1.Bernard Shaw s Tragicomedy Feature;浅论萧伯纳的悲喜剧特征
2.The modern play Hidden Love for the Peach Garden(Anlian taohuayuan) by Lai Sheng-chuan makes a breakthrough of art and writing skills in the following three aspects:(1) complex structure of two stories told in an interwoven way;(2) the display of tragicomedy;and(3) the artistic use of the signifier and the signified.《暗恋桃花源》作为现代剧场艺术作品的成功之作,从三个方面突破了传统戏剧的特点:一、两个故事交叉进行的复式结构;二、悲喜剧结合的观念形式;三、能指与所指发生错落的语言艺术,从而把戏剧艺术推向一个新的高度。
3.This constituted her life tragicomedy.这构成女作家一生的悲喜剧

1.A drama combining elements of tragedy and comedy.悲喜剧一部结合了悲剧和喜剧成分的剧作
2.(drama) of or relating to or characteristic of tragicomedy.(戏剧)属于或关于悲喜剧的,或有悲喜剧特征的。
3.A Tentative Analysis of Tragedy and Comedy in Shakespeare s Legendary Dramas;浅析莎士比亚传奇剧中的悲喜剧色彩
4.The Tragicomedy as a Dramatic Genre Sublimated to an Aesthetic Category;悲喜剧:由戏剧类型向审美范畴升华
5.Tragic and Comic Elements in Eugene O Neill s Late Works;论尤金·奥尼尔后期作品的悲喜剧因素
6.I prefer comedy to tragedy.我喜欢喜剧, 不喜欢悲剧.
7.Do you prefer comedies or tragedies?你喜欢看喜剧还是悲剧?
8.(of) a tragedy admissive of comic scenes容许喜剧场面的悲剧
9.Shakespeare's tragedies and comedies莎士比亚的悲剧和喜剧.
10.I prefer farce to tragedy.我喜欢笑剧而不喜欢悲剧.
11.In general, I prefer a comedy to a tragedy.一般说来,我喜欢喜剧甚于悲剧。
12.Shakespeare wrote comedies, histories and tragedies.莎士比亚写过喜剧、历史剧和悲剧。
13.Its repertoire includes historical plays, comedies, tragedies and farces.京剧的曲目包括历史剧、喜剧、悲剧和笑剧。
14.manifesting both tragic and comic aspects.显现出悲剧和喜剧方面的特征的。
15.He . . . knew all niceties of the sock and Buskin他.知道喜剧和悲剧的所有美妙之处
16.From the first, comedy was more flexible than tragedy.喜剧一开始就比悲剧富于变化。
17.Tragicity and Comicity: The Double-voiced Narration in Lord Jim《吉姆爷》的叙述:悲剧性与喜剧性的双声
18.Comic and Tragic Spirit in ?The Decameron?《十日谈》中的喜剧精神与悲剧精神

tragedy and comedy悲喜剧
1.Their artistic research emphasizes the work s feature of tragedy and comedy, contributing factor.九十年代《阿Q正传》的研究受一种文化诗学的影响,研究者多从文化人类学的角度来探寻阿Q精神的源头,运用心理学、社会学、精神现象学、比较文学、跨学科研究的方法来界定阿Q精神反映的是人类普遍的弱点,对未庄文化与中国文化的关系进行分析;对《阿Q正传》艺术表现上的研究侧重于作品的悲喜剧特色及阿Q形象的多义性、复杂性在艺术上的原因。
