1.Ghosty Marx: Political Discourse of Resistance? ——Analysis of Derrida’s Deconstructive Interpretation of Marx;幽灵化的马克思:抵抗的政治话语——析德里达对马克思的解构式解读
2.Derrida s idea of the ghost is closely related to his theory of ideology.德里达的“幽灵说”与其意识形态理论存在着密切的相互关联。
3.The ghost phenomenon in literatary works is the topic for literature critics to debate upon each other all the time, and The Turn of the Screw, written by famous American novelist Henry·James (1898), can not escape from this fate.与其他鬼怪文学不同的是,詹姆斯是站在主人公的角度塑造出了“怪影”,这也正是主人公——一名家庭女教师所“制造”的幽灵

1.a phantom company幽灵 [空头] 公司
2.To free(the soul or spirit)from the body.使(灵魂或幽灵)脱离躯壳
3.A spectre is haunting Europe -- the spectre of Communism.一个幽灵,共产主义的幽灵,在欧洲游荡。
4.I believe there're spooks around here.我相信有幽灵在附近。
5.A false god.幽灵,假神虚幻中的神
6.Wiley's ghost had dissappeared.威利的幽灵已经不见了。
7.It was a perfectly flavorless Ghost.它是完全无风趣的幽灵
8.All covered with dust, white as a spectre, tall as a spectre!'满身灰尘,白得像个幽灵,高得也像个幽灵
9.The spectre showed a spectre's ordinary caprice: it gave no sign of being;幽灵显示出幽灵素有的反复无常,它偏偏不来!
10.a ghostly face at the window; a phantasmal presence in the room; spectral emanations; spiritual tappings at a seance.窗户上一张幽灵似的脸;房间里幽灵的存在;幽灵幻象;降神会上的膜拜。
11.Something apparently seen but having no physical reality;a phantom or an apparition.幻影,幽灵明显可见但没有物质的实体;幻影或幽灵
12.The “Specters” of Derrida--A Perspective of Deconstructive Politics through Specters of Marx;德里达的“幽灵”——从《马克思的幽灵》看解构主义的政治
13.raise the specter of unemployment; he conjured wild birds in the air; stir a disturbance.唤起失业的幽灵;唤起我的灵感;唤起骚动。
14.A headless man haunts the castle.一个无头幽灵常在城堡出现。
15.The ghostly voice said,只听见这个幽灵般的声音说:
16.You can steer in that direction," the apparition replied.你能往那一个方向行驶,”幽灵答覆。
17.It is the sort of night when phantom may walk.这种夜晚正是幽灵出没的时候
18.She was frightened that there might be a ghost in the dark.她害怕黑暗中可能有鬼 [幽灵] 。

5)bacterial ghost细菌幽灵
1.The development of the new type bacterial ghost vaccine;新型细菌幽灵疫苗的研究进展
2.Cell morphology of bacterial ghost of Pasteurella multocida was observed by scanning electron microscopy and inactivation ratio was estimated by CFU analysi.扫描电镜观察多杀性巴氏杆菌细菌幽灵和菌落形成单位评价遗传灭活率。
6)specter phenomenon幽灵问题
1.FOr overcoming these problems, this paper provides some practical technologies such as consistency in using database, rationalization in distributing functions,measures for concurrency control, methods for avoiding specter phenomenon and control of file attribution.针对网络环境下应用软件编制过程中容易出现的问题,提出了几种实用的处理技术,如数据库应用的一致性、层次分配合理性、并发控制措施、避免幽灵问题以及文件属性控制等。

幽灵【幽灵】 (术语)幽界之精灵也,六道众生不可眼见者,皆为幽灵。人命终已后,其形体不可见,故谓之幽灵幽仪等。道宣律师感通录曰:“幽灵随喜。”二十唯识述记序曰:“幽灵守昏而永翳。”