1.This paper expounds the four major psycological traits in the mentality of the American people—squeamishness,fear,prudery and vanity,and analyses the words and expres- sions they have brought about in the American speech.分析了美国心态的四大特征:过份敏感、恐惧、假正经和虚荣以及在美国语言中由此产生的众多言辞;指出该四种心态虽不实事求是,但在美国人的现实生活中具有积极意义。
2.But, if we probe her real life and examine her works carefully ,we would find that what constitute Zhang Ailing s character are her pessimism, suspicions, vanity and vulgarity,which come from her hostility and hatred to thesociety and to others.但是,如果我们深入探寻张爱玲的生命轨迹,全面梳理她的作品,就会发现,构成张爱玲性格主体的,却是她的悲观多疑与虚荣庸俗,是其对社会、对他人的敌视与仇恨。

1.Vain, ostentatious display.极度虚荣心爱虚荣地,铺张地显示
2.a vain and temperamental person.虚荣并且喜怒无常的人。
3.It is a gateway to the ultimate vanity:它是通过最终的虚荣?
4.The highest form of vanity is love of fame.最高的虚荣是爱名望。
5.He has now got above the vanity他现在已克服了虚荣心。
6.a blatant appeal to vanity;无耻的虚荣心的要求;
7.His vanity egged him on他的虚荣心鼓动着他。
8.To please or gratify the vanity of使愉快或满足虚荣心.
9.Vain glorious people are susceptible to flattery.虚荣的人易受谄媚。
10.overweening ambition, vanity, pride etc自负的雄心、 虚荣、 骄傲等.
11.Vanity is his Achilles' heel.虚荣自负是他的致命伤.
12.P-is his worst fault.虚荣是他的致命弱点。
13.His vanity was his downfall.他因虚荣心太重而垮台.
14.Aileen loved show and glitter.艾琳爱好炫耀和虚荣
15.She is a vainglorious woman.她是个爱虚荣的女性。
16.His not only weak but also admire vanity.他既软弱又爱慕虚荣
17.a streak of jealousy, vanity, cruelty, etc几分嫉妒、 虚荣、 残忍等
18.The ambitious man desires nothing like glory.那虚荣心重的人,所欲求的东西,无过于荣誉。

snobbish utility虚荣效用
1.Hume s view on vanity is explored against the connotation of vanity.在对虚荣心含义进行概念阐释的基础上,对休谟情感论之虚荣心问题进行了认真的研究。
2.The practice of giving lavish feasts at weddings and funerals at You Fang village,Yuanling county in Hunan province indicates that at present,rich peasantry s strong demand for being respected is changed abnormally into vanity.从湖南省某县油房村农民大办红白喜事的现象透视出:目前富裕起来的农民强烈的被尊重的需要已畸形化为虚荣心,并通过大肆操办红白喜事曲折地体现出来。
4)snob effect虚荣效应
1.People is "natural person" and "social people" even more,human s "natural attribute" and "social attribute" displays to be "snob effect " and "bandwagon effect " mainly.人既是"自然人"更是"社会人",人类的"自然属性"和"社会属性"的重要表现是人性的"虚荣效应"与"攀比效应"。
5)type of vanity虚荣型
1.The individual stubbornly biased psychology has 3 types: type of irritation, type of gloominess, type of vanity.偏执性个性心理的特征,大致可分为暴躁型、抑郁型、虚荣型三种类型。
6)Deficiency of collateral络虚不荣
