1.Constant consistency kernel function and its formulation;SPH方法中常数一致性核函数的建立及公式化
2.The formulation concerning the correction factors of Okumura model is discussed in this paper.论述奥库穆拉(Okumura)模型的有关修正因子的公式化,给出了计算式。
3.As the development of the drama of vanguard is in dilemma,the existing problems should be addressed and resolved,including the insufficient preparation in art and theories,self-copying,the lack of innovation,modelization and formulation in contents,thoughts,stage designing and acting,and the paradoxical,confusing yet pervasive ideas.先锋戏剧的发展出现阶段性窘迫,需要我们正视其中存在的问题:艺术准备和理论准备先天不足;自我复制,创新乏力,在思想内容、编剧、舞台设计、表演各个方面走向模式化与公式化;很多似是而非的思想观念充斥其间,显示出一定的驳杂与迷乱。

1.To state as or reduce to a formula.使公式化用公式表达或缩减为公式
2.To express as or reduce to a formula;formulate.使公式化用公式表达或缩减为公式;把…做成公式
3.Explain why problem formulation must follow goal formulation.解释问题公式化必须遵循目标公式化?
4.a conventional or formulaic conception or image.惯常或公式化了的类型。
5.The children were being taught to read in a mechanical way.孩子们正接受那种公式化的阅读方式。
6.Cognitive Mechanism of Formulaic Language:A Construction Grammar Perspective;从构式语法看公式化语言的认知机制
7.Jokes perpetuate various national stereotypes.笑话固化了对各民族的公式化看法。
8.Symptom Analysis of Contemporary Literature and Art:Formulation and Conceptualization当代文艺症状分析:公式化与概念化
9.Stylization Is not Equivalent to Formulism;程式化≠公式化——论山水画传统技法的运用
10.a play full of stereotype characters充斥着公式化人物的话剧.
11.Results There are the same results in both simplified formula and adjustment formula.结果简化公式与校正公式所得结论相同。
12.Optimize the Total Budget Management of Lanzhou Petrochemical Company;兰州石化公司全面预算管理模式优化
13.The Convergence of the Model of Corporate Governance in Globalization;全球化背景下公司治理模式的趋同化
14.The opening of government affairs and administration is an existing form of the public administration democracy.政务公开则是公共行政民主化的存在形式。
15.The Integration of the Corporate Governance Patterns and the Option of the Corporate Governance Pattern in China;公司治理趋同化与中国公司治理模式的选择
16.The Study of D Company for the Securitization Mode Based on the Charges Usufruct of Expressway;D公司高速公路收费收益权证券化模式探讨
17.Studing the National Standard for the Form of Official Document to Standardize the Use of Official Document;学习国际公文格式,促进公文使用规范化
18.Commonality Essence of the Commonweal Fund of Chinese Lottery and Managing Optimization我国彩票公益金公共性本质与管理模式优化

1.The thesis sets forth historically the essential distinctions between stylization and formulism through five respects by citing some phenomena in learning and creating landscape paintings, and combining with my own practical experience.本文就现今山水画学习与创作中的一些现象,结合自己在山水画实践中的体会,对如何“更好地去把握传统技法”这一命题,力求以史为鉴,从五个方面重点阐述了以“程式化”为主的高度意匠与泥古不化的“公式化”现象之间的质的区别。
1.The analytic method is recommended in the article to make all the calculation process be formulated, so that the design efficiency and calculation accuracy are improved.文章推荐采用解析法 ,使整个计算过程公式化 ,从而提高了设计效率和计算精
4)simplified formulae简化公式
1.The simplified formulae for curvature and moment in slab are derived and validated by comparing with the finite element solutions.通过与有限元结果对比,验证了简化公式的准确性。
2.Some dominant parameters are analyzed on the influence of effective width of concrete flange at plastic stage and simplified formulae for effective width at ultimate load are proposed.针对有端横梁的单向简支组合梁板体系,采用非线性有限元方法,分析了全过程中翼缘有效宽度的变化,并对塑性极限阶段有效宽度的主要影响因素,包括宽跨比、荷载类型、剪力连接程度、钢梁和混凝土强度等进行参数分析,提出计算塑性极限阶段有效宽度的简化公式。
3.The paper gives correctional coefficients for single-column capping beams compared with present methods;For double-column capping beams and three-column capping beams,the paper gives regressive simplified formulae based on spatial finite element analysis.并与现有的计算方法进行对比分析 ,对独柱式盖梁的常规计算方法提出修正系数 ;对双柱式、三柱式盖梁 ,以空间有限元分析为基础 ,通过多元回归建立盖梁控制截面内力计算简化公
5)simplified formula简化公式
1.The simplified formula’s Discussion of the Reinforced concrete components’ steel bar calculation about positive section’s bearing capacity;对钢筋混凝土受弯构件正截面承载力配筋计算的简化公式的探讨
2.Equivalence of rigorous formula to simplified formula of helmert variance components estimation;Helmert方差分量估计严密公式与简化公式等价性的证明
3.Based on the analysis of the crosstalk between single-ended signals,this paper proposed a simplified formula of crosstalk calculation between single-ended signal and differential signal.在分析单端传输线之间的串扰的基础上,提出了用于计算单端传输线与差分传输线之间串扰的简化公式,计算结果和利用商业软件Hsp ice仿真结果吻合良好,验证了公式的有效性。
6)conversion formula转化公式
1.By the study of boundary condition and stress,get the conversion formula which suit for general case and compile the conversion program.渡槽等水工建筑物的三维有限元力学分析结果为应力形式,不能直接用来进行配筋设计,研究应力内力相互转化的方法,通过对梁的边界条件、应力特点的研究,得出了适用于一般情况的转化公式,编制了转化程序,经典题目和工程实例验证了方法的可行性。
