男权,male power
1)male power男权
1.The Book "To Size up Lizzie Actors" is an actual novel which states male power.小说处处书写着男性的话语,传达着男性的声音,把男权的范围扩大到了极致,使得《品花宝鉴》成为了一部事实上的男权小说。
2.By analyzing fan s pure practical utilities and symbolic image on female s poetic and artistic flavor,this paper makes a thought and explanation about ancient females fan complex,pointing out the in-depth culture connotation of female who lie under the male power oppression and fan in Chinese ancient times.本文分析了扇子作为单纯实用的器物与女子的诗情画意的象征意象境界,对中国古代女子的扇子情结进行了思考和解答,揭示中国古代男权压迫下的女子与扇的深层文化内涵。
3.Zhang Yu s novel,Ache and Stroke,is a protest against the collective unconsciousness of male power principle,by the description of the tragic life experience of four women through three generations.张宇的小说《疼痛与抚摸》通过一家三代四女的人生悲剧际遇的描写,对男权主义这种集体无意识再次吹响了抗议的号角。

1.Hidden Anxieties: The Masculine Myth in Bond Films;男权隐忧:007电影中的男性神话
2.On Changes of Zhang Kang-kang s Ideology from Chauvinism to Feminism;谈张抗抗男权意识到女权意识的流变
3.Inequality between men and women is the root cause of the right to private ownership and male social repression.男女不平等的根源是私有制和男权社会的压制。
4.On the other hand, she accepted the male power consciousness consciously and became an accessary to the male power thought.另一方面她又自觉地接受男权意识,成为男权意识的帮凶和走卒。
5.The Survival Concept of Women in the Patriarchal Society--A Feminist Approach to The Portrait Of A Lady;男权社会里的女性生存概念——从《贵妇人画像》看19世纪的男权文化
6.Male Superiority s Thrive and Its Decline;男权的狂想与没落——论金庸、古龙小说中的男权意识
7."Rebels in the Male Dominated Kingdom":Male Intellectuals who Fought for Women's Suffrages in England“男权王国的叛逆者”——为英国妇女选举权而战的男性知识分子
8.Power in Narration--an Analysis of Male Chauvinism in the Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin叙述中的权力——论《富兰克林自传》中的男权意识
9.The Interpretation of Eco-feminism in Charlotte Bronte s Jane Eyre;男权·女性·自然——《简·爱》中的生态女权主义思想解读
10.Male Authority Subverted by Trifles: On the Feminist Consciousness in Susan Glaspell s Trifles;琐事颠覆男权:论《琐事》中的女权主义意识
11.On Woman Cutody and the Right Coordination between the Parents and Man in Ancient China;中国古代妇女监护及亲权与男权之协调
12.Article 9 Males and females are equal in their right to inheritance.第九条 继承权男女平等。
13.Men and women should enjoy equal rights.男女应当享有平等权利.
14.manhood [woman] suffrage成年男子[妇女]选举权
15.A man of renowned power or authority.王握有权柄或有权威的男子
16.suffrage was the prerogative of white adult males.选举权过去是白人成年男子的特权。
17.Man/Woman vs. Woman/Man: On the Feminist Critique of Faulknerian Womanhood;男/女或女/男:从福克纳之女权主义研究谈起
18.Women have equal rights with men in voting and being elected.妇女和男子有同样的选举权和被选举权。

1.In her early writings, Lin focuses on the vicissitudes of lives of women under patriarchy by depicting the female images in the materialistic Hong Kong society, and the experiences of those who strive hard for the rights of residence abroad, thus to arouse women’s self -consciousness and blaze for them a path of independence.通过处身于对物欲横流的香港社会中的女性以及为取得外国居留权的女性命运遭际的刻画,展示了男权制下女性的多舛命运。
3)male chauvinism男权
1.<Abstrcat>Feilding showed us his thorough and systematic male chauvinism in terms of his novel-The History of Tom Jones,a Foundling,namely,male was the main stay in that society.菲尔丁通过《弃儿汤姆·琼斯的历史》这部作品向我们展示了他那"严整而系统的男权观点",那就是,男人是社会的中流砥柱。
2.Feminists focus on the living situation under the dominance of male chauvinism.女权主义者关注着女性在男权窠臼下的生存境况,出于对男权的本能拒斥而排斥男性。
1.The female image is uniquely charming in myths.但无论是哪种类型,从文化根源来看,都是男权文化根据自己需要以想象的手段创造出来的虚伪形象,是对女性形象的歪曲。
5)man power男权
1.The duck,the speaker of the poem is the typical image of man power and occupying desire in the patriarchy society;the late duchess is the victim of this social system.勃朗宁的诗作《我已故的公爵夫人》中,叙述者公爵就是父权制社会男人权力和占有欲的典型代表,公爵夫人就是男权社会牺牲品的象征。
2.However, if we analyse it from the perspective of feminism, we find that the seemingly right and proper sex features, inherent virtue and tragic source of her being deserted in the cultural context of man power are expectation for and control of women by the traditional society of man po.然而,从女性主义视角来解读,就会发现男权文化语境中的看似天经地义的性别特征和内在美德以及她被遗弃的悲剧根源,都是传统男权社会对女性的期望和控制,其自我意识已被男权社会主流意识所抹煞和压制。
6)society of male chauvinism男权社会
