1.The value of prostitute first lies in the self-affirmation and second in the affirmation of whorehouse visitors from outside.妓的事业绵绵流长的原因有四:男人的事业与妓的事业紧密相连,男人的情绪与妓的情感共鸣,妓常在劣势处境中转败为胜,作为艺妓的妓女大都有较高的艺术才华。
2.The description of prostitute lives in Yuan Opera reflects the intense social realistic meaning and cultural connotation.元杂剧通过对妓女生活的描写,反映出了她们身上所蕴涵的强烈的社会现实意义和文化意蕴。
3.According to some literatures the writer sorts out such as A Collection of Poems in Ming Dynasty,seventy-five prostitute poets are listed in this paper in order to show the survey of prostitutes composing poetry in Ming dynasty and to provide more materials for further research.妓女作词,在明代蔚为大观。

1.(archaic) like or relating to a prostitute.(古)象妓女或与妓女有关。
2.Women prostitutes considered as a group.妓女(总称)整个妓女团体
3.To associate or have sexual relations with prostitutes or a prostitute.嫖妓,宿娼与妓女有交往,与妓女有性关系
4."For a loose woman is a deep hollow, and a strange woman is a narrow water-hole."妓女是深坑。外女是窄阱。
5.To consort with women prostitutes.Used of a man.嫖妓常与妓女配对。用于男人
6.To serve as a procurer of prostitutes.拉皮条,为妓女拉客
7.work as a streetwalker.做街头拉客妓女的工作。
8.An act of prostitution.卖淫妓女接客的行为
9.act as a go-between for prostitutes.作中间人为妓女拉客。
10.The harlot's cry from street to street妓女走街串巷到处高呼,
11.A session carried out by a prostitute with a client.妓女和顾客进行的纠缠
12.a prostitute who provides service to military personnel.为军人提供服务的妓女
13.frequent prostitutes.与妓女进行不断的性交。
14.A woman who is a prostitute, especially one whose clients are men of rank or wealth.交际花,高级妓女周旋于高官显贵中的妓女
15.A Study on the Relationship between Scholars (in feudal China) and Prostitutes from Scholar-Prostitute Poems of Tang Dynasty;从唐人的士妓诗看唐代士子和妓女的关系
16.A man who associates with or pays for sexual relations with prostitutes or a prostitute.嫖客与妓女交往的男子,为与妓女发生性关系付钱的男子
17.A woman regarded as being disreputable, especially a prostitute.轻佻女子被认为名声不好的女子,尤指妓女
18.Women,Nude Statue and Prostitute --Analysis of female in Manet’ works;女性、裸像、妓女——解析马奈作品中的女性形象

1.Nested PCR for Detection of Seven Pathogenic Mycoplasma Species from Prostitutes and Patients with Genital Infection;75名妓女和42名妇科门诊患者生殖道7种致病性支原体的套式PCR检测分析(英文)
2.Lu Shu - lun, a prominent scholar of University Fu Dan, thought that Feng Menglong was deeply in love with prostitutes.已故复旦大学学者陆树仑先生认为冯梦龙对妓女的态度是基于绝对的钟情。
3.As both the scholars and the prostitutes enjoy the advantage of their beautiful appearance and colorful material life, their love affairs often become inevitable.唐代相对开放的时代精神激活了青年男女追求自主婚姻和自由爱情的意识 ,加之以文士与妓女双方本身所具有的直观双向作用的愉悦基础以及丰富的物质生活 ,使得此类婚恋无可避免地发生了。
3)A prostitute;a harlot.妓女;娼妓
4)the Water Margin dramas妓女戏
5)images of the prostitutes妓女形象
1.This paper tries to analyze the images of the prostitutes from there perspectives:their awareness of self-consciousness,their participation in the political life and ethnic spirits,and their normalization in their lives.在这些作品中出现妓女形象的作品占了一定的比重。
6)prostitute verse妓女曲
