1.Probe on Overcoming Dogmatism in “Crossing Rivers Via Stone Tangibility”;试论“摸着石头过河”在克服教条主义中的意义
2.On Historic Exploration of CPC in Its Opposition to Dogmatism;论中国共产党反对教条主义的历史探索
3.The experience summarized about three historical leaps of socialism ——abolishing the dogmatism and the rigid pattern;社会主义三次历史性飞跃的经验总结——破除教条主义和僵化模式

1.What is dogmatism?什么叫教条主义呢?
2.Of, relating to, or characteristic of a person inflexibly attached to a practice or theory.教条主义的空谈理论的,脱离实际的,教条主义
3.being against dogmatism and revisionism;既反对教条主义,也反对修正主义;
4.Both dogmatism and revisionism run counter to Marxism.教条主义和修正主义都是违反马克思主义的。
5.doctrinaire attitudes, beliefs, criticisms教条主义的态度、 信条、 批评.
6.Dogmatic "Marxism" is not Marxism, it is anti-Marxism.教条主义的“马克思主义”并不是马克思主义,而是反马克思主义的。
7.their ecclesiasticism overwhelmed their religion.他们的教条主义压倒了他们的宗教。
8.That is why we have been concentrating on combatting subjectivism, which has two aspects: dogmatism and empiricism.反对主观主义有两个方面,即反对教条主义和反对经验主义。
9.Dogmatism and empiricism alike are subjectivism, each originating from an opposite pole.教条主义、经验主义,两者都是主观主义,是从不同的两极发生的东西。
10.Hence there are two kinds of subjectivism in our Party, dogmatism and empiricism.所以,我们党内的主观主义有两种:一种是教条主义,一种是经验主义。
11.Dogmatism should be criticized, or else many mistakes cannot be rectified.教条主义应当受到批判,不批判教条主义,许多错事不能改正。
12.Propelling Sinicization of Marxism during Combating Doctrinairism;在反对教条主义中推进马克思主义中国化
13.Oppose Dogmatism & Advance the Sinicization of Marxist Philosophy;反对教条主义与推进马克思主义哲学中国化
14.When dogmatism turns into its opposite, it becomes either Marxism or revisionism.教条主义走向反面,或者是马克思主义,或者是修正主义。
15.Developing Marxism and Combating Doctrinairism;发展马克思主义与反对教条主义——重读《反对本本主义》
16.Dogmatic criticism settles nothing.教条主义的批评不能解决问题。
17.Dogmatism is puppyish coming to its full growth .教条主义是盲目自高自大的全副面目。
18.Dogmatism is being criticized by various kinds of people.批判教条主义的有各种人。

1.In order to correct the unhealthy tendency,Ding Ling not only boldly indicated the existence of doctrinairism in literary creations,but also tapped and analyzed in depth the reason for the manifestation,formulization and conceptualization of doctrinairism,stressing on the theme,image portrayal and functions of literature.建国初期,在文学成为政治工具的时代,教条主义几乎成了文学创作中的顽症。
2.JIANG Ze-min s thought against doctrinairism takes form in China s construction of socialist modernizations after his deep ponderation over history and reality and his scientific summation of China s experience of socialist construction.教条主义是我党历史上一种危害极大的反马克思主义学风。
3.In the process of building up our socialist marketing mechanism, the doctrinairism of modem economics should especially be avoided attentively.处于发展中地位的落后国家,特别是像中国这样的发展中国家,走向“现代化”必须从本国的实际情况出发,冷静认真地学习那些经过人类历史实践检验并得到人们公认的经济学的经典著作,在建立社会主义市场经济体制的过程中尤其要注意避免现代经济学的教条主义
1.The revolutionary and construction history of ideas of China communist party ,a main line runsthrough------ anti-dogmatism.一系列的偏差在理论界、学术界以及军队系统中均有严重的、极具代表性的表现,通过这一桩桩、一件件的事件,可以窥见这一时期反教条主义运动从正确走向错误,从理论上的偏颇走向实践中的挫折。
4)the new dogmatism新教条主义
5)west-styled dogmatism西式教条主义
1.There are two sorts of the dogmatisms in which one is to treat Marxism as the unchanged theory and one is west-styled dogmatism.中国共产党人一贯坚持马克思主义基本原理同中国实际相结合,反对危害这种结合的教条主义,即对待马克思主义的教条主义和西式教条主义
1.From the late 1950 s to the early 1960 s, we shifted the foc us of our criticism from personality cult to anti-personality cult, from left-dogmatism to right-dogmatis m.从五十年代末到六十年代初 ,我们从批判“个人崇拜”到批判“反对个人崇拜” ,由批判左倾教条主义到批判右倾机会主主义。

教条主义  见主观主义。