traditional Narration;叙事传统复兴的多元力量——廪君叙事传统的当代性

3)narrative unit叙事单元
1.From the viewpoint of the narrative theory of structuralism, this paper regards accounts of complicated legal cases as particular narrative units, analyses the new narrative structure and the meaning expressed by it of the complicated legal cases described in The Water Margin , and points out their new modality and new significance.本文以结构主义叙事学的视角,将公案作为一种叙事单元,考察其在《水浒传》中所表现出的新的叙事结构和叙事意义,指出《水浒传》为适应小说篇幅的增加、小说体制的变革,有意识地打破传统的公案叙事结构,发展、衍生出了新的叙事形态,丰富了小说中公案的叙事功能,从而推动了明清小说、特别是章回小说中的公案创作。
4)diversified narrative多元叙事
5)historical meta-narration历史元叙事
6)Meta-story narration元故事叙述
1.First, Meta-story narration.笔者主要从以下三个方面加以分析:第一,元故事叙述,元故事叙述的主要特征:叙述者主要是对第一文本中的故事内容进行介入式干预,这种介入式干预多见于早期的小说作品中。
