1.From Freud s perpective on human nature,Marcuse believes that the repression of lust is the basic feature of the modern civilization.马尔库塞从弗洛伊德关于人的本质的理解出发,得出爱欲压抑是现代文明的根本特征。
2.According to Freud s theory,this novel is an exterior expression of the author s inner repression.根据弗洛伊德的理论,这本小说是作者压抑情感的一种外化形式。
3.The valley,the fence and the chrysanthemums symbolizes respectively the repression from the nature environment,phallus culture and sexual consciousness that Elisa receives as a female.山谷、栅栏和菊花为主要意象,分别代表爱丽莎作为女性所承受的自然环境、菲勒斯文化和性三个方面的压抑

1.Lead is also linked to the mental sickness of depression.铅还同精神压抑症有关。
2.The younger sister had always worn a yoke.妹妹始终感到受压抑
3.I felt spiritually very depressed.我精神上感到很压抑
4.He was containing anxiety.他压抑着心中的焦虑。
5.I caught the sound of muffled sobs.我听到了压抑的抽泣声。
6.I repressed the thought.我把我的邪念压抑下去。
7.unleashed his pent-up rage.发泄他心头压抑的怒火
8.nervousness resulting from mental stress.由于精神压抑而紧张。
9.with barely repressed anger.愤怒得几乎不能压抑
10.rain put a damper on our picnic plans.野餐去除了我们的压抑
11.He can not quell his fear .他无法压抑他的恐惧。
12.laugh quietly or with restraint.静静地笑或者有压抑
13.an overmastering passion压抑不住的强烈情感
14.To drop one's reserve or inhibitions.消除某人的拘谨或压抑
15.To suppress or restrain(behavior, an impulse, or a desire)consciously or unconsciously.压抑,抑制有意识地或潜意识地压制或抑制(行为、冲动或欲望)
16.Nevertheless, it often happens that new, rising forces are held back and sound ideas stifled.但是压抑新生力量,压抑合理的意见,仍然是常有的事。
17.He had naturally repressed much, and some revulsion might have been expected in him when the occasion for repression was gone.他自然曾狠狠地压抑过自己,压抑一放松免不了会产生反弹。
18.Depression of the Civilization and the Depressed Civilization--Talk about"Super Reason Consciousness" in" the Forest of Norway"by CUN Shangchunshu;文明的压抑压抑的文明——谈村上春树《挪威的森林》中的“超理性意识”

1.Nora has been waiting in oppression almost for her whole life.这部小说以倒叙的手法描述了一位辗转回国的七旬老妇人劳拉一生的悲剧命运,劳拉的一生几乎都是在压抑与等待中虚度。
2.From analyzing her early important work Whisper of A Woman Soldier, this paper probes into her writing characteristics and literature pursuit that expresses the absurdity of that times and the oppression of human nature from individual experience, striving to hasten Chinese l.本文通过对她早期代表作《一个女兵的悄悄话》的分析,探讨了她从个人化的体验出发揭示时代的荒诞和人性的压抑的创作特征和文学追求,以期促进中国文学更好地走向世界。
3.The two novels lash the oppression of the rigid social codes on humanity and extol the confidence and strength in pursuing free humanity, and lead to people s reflection on the organic relationship between civilization system and individuals.小说鞭挞了僵死的社会规范对人性的压抑 ,歌颂了追求自由人性的信心和力量 ,引发了人们对文明机制与人之间关系的思考。
1.Women writings from depression to prosperity once caused a sensation among people.女性写作从压抑走到勃兴,引起轰动,但无节制的爱欲描写引发文本的审美偏移,从勃兴走到困境。
2.In Arena of Life and Death,women are under great depression in their languages,which is caused by deprivation of women s speech under the hierarchy of paternity and their roles as the second gender.《生死场》中的女性人物在语言表达方面处于压抑状态,造成这种状态的根本原因在于男权制下女性话语权的被剥夺,在于女性的第二性地位。
3.As a result, their personality breaks into anxiety and depression.麦克白夫妇正是因为他们的本我被激活后,自我在调节本我与超我以及外界环境的压力时失去平衡,引起压抑和焦虑,而他们排解这些情绪所用的自我防御机制则最终导致了悲剧的发生。
1.The main female character of HUANG Su-zi in "My Starting is at My End" written by Fang Fang embodies her psychological distortion and morbidity eruption due to disregard and inhibition.在方方小说《在我的开始是我的结束》的女主角黄苏子身上,体现出了漠视、压抑所带来的人物心理怪异扭曲、病态爆发。
2.As subconsciousness generated from inhibition can appear and be expressed in virtual network space,both individual subconsciousness and individual subconsciousness-based colony subconsciousness tend to circulate in virtual network space.由于压抑而形成的潜意识,在虚拟的网络空间中得以显现,得以表达。
3.Human s civilization is brought birth from human s schizophrenia,namely the split of soul and flesh,the split of spirit and material,and both of them are built on the inhibition of soul to flesh,spirit to material.人类的文明产生于人的精神分裂,即灵与肉、精神与物质的分裂,并且建构在灵对肉、精神对物质的压抑上。
1.The One and the Eight: The Literature Metaphor of Suppression and Return;《一个和八个》:压抑与回归的文学隐喻
2.Sufferings aroused by suppression of the instinct may not result in disaster;on the contrary,hope may be aroused along with sufferings.当本能受到压抑,痛苦即便产生。
3.It draws from psychoanalysis “impulse-suppression-displacement” to frame its theory, but at the same time reconstructs it.《苦闷的象征》深受西方文化思潮的影响 ,它吸收精神分析心理学中“冲动———压抑———转化”说的理论框架 ,但对其具体内容加以改造 :(一 )用柏格森哲学中的“生命力”代替其冲动之根源———“性本能” ,并赋予“生命力”现实性、创造性内涵 ;既与柏格森划清了界限 ,又把“生命力”与克罗齐的“创造性”联系起来。
6)To weigh down;oppress.重压;压抑

压抑压抑repression  压抑(r即ressi的)将具有威胁性的思想、情感、记忆和冲动排斥到潜意识之中,使之避开意识的过程。压抑是一种最重要的防御机制,也是一种普遍的精神过程。弗洛伊德起初将所有的防御机制都视为压抑机制,后来他进一步作了区分。他将“压抑理论”视为精神分析的整个结构赖以支撑的柱石。压抑是一个潜意识过程,最常见的压抑实例是记忆缺失或遗忘。例如绝大多数人完全忘掉了幼年期的创伤性事件,遭受侮辱的妇女不能回忆起受害的经过。按照精神分析学说,被压抑的材料的表现形式主要有梦、症状和日常生活中的各种差错;借助于精神分析过程,这些被压抑的材料便可以转变为意识的。 (莱宝勇撰徐俊觅审)