1.Iceberg and lion——Discussing Hemingway s writing style from Old Man and Sea;冰山与狮子——从《老人与海》看海明威的小说创作风格
2.With the times changing,Lion s shapes of sculputre in Chinese past dynasties can fall into four kinds: walking lion,squatting lion,standing lion and sitting lion.中国历代雕塑中的狮子造型大致可以按时代顺序分为四种:走狮、蹲狮、立狮和坐狮,代表了不同时代的不同审美理想,概括来说,可以总结为四种不同的审美类型:八方来朝的威仪理想、静穆宽广的人文象征、恢宏壮丽的盛世风采、趋于甜媚的世俗意味。
3.The morphoses and positions were dissected and observed of nerver trunks,neu-roganglions and nervous plexus of the vegetative nervous systems in two lions.对2头狮子的植物性神经的干、神经节和神经丛的形态结构及分布进行了解剖观察。

1.A lion, a lion, the lion is strong.狮子狮子狮子很强壮。
2.Leo is the sign of the lion.狮子座的标志是“狮子”。
3.of or characteristic of or resembling a lion.属于狮子,具有狮子的特征或象狮子
4.Of, relating to, or characteristic of a lion.狮子的,与狮子有关的,具有狮子特点的
5."Wushi"portrays the power of the lion.武狮则表现狮子的威武,
6.), lion dances became even more popular and developed into many styles, mainly the northern style and the southern style.北方舞狮又有河北双狮、徽清狮和湖南狮子之分。
7.pork balls stewed in brown sauce红烧狮子头[江浙]
8.Lions, camels and elephants.狮子,骆驼和大象。
9.There's no doubt about it, Leo– you love living in style.狮子:毫无疑问,狮子爱过奢华的生活。
10.Lions Clubs International - The International Association of Lions Club狮子俱乐部国际--狮子俱乐部国际协会
11."They will be crying out together like lions, their voices will be like the voices of young lions."他们要像少壮狮子咆哮,像小狮子吼叫。
12.Overindulgence could lead to problems with digestion.狮子座:本周狮子不要过度放纵。
13.The old lion perisheth for lack of prey, and the stout lion's whelps are scattered abroad.老狮子因绝食而死。母狮之子也都离散。
14.The hunter followed the tracks of the lion.猎人跟着狮子的踪迹走(追踪狮子)。
15.The Sphinx embodies the body of a lion and the head of a pharaoh.狮身人面有狮子的身体和法老的头。
16.The lion tamer was afraid the lions would turn on him.驯狮员害怕狮子会攻击他。
17.A tiglon is a cross between a lion and a tiger.虎狮是狮子和老虎的杂交种。
18.They crossed a tiger with a lion and bred a tiglon.他们把老虎和狮子交配,生了一只虎狮。

1.The symbolic representation of lions in Out of Africa is analyzed.分析了《走出非洲》一书中狮子的象征意义,认为它既是非洲草原的代表性动物,又是作者丹麦女作家凯伦。
2.As the carrier of Chinese traditional culture,wielding lions show great charm in modern society.狮子表达了一个民族对力量的向往和追求,舞狮的过程也是我们民族心理和文化的展示过程。
3)the Lion狮子
1.The Role of the Boy and the Lion in The Old Man and the Sea;论男孩和狮子在《老人与海》中的作用
2.In The Old Man and the Sea , "the lion" brings out the theme.海明威的名著《老人与海》中狮子意象具有点题作用 ,对该意象的解读有助于加深对文本的理解。
4)iron King of lion铁"狮子王"
5)Shizigou Formation of Neogene(N32)狮子沟组
6)Ehaphidophora hongkongensis狮子尾
1.Study and Application of Nutritional Components of Wild Plant Ehaphidophora hongkongensis;野生植物狮子尾营养成分的研究及应用
2.The chemical constituents of Ehaphidophora hongkongensis were studied.研究了药用植物狮子尾(Ehaphidophora hongkongensis)的化学成分。

狮子【狮子】 (动物)猛兽名。产非洲及南美之巴西国。身长至七八尺。头圆而大。尾细长。毛黄褐色。雄者有鬣。雌者似虎。吼声达数里。群兽闻之。无不慑服。故称兽中之王。古亦作师子。