1.The Difficulty at the Start of Modern China s Diplomacy——Taking the Premier s Office as an Example;中国近代外交起步的艰难——以总理衙门为例
2.Because of the Chinese traditional ethics culture that has a deep effect on the Chinese consciousness,brain death legislation is prompting with difficulty.因中国传统伦理文化对人们意识观念的深刻影响导致中国脑死亡立法步履艰难

1.a stiff hike; a stiff exam; an uphill battle against a popular incumbant.艰难的行军;艰难的考试;反对广受欢迎的现任者的艰难斗争。
2.struggle through the snowstorm冒着暴风雪艰难地前进
3.The engine was labouring.引擎艰难地运转着。
4.Travelers, on the other hand, suffer.反之,旅行者则历经艰难
5.Their life was hard.他们的生活是艰难的。
6.He made a difficult climb.他做了一次艰难的攀登。
7.This is hard, uphill work.这是艰难且费力的活。
8.Sometimes life is difficult.有时候生活是艰难的。
9.a wagon toiling on toward向…艰难地驶去的马车
10.Some hard bargaining is called for.需要进行艰难的谈判.
11.What a terrible situation for you!你的处境多么艰难!
12.And it was distressing.他的处境的确艰难
13.He understands how hard things have been for you.他很同情你的艰难处境.
14.It is hard to get around without a car.没有汽车的旅行很艰难
15.She labored under extremely difficult circumstances她苦于环境极其艰难
16.The ship beat back against a monsoon.船逆着季风艰难地行驶。
17.We're too hard up to gad about."我们家道艰难,走不起,"
18.life was hard for Cinderella.灰姑娘过着艰难的生活。

3)Clostridium difficile艰难梭菌
1.Expression of clostridium difficile toxin B C-terminal repeated unit in E.coli and its immunogenicity;艰难梭菌细胞毒素B功能区的原核表达及免疫原性
2.Cloning and sequencing of the C-terminal domain gene of Clostridium difficile toxin B;艰难梭菌细胞毒素B功能区的克隆及序列分析
3.Gene cloning and high expression of clostridium difficile toxin A C-terminal repeated unit;艰难梭菌毒素A羧基端基因的克隆与表达
4)Hard Times《艰难时世》
1.Tragedy of Utilitarianism Rereading Dickens Hard Times;功利主义的悲剧——重读狄更斯的《艰难时世》
5)sharing hardness and facing the public分享艰难
6)abstruse literary theories艰难文论
