1.the war is the root of the love tragedy of the leading characters and life tragedy of the "lost generation" and several characters in the novel make up a bright side to the heavv theme of disillusionment and loss are drawn.从《永别了,武器》这部作品的写作背景,情节发展及人物塑造等三方面进行评析,得出结论:该作 品反映了第一次世界大战后海明威迷惘的心理,战争是造成小说主人公爱情悲剧及战后“迷惘的一代”的根源, 作品中几个角色构成了“迷惘”的主题中积极的方
2.Hemingway, one of the greatest American writers of the 20th century, develops his antiwar idea within three stages: being lost - being against war - calling on resuscitation of humanity.他的反战思想历经了三个发展阶段:迷惘—厌战—呼唤人性复苏。
3.Hemingway is known as the representative of "lost generation",shown in his early writings.海明威作为"迷惘的一代"的重要代表,在早期创作中表现了一种非常明显的"迷惘"情绪。

1.a state of mental disturbance and disorientation.心理混乱或心理迷惘
2.looked about with a wandering and discomposed air.迷惘、不安的四处寻找。
3.We were hungry and confused我们感到饥饿、感到迷惘
4.Charles felt so completely out of his element in this room.查理在堂屋里迷惘万分。
5.The Missionary offered an uncertain smile.女教士报以迷惘的一笑。
6.A Life Story: Ernest Hemingway迷惘者的一生:海明威传
7.Morns stood stroking his beard, with a clouded eye.莫里斯捋着胡须,两眼显得有些迷惘
8.Her mind strayed on the scene outside.她因看到外面的景物而迷惘
9.Although a very religious man, he is still troubled by occasional doubt他虽然笃信宗教,但有时仍感到迷惘
10.She feels very mixed-up about life since her divorce.她离婚后觉得生活十分迷惘.
11.The kite felt mazed when it was free from the constraint.挣脱束缚的风筝,自由了,却也迷惘了。
12.It's you that led me out of the loneliness when I was lost in my mind.曾经迷惘的心中,是你牵引我走出寂寞。
13."It was a lovely day,"she said absently...“那天天气真好,”她迷惘地说…
14.Tina: That you are loyal and unswerving in your convictions.因为你是忠诚的与妳不迷惘的确信。
15.He had a moment's pity for her bewilderment.她的迷惘使他产生了片刻的怜悯。
16.lost souls still walking the earth仍在大地上行走的迷惘的幽灵
17.If I spoke to her, how I could tell her of my confused adoration?要是说了,怎么向她倾诉我迷惘的爱慕?
18.Although a very religious man, he is still troubled by occasional doubts.他虽然笃信宗教, 但有时仍感到迷惘.

1.Anyhow,the image of Liu Gaoxing has reflected Jia Ping-wa s thoughts and perplexity,which may arouse our thinking about our times,life and humanity.但无论怎样,刘高兴形象都折射出贾平凹思想感情的迷惘
2.It is believed that ancient Roman literature is a reflection of Roman society and Roman spirit, which shows not only the value of the rationalists who devoted themselves to their country at the expense of their lives but also the confusion,suffering,puzzlement and perplexity resulting from the conflicts of their devotion and individualism.古罗马文学是罗马社会存在与罗马人精神历史的反映 ,其中既有对为国家尽义务而自我克制、自我牺牲的理性主义精神的价值确证 ,也表现出因国家理性主义与个体价值的冲突带来的矛盾、痛苦、困惑与迷惘
1.She first underwent role change in cultural consideration,fervent subversion and deconstruction of masculine culture,sadness and puzzlement after winning woman awareness,and finally untiring search for the spiritual oasis for woman intellectuals.其间有过文化思考中的角色转换,有对男权文化猛烈的解构和颠覆,有过突围后的悲哀、迷惘和思考,更有对知识女性精神出路的不懈探寻。
2.After painful puzzlement, he set up his outlook of life - to be a winner of life! since then, Hemingway has created his own tough guys one by one.海明威是"迷惘的一代"的代表人物。
1.Awaken,Maze and Fight——On the Trio-sonata of the Writing Themselves of Early China s Modern Authoresses;觉醒·迷惘与抗争——中国早期现代女作家自我书写的三重奏

迷惘1.迷惑失措。 2.指蛊惑,使迷惑。 3.谓神经错乱失常。