1.Moreover, they view anthropocentrism as a symptom of a much deeper problem: androcentrism.生态女性主义者认为男性中心主义对女性的支配和人类中心主义对自然的征服是相互关联的,而且人类中心主义是男性中心主义这一更为深刻问题的表面症状。
2.It accepts the value-free and objective principles of investigation,criticizing the tendency of sexism and androcentrism in the traditional epistemology,claiming to structure an objective and unbiased epistemology which reflects the truthfulness of nature and society in virtue of women’s participate and strict obeying the ideal criterion of epistemology.它接受坚持价值中立和客观性的实证主义的研究原则,批判了传统知识论中的男性中心主义倾向,主张借助女性的参与,通过严格遵守理想的知识论范式,建立反映自然和社会真实面貌的、客观的、无偏见的知识论。
3.In Light in August by William Faulkner,through the depiction of the confrontation,contradiction,insanity and desperation of some distorted figures tortured by ethnocentrism and androcentrism,the writer successfully deconstructs and undermines logocentrism and reconstructs the grand notion of humanism.统制西方意识形态的逻各斯中心主义使人们用二元对立的思维模式和心理常态来看待世界、规范社会:善/恶、人/自然、男性/女性、理性/感性、在场/缺失……在福克纳的长篇小说《八月之光》中,作者生动描写了一系列受到种族中心主义和男性中心主义戕害的人物角色。

1.The subversion and demolishment of patriarchal culture;《喜福会》:男性中心主义的颠覆与解构
2.These all were the shows of male sex center doctrine actually, and it influenced the literature creation of our country deeply and lastingly.其实这些都是男性中心主义的表现,它深刻而持久地影响着我国的文学创作。
3.Deconstruction of Patriarchy: Towards Eco-feminism;男权中心的解构:走向生态女性主义
4.On O Neill s Feminism under the Hegemonic Masculinity;论奥尼尔戏剧中男权中心主义下的女性观
5.From Center to Periphery--On the Male Image in Contemporary Feminine Literature;从中心到边缘——论当代女性主义文学中的男性形象
6.On Feminist literature Images Criticism;在阅读中重建被“男性中心”异化的女性形象——论女性主义文学形象批评
7.Criticism on Male Chauvinism and Publicity of Female Subject Consciousness--The Cultural Implication of Zhao Shuming s Collection of Stories Awakening;男权中心主义的批判与女性主体意识的张扬——赵淑敏小说集《惊梦》的文化意蕴
8.Female real self regained through deconstruction of male hierarchy:Feminist ideas in Surfacing;解构男权中心 重获女性自我——评玛格·阿特伍德的小说《浮现》中的女权主义思想
9.Maxine Hong Kingston s Feminist Reconstruction of Male Heroism in China Men;男性英雄主义的女性解读—读汤亭亭的《中国佬》
10.The Interpretation of Eco-feminism in Charlotte Bronte s Jane Eyre;男权·女性·自然——《简·爱》中的生态女权主义思想解读
11.The Patriarchy Right in the Eager World--Dingling s Interpretation of “Mongke” s Gender;欲望世界中的男权——丁玲《梦珂》的女性主义解读
12.From Male Chauvinism to Male-Feminism;从男性中心到男女两性中心——对“社会性别意识纳入决策主流”的批判性分析
13.The Double Attack of Ecofeminism to Logosism生态女性主义对逻各斯中心主义的双重夹击
14.The Deconstructed Male Subject---the feminism interpretation to Angel in Tess;被解构的男性主体——《苔丝》中安吉尔形象的女性主义解读
15.Based on Feminist Theory Study the Image of Women in Chinese Men Director s Movies;基于女性主义理论研究中国男性导演电影中的女性形象
16.The Anti-humanity of Anthropocentrism --A Study on W.H.Murdy s "Modern Anthropocentrism;论人类中心主义的反人类性——以W.H.墨迪的“现代的人类中心主义”为例
17.The Wrong Way of Masculinism--On the Modernistic Alienation of Chinese Females through the Case Study of Ding Ling s Writings;男性主义迷途——从丁玲写作个案看中国女性的现代性异化
18.Deconstruction of Phallus-centric Ideology and Reconceptualization of Female Subjectivity: A Feminist Approach to The Golden Notebook;解构菲勒斯中心:构建新型女性主义主体——《金色笔记》的女性主义阅读

1.In the terms of literary criticism, the feminist critics illustrated the philosophic basis and actual origination, from which China s feminist theory derived, and criticized literary phallogocentrism, and defined "feminism" from the point of "feminist view".在文学批评方面,中国女性主义批评家主要阐述了中国女性主义理论产生的哲学基础和现实依据,批判了文学中的男性中心主义,从“女性视点”界定了女性主义内涵等。
4)male doctrine男性主义
1.The article compares the viewpoint of Chinese female higher education before the Republic of China of male doctrine with female doctrine, including the right, the target, contents,the path and function etc.文章就民国之前的女子高等教育 ,从女子接受高等教育的权利、目标、内容和途径 ,以及女子高等教育的作用等方面 ,对女性主义和男性主义的不同看法进行了比较 ,通过比较 ,发现两者在对中国女子高等教育的看法存在很大差异 ,由此获得一些发展女子高等教育的启示。
5)the patriarchy-centered culture男权中心主义文化
