1.Perfect combination of passion and reason——An interpretation of To His Coy Mistress激情与理智的完美结合——《致他的娇羞的女友》解读
2.The unusual person considers soldiers reason and conscience under "absolutely obeying".服从命令历来被视为士兵的天职,在"绝对服从"之下,少有人考虑士兵的理智与良心问题。
3.His "nous" isn t pure spiritual origin against substance,while it is a complex of "power","soul" and "reason".阿氏的“奴斯”并不是与物质相对立的纯精神性本原,而是“力”和“灵魂”及“理智”等多重含义的复合体。

1.intellectual type of character理智型性格 理智型性格
2.consistent with or based on or using reason.行为符合理智,以理智为基础或使用理智
3.mindless violence; reasonless hostility; a senseless act.不理智的暴行;不理智的敌对;不理智的行为。
4.not consistent with or using reason.与理智不一致或不使用理智
5.The state or quality of being irrational.不理智理智的状态或性质
6.Sense and Sensibility理智与情感/理性与感性
7.Of, relating to, originating in, or apprehended by the intellect.理智的,智力的属于、关于、产生于智力的或通过智力而了解的
8.Practical Wisdom: An Intellectual Virtue That a Moral Person Must Possess;明智——一个道德的人必备的理智德性
9.I shouldn't have lost my head.我不应该失去理智的。
10.Reason ruled his fear.理智抑制了他的恐惧。
11.blinding anger使人丧失理智的愤怒
12.Letters on the Philosophy of the Human Mind关于人类理智的信札
13.She be short on intellect, but long on shape .她短于理智而长于姿态。
14.She was short on intellect, but long on shape.她短于理智而长于恣态。
15.Forgiving puts you in control.宽恕别人能让自己理智
16.The madman has already lost his senses.这疯子已经失去理智了。
17.Sentiment should Be controlled By reason.感情应受理智的控制。
18.in an unreasoning visceral manner.以非理智的、本能的方式。

1.The design without emotion is empty,the one with no sense is useless.没有感情的设计是空洞的,没有理智的设计是无用的,有情感有理智的设计才是完整的设计。
2.Centering on the theme of conflict between sense and sensibility,analyzing the content and art of the novel,this essay expounds the following three point of views: 1.围绕情感与理智冲突的主旋律,通过对作品内容与艺术的分析,从三方面论证:(一)从战争与爱情的冲突来表现"人性"的复苏;(二)色彩冲突的象征意义;(三)伊甸园式环境的营造。
3.Austen has been wandering up and down between sense and sensibility all the time , but finally emotion has overcome reason , the love has replaced money.奥斯丁的婚姻观一直在“理智”与“情感”中徘徊,但最终“情感”战胜了“理智”,“爱情”取代了“金钱”。
1.How Intellect Knows Itself:Aquinas’Thoughts about Self-Knowledge;理智如何认识自身:阿奎那关于“自识”问题的思考
2.Emotion experience and intellect analysis——discussion about early creations of Mao Dun s novels;情感体验与理智分析——由《蚀》到《虹》谈茅盾早期的小说创作
3.In this play, intellect and emotion, the two elements in human nature, have different collocations in different characters: Edmund embodies pure intellect; Lear incarnates passionate emotion, while Cordelia is the paragon of perfect combination of the two.在莎士比亚的《李尔王》中,人性中的理智与情感在不同人物身上有着不同的体现,爱德蒙是纯理性的化身,李尔是情感化的人,考狄利娅是两者结合的典范。
1.Despite that both Meditation on the Lunar New Year s Eve by Bian Zhilin and Words on Departure by Li Shangyin are of the topic of melancholy, the two poets are distinct with their poetics, one focusing on rationality while the other emotion, one presenting the complication and diversification of imagery system while the other stereotype and resemblance.但在诗学主张上 ,一个注重理智 ,一个注重情感 ;意象体系上一个呈复杂化、多样性 ,一个呈定型化、相似性 ;审美标准、结构形式等都有较大的区别。
2.This advocating is positive on the one hand, and, on the other, negative when he contrasts emotion with rationality, opposes and repels rationality and advocates one-sidedly "true feeling.提倡真情有积极的意义,但梁漱溟把情感和理智对立起来,反对、排斥理智,片面提倡真情,又有他的不足之处。
1.Criticizing intelligence and advocating intuition were the important parts of Bergsonism.柏格森哲学的一个重要内容,就是对理智的批判,从而宣扬直觉的重要性。

理智【理智】 (术语)理为所观之道理,智为能观之智慧,彼此冥合,称为觉悟。即依理生智依智显理也。不思议疏下曰:“秘秘中秘释者,本不生理自有理智,自觉本不生故。”【又】智有二种,有漏诸智谓之事智,无漏智谓之理智。见俱舍论十八。