1.He used to fight for Catherine s love but he failed, then he struggled desperately for asset and status.希刺克厉夫一向被认为是个恶魔式的复仇者,但笔者认为他只是一个普通的个人奋斗者。
2.The Communist Party of China (the Party) has gone through 80 years of struggle.中共走过了 80年奋斗历程。

1.It is better to have fought and lost than never to have fought at all.-Arthur Hugh Clough奋斗而失败,胜于根本不奋斗。--克洛
2.Our struggles are individual and familial but hardly communal or politica我们的奋斗是个人奋斗、家庭奋斗,很少具有社会群体性或政治性。
3.We strive for peace.我们为和平而奋斗
4.The poor have to struggle for a living.穷人必须为生活而奋斗
5.He struggled for freedom all his life.他终生为自由而奋斗
6.This is the goal we are striving toward.这是我们奋斗的目标。
7.Wherever there is struggle, there is sacrifice.要奋斗就会有牺牲。
8.They have strive for peace.他们为谋求和平而奋斗
9.They are crusading for the national liberation他们为民族解放而奋斗
10.and establish a common long-term purpose.和确立长远的奋斗目标。
11.This will be a hard fight.这是一场艰辛奋斗
12.Work hard with a united and pioneering spirit!团结奋斗,开拓进取!
13.He put up a good fight against his sickness.他努力奋斗以抵抗病魔。
14.The man was caught up every day in the struggle for survival.男人每天为生存而奋斗
15.Hard work, plain living and building up the country through thrift艰苦奋斗、勤俭建国
16.a lifelong advocate of disarmament为裁军奋斗终生的人.
17.Youth for Europe Programme青年为欧洲奋斗方案
18.extolled the method of nonviolent struggle称赞非暴力奋斗的方法

plain living and hard struggle艰苦奋斗
1.It is an important strategic task of colleges and universities in the new era to take effective measures to strengthen the education and cultivate the spirit of plain living and hard struggle.艰苦奋斗是中华民族的优良传统 ,是我国繁荣富强的精神保障。
2.Losing the spirit of plain living and hard struggle means losing the fundamentals.艰苦奋斗是学校发展的精神动力,也是在一些具体工作上需要贯彻的具体政策和规章制度的衡量标准。
3.The main contents of the theory are :to keep up the style of plain living and hard struggle and go through the trials of being in power;to maintain close ties with the masses;to encourage the government workers to stand up to the “five tests”and preserve the purity of the CPC.其主要理论有 :继续艰苦奋斗 ,经受执政考验 ;密切联系群众 ,反对官僚主义 ;提倡过好“五关” ,保持党的纯
1.Studies on the Toxicity of FENDONA to Xenopsylla cheopis;奋斗呐对印鼠客蚤毒杀效果观察
2.The Efficacy and Toxicity of Compound of Chlorpyrifos and Fendona Against Blattella germanica;毒死蜱与奋斗呐复配剂对德国小蠊的毒效作用
3.Objective To observe the residual effects of Fendona and Demand impregnated bednets for pest control in peacekeeping area in Sudan.目的在苏丹维和区观察比较奋斗呐和大灭杀虫剂浸泡蚊帐对蚊、蝇和其他昆虫的现场杀灭效果。
4)personal strivings个人奋斗
1.Focused on Emmons personal striving theory, this paper expounds the relationships between personal strivings, well-being and personal traits a.个人奋斗作为个人目标概念中最有代表性的一种,是一种特定的、与情境目标有关的人格意向结构,指的是个体通过日常行为所努力达成的特性生活目标。
2.By applying the structural equation modeling analysis,the present study examined the relations among personal strivings,personality traits and subjective well-being,and compared the influence of personal strivings and personality traits on subjective well-being.本研究采用问卷调查法,以武汉市6所高校的533名本科生为被试,通过结构方程建模的方法,探讨了人格特质、个人奋斗与主观幸福感三者之间的关系,并比较了个人奋斗和人格特质对主观幸福感的影响作用。
1.This report reviews and summarizes the great accomplishments of the college achieved in 2006 and brings forward the goal and principle of independent innovation and harmonious development in 2007.报告回顾总结了学院2006年建设发展所取得的骄人业绩,提出了2007年学院的奋斗目标和自主创新、和谐发展的工作思路。
2.Meanwhile, it puts forward strategic policies and goal for the building of a top-rank vocational college with port and navigation feature.回顾总结了建校30年特别是近年来青岛港湾学院建设发展所取得的主要成就和经验,提出了创建港航特色鲜明的一流高职院校的奋斗目标和发展思路。
3.The report of the Party s 16~(th) National Congress sets the goal of building a well-to-do society in an all-round way.十六大报告提出的全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标,绘制了21世纪头20年我国现代化建设的宏伟蓝图,为全党和全国人民指明了在新世纪和发展阶段继续前进的方向。
6)striking course奋斗历程
