1.The paper starts from the scenery description of the four seasons in Sons and Lovers,The Rainbow,Women in Love to imply its indispensable effect on reflecting the motif from three angles of symbolism,foil and the combination of the two,which already become a second language of understanding Lawrence s no.从《儿子与情人》、《虹》、《恋爱中的女人》这三部劳伦斯的代表作中的自然界中的四季的景物描写入手,从象征、烘托情节和二者结合这三个角度分析了景物描写在反映作品主题方面所起的不可替代的作用———它已成为解读劳伦斯作品创作的第二语言。
2.If we want to create a memorial space which is impressive,we should utilize the unique historial background of the site,and build a suitable atmosphere to foil the theme which we want to express.创造一个令人印象深刻的纪念性空间,首先就是要把握住其独特的历史背景,为其营造一种合适的氛围,以烘托所要表达的主题。

1.Depict Women Images and Highlight Tragic Fate;刻画女性群像,烘托悲剧命运——论《祝福》中塑造人物形象的烘托手法
2.A Hero High-lighted by Wine;美酒烘托出来的英雄——谈武松形象的塑造
3.Beauty Set Off by Contrast--On the use of contrast in the Scarlet Letter;对比烘托出的美——论《红字》中对比手法的运用
4.The spring atmosphere is revealed in the cheerful countenances of the ladies and their magnificent and beautiful clothes.背景不落墨痕,以人物闲适欢愉的意态和华丽的服饰烘托"春"的感觉。
5.Closely accompanied by the suona (a kind of horn), which can imitate the sound of people, the chou makes people laugh.再加上唢呐的密切配合,常吹出拟人声烘托表演,令观众忍俊不禁。
6.The ritual music used to model characters and heighten the tension used in traditional operas was polished and refined over a long period of time,在戏曲场面中,为塑造人物、烘托气氛专用的仪式音乐、间奏伴奏,
7.On the way to the cemetery the band played slow, solemn music suited to the occasion.在前往墓地的路上,乐队演奏节奏缓慢庄重的乐曲,以烘托这种气氛。
8.I like the way they presented the atmosphere of 19th Century London so vividly.我喜欢他们生动地烘托十九世纪伦敦气氛的手法。
9.A Brief Analysis on the Function of Symbolism and Foil of the Four Seasons Description in Lawrence s Works;浅析劳伦斯作品中四季景物描写的烘托和象征作用
10.The Drama Form Contribute to Playing up the Theme: the drama characteristic in Lady Windermere’s Fan以形载体,烘托主题——《温德米尔夫人的扇子》中的戏剧特点
11.She was a foil for the bride, and her chatter was the shield she created for her young mistress at the time it was most needed.她把新娘烘托得更出色,又施展口才,在新娘最尴尬的时刻滔滔不绝,及时替她解围。
12.Santa‘ s new hard hat has been decorated with red reindeer antlers to" Christmas it up a bit," he added.他说,为了“烘托圣诞气氛”,他们在圣诞老人的新头盔上装上了红色的驯鹿角。
13.The business adopts the showroom design of the big area, going together with a great deal of light, utmost set off by contrast a business atmosphere.商业采用大面积的橱窗设计,配大量的灯光,最大限度的烘托出商业氛围。
14." In China' s countryside paper cuts are often stuck on windows and doors as auspicious and joyful decorations, so as to mark festivals and happy occasions."在中国农村,人们把剪纸贴在窗户或门上,表示吉祥欢快。以烘托节日喜庆。
15.In the act "Chen Xiang at One Hundred Days", a happy atmosphere impressed the audience a great deal with some of the colorful traditional dancing styles of the Han nationality.而"沉香百日"一场则以丰富多彩的汉族民间舞很好地烘托了欢乐的气氛。
16.The romantic image of the swallow sets off the power and strength of the horse, providing a rich imaginative experience for viewers.这种浪漫主义手法烘托了骏马矫健的英姿和风驰电掣的神情,给人们丰富的想象力和感染力。
17.Situated on the banks of a river and in a green location the brief called for a natural, sympathetic building.大楼将建在河堤上,位于绿化地带,此一简单设计理念烘托出自然和谐的建筑。
18.The meeting facilities display an air of culture through its innovative design, diversified arrangement and meticulous decoration.立意别致、局各异、心点缀,烘托出大厦会议设施的一份浓厚的文化气息。

vivid description烘托美
3)the foiling function烘托功能
1.As a result of it,the signifier has somewhat attained its structural functions: the foiling function,the narrative function and the conjunctive function.《红楼梦》中形式多样的"见"表达丰富的视觉意义,但在有时"见"的视觉意义出现淡化、弱化甚至虚化现象时,却具有了烘托功能、叙事功能和连接功能等结构功能。
4)artistic contrast艺术烘托
1.Due to its important descriptive technique in literature, the artistic contrast method always creates some unexpected effectiveness.艺术烘托手法是文学创作中的重要表现手法,具有意想不到的艺术效果。
5)Set off image by contrast意象烘托
6)Emotion foil感情烘托
