1.The virtue of courage has been admired by the ancient ideologists,and the courage spirit has inspired people to be energetic and enterprising.勇敢之德一直为古代思想家所推崇,勇敢精神也一直激励着人们刚健进取。
2.This is not only because of her beautiful look, but also of her personality--courage,strength,and fear of nothing.《乱世佳人》中的郝思嘉给世人留下了难以忘怀的印象,这不仅是因为她具有美丽的外表,更主要的是她那种勇敢、坚强和勇往直前的精神。
3.In order to realize their individual value, Americans show their precepts:courage, honor, obligation.为了实现个人价值 ,美国人在各种活动中表现了自己的文化信条 :勇敢 ,荣誉 ,义务……。

1.Then I was clean and brave,我既整洁,又勇敢
2.to confront danger(勇敢地)面对危险
3.You must nerve yourself, Bertha.你得勇敢些,伯莎。
4.a Brave retreat is a Brave exploit.勇敢的退却也是勇敢的行为。
5.To conquer we need to dare, to dare again, ever to dare!--George Jacques Danton, French revolutionist为了胜利,我们需要勇敢,更勇敢!永远勇敢冲杀!法国革命家丹东
6.a brave fireman一个勇敢的消防队员
7.He breasted every trouble as it came.他勇敢地迎接每个困难。
8.I stood off very boldly.我很勇敢地推辞了。
9.The little girl stood up to a bully.小女孩勇敢地对付暴徒。
10.Gallantly they battled on.他们勇敢地战斗下去。
11."I'm all right," he said bravely."我没事,"他勇敢地表示道。
12.met his fate with courage.勇敢地面对他的命运
13.face or endure with courage.勇敢地面对或经受……。
14.Then bravely he entered.接着它勇敢地进去了。
15.He faced up to his troubles manfully他勇敢地面对困难。
16.Rocky stood up to the champion.洛基勇敢地面对比赛。
17.He advised me to fling down the gaunlet heroically.他劝我勇敢地去挑战。
18.He was extolled as a brave man他被称赞为勇敢的人。

1.Supervising the students to control over themselves is the foundation of establishing harmonious campus,advocating the students bravery is the internal drive of establishing harmonious campus,and fostering the students wisdom is the golden key to establishing harmonious campus.督促学生节制,是创建和谐校园的奠基石;提倡勇敢精神,是创建和谐校园的内驱力;培养学生智慧,是创建和谐校园的金钥匙。
2.The heroic concept is unique and distinct,expectially in the understanding of the honor,bravery and love that embodies strong individual consciousness and the value of life.英雄赞歌是古希腊神话中的主旋律,其英雄观念独特而鲜明,尤其在荣誉、勇敢和爱情的理解态度上别具一格,充分体现了其强烈的个体意识和生命价值。
3.Charlotte Bronte drew a great deal from her own ilfe experience,the story strikes me and impresses me,especially Jane Eyre s character of rebelling,bravery,detesting money,pursuing her teaching career and pursuing love from inferiority to self confidence and gain her happiness at last.读过这部小说后,从中得到一些启迪:既然生命如此短暂,为何我们要沉沦?我们应该勇敢地面对困难,尽我们的最大努力去战胜它,获取最后的成功,幸福要靠我们自己去争取
1.The West Wingroom describes the rebel s love Cui Yingying rebellion affects not only her own class but also her habits and characteristics and cult ure and ideas which she lived in the class Sometimes she is weak ,but she is brave ,Her success has dual feature莺莺是勇敢的 ,虽然也有软弱 ;她的胜利是双重
1.This paper analyzes the purity of braveness in Aristotle s ideas and points out that dangerous environment,voluntary choice, and pursuing nobleness without utility are the essential conditions of braveness.通过分析亚里士多德对“勇敢”纯粹性的观点 ,指出危险环境、自愿的选择、非功利地追求高尚才是勇敢的必要条件。
6)the idea of bravery勇敢观

勇敢勇敢bravery  勇敢(bravery)在困难和艰险的情况下,能果断地采取决定,大胆行动时所表现出来的心理品质。勇敢的人为了达到预定的目的,能够忍受各种主客观的困难和痛苦,不畏艰险,去实现目的,有时为了一个崇高的目标,能够视死如归,牺牲自己的生命。它是与自觉性、果断性等优良品质联系在一起的,在困难和艰险情况下表现出来。勇敢不同于鲁莽,鲁莽的人往往对目的和行为的后果没有正确认识和估价,意气用事,易冲动,常造成不良后果。 (朱断砰撰王启康彭藕龄审)