1.From Eden to the sea;从伊甸园到大海——解读艾米莉·迪金森“夜夜暴风雨,夜夜暴风雨”
2.Eugene O Neill,the father of tragedy in America,vividly described Anna Christie s degeneration and reborn to reveal the irresistible character of mysterious fate,by taking the sea as a symbol and comparing the sea and the land in Anna Christie."美国悲剧之父"尤金·奥尼尔在海洋剧《安娜·克里斯蒂》中,以大海为象征,以大海——陆地作对照,生动地描写了安娜·克里斯蒂的堕落和新生,揭示了神秘命运的不可抗拒性。
3.This paper attempts to reveal the relation between "sea" and the two heroines by analyzing the image of sea in the novel Rebecca.文章通过对《蝴蝶梦》中经常出现的意象——"大海"进行分析研究,探寻它与两位女主人公的关系。

1.The shore shelves down to the sea.海岸逐渐地向大海倾斜。
2.It moves quickly away from shore and out to sea.从海岸迅速地流向大海
3.The ship is standing off to sea.船在驶离海岸,开向大海
4.Seaweeds grow in the ocean.大海里还长了海草。
5.From the shore-line out to a distance which may be anywhere,从海岸线向大海延伸,
6.sea gulls circling above the ocean.海鸥在大海上盘旋。
7.the huge dolphin tempesting the main使海洋翻腾的大海
8.It mixes together with the heaven in the far distance.远望大海,海天一色,
9.The great auk, ie contrasted with the little auk大海雀(与小海雀相对)
10.Betty likes the sea. The sea is big and blue.贝蒂喜欢大海大海又大又蓝。
11.wind its way to the sea(河)蜿蜒流入大海
12.Aha! It's a big turtle!哈!是一只大海龟。
13.A broad strait, especially one that connects two seas.海峡宽的海峡,尤指沟通两大海域者
14.bathing in the sea or ocean.在大海或大洋中游泳。
15.herring gull【动】(北大西洋产的)大海
16.Dahaidao Road Today--Record of the archaeological exploration along Dahaidao Road;今日大海道——大海道考古探险纪实
17.The sequence of the pollution extent in the four major marine regions in East Sea, Bo Sea, Yellow Sea and South China Sea.四大海区污染由重到轻依次为东海、渤海、黄海、南海。
18.The sequencing of pollution levels of the nation's four major marine areas is the East China Sea, Bohai Sea, the South China Sea and the Yellow Sea.四大海区污染由重到轻依次为东海、渤海、南海和黄海。

3)High Seas公海大海
4)transgressing continental sea海侵大陆海
5)Greater Dalian on the sea海上大大连
6)In the big sea is produce the big fish.大海产大鱼。

大海【大海】 (杂名)梵语摩诃三母捺罗娑誐罗Mahasamudra-sagara,见梵语杂名。