1.Looking at Sino-western Traditional Cultural Differences from patricide Topic;从“弑父”主题的有无看中西传统文化的差异
2.Moreover,Yu Hua s novel lacks big masculine images and has "patricide" the tendency,the rea.另外,余华的小说缺失高大的男性形象和具有“弑父”的倾向,原因是余华童年记忆中形成的不完美的父亲形象。
3.Electra complex, patricide, Oedipus complex, and matricide are the main theme of Chen Ran s work.恋父与弑父,恋母与恐母是陈染作品中的一个主题,这其中包含了一个成熟的女性对父权制文化的洞见和对自身困境的深切体察。

1.Knowledge& analytical skills about Heat Treatment, Surface Finish, Mechanical, Chemical Properties of Steel& Tubes.┚弑父止芗庸す?讨杏泄厝却?
2.On Patriciding Consciousness in the Chinese Novel in the End of the 20~(th) Century;论20世纪末中国小说中的“弑父”意识
3.Collapse and Reconstruction of a Myth──On the Electral Complex in CHENG Ran s Novel;神话的坍塌与重建──谈陈染小说恋父、弑父与“回家”
4.Looking at Sino-western Traditional Cultural Differences from patricide Topic;从“弑父”主题的有无看中西传统文化的差异
5.The Characters Arrangement and Their Fortune Models Interpretation in Jinyong s Novels;无父、审父与弑父:金庸小说人物设置与命运模式解读
6.Electra Complex,Father Trial,Fate Entangled Patricide--An Lee's Film Version,a Symptom of Reading恋父、审父、弑父的宿命纠缠——李安电影文本的一种症候阅读
7.Continuing Thinking at the Place Where Sex Stops--On Chen Ran s Feminine Consciousness from the Complex of Patricide;在性别停止的地方继续思考——从恋父/弑父情结看陈染的女性意识
8.The Oedipus mythology has bred "murder father, marry mother" culture motive since Greek mythology.俄狄浦斯神话自希腊神话以来,就孕育了弑父、娶母的文化母题。
9.James Baldwin s Literary Patricide and African American Literature Turn;詹姆斯·鲍德温的文学“弑父”与美国黑人文学的转向
10.The Patricide Plot and God s Existence --A Theological Interpretation of The Brothers Karamazov;弑父情节与上帝的存在——《卡拉马佐夫兄弟》的神学解读
11.The murdering of one's father, mother, or other near relative.弑亲谋杀父亲、母亲或其他近亲
12.Lex Pompeia parricidii关于弑亲罪的庞培法
13.He was a quasi-regicide.那是个类似弑君的人。
14.The applicant and registration holder shall be established in the Community.⑸昵胝吆妥⒉岢钟姓弑匦朐诠餐?宸段?凇
15.One who commits such a murder.弑亲者从事这种谋杀的人
16.Will there be new winning conditions in TAD, like Regicide?TAD会有新的胜利条件,例如弑君吗?
17.Orestes complex【心理】弑母情结(儿子思杀其母的欲念)
18.On How to Construct a Harmonious Relationship Between Teachers and Students反思弑师惨案 构建和谐的师生关系

"Patricide" narration"弑父"叙事
3)Killing Father impulse"弑父"冲动
1.On behalf of Bai-Yang-Dian Poet Group, although Mang ke represented some revolt spirits, namely Killing Father impulse, he revealed mainly a kind of escapist cultural psychology in the Underground poems in 1970s.作为“白洋淀诗群”的代表性诗人之一 ,芒克在 2 0世纪 70年代的“地下”诗作中虽然表现了一定的反抗精神 ,即“弑父”冲动 ,但主要是流露了一种逃避现实的文化心态。
4)Odepus Complex"弑父"态势
5)Patriciding consciousness"弑父"意识
6)patricidal adj.弑父的

弑父【弑父】  弑者,下杀上也。谓父者子之所天,即当竭力孝养,以报恩德,岂宜悖戾,妄加杀害。地藏经云:若有众生,不孝父母,或至杀害者,当堕无间地狱,千万亿劫,求出无期。是也。(无间地狱者,即阿鼻地狱也。)