1.Zhang Yimou s Symbolism Factor in Film;张艺谋影片中的象征主义因素
2.This paper presents an analysis on the effects of the three main factors influencing the long-term keeping of archives films, namely the temperature, the relative humidity and the acidity of room atmosphere, on the preservation quality of films.本文分析了影响档案影片长期保存的三大因素,即:温度,相对湿度、酸性气氛,对影片保存质量的影响,认为密封冷藏是效果最佳而实际可行的档案影片长期保存方法。
3.The dissertation chooses the style of 1930’s film as the objection, the brief reason is that it deviated from the principle of“swordsmen and supernatural being”in 1920’s, restarted the direction and development of Chinese film, and promoted the style of post war’s film, encouraged the Chinese film’s style to the stage of abundance and mature.本文之所以选择三十年代影片风格作为研究对象,主要是因为它一反二十年代电影“武侠神怪”的市井风潮,对中国电影艺术的发展和流向重新做了定位,并对战后电影风格表现得更加成熟和厚重起到了关键的铺垫作用,是一个艺术上承上启下的重要阶段。

1.show(a film,scene,etc)on a screen放映(影片、片段等)
2.film, motion picture影片,电影(美作:movie)
3.Cinemascope perforation西尼玛斯柯普影片片孔
4.Play the title role of a film扮演影片的片名角色
5.Film and Newsreel Liaison Office影片和新闻片联络处
6.a spoof horror film模拟恐怖片的滑稽影片.
7.Seventh Heaven(1927)七重天(美国影片)
8.Music Box (1989)八音盒(美国影片)
9.Elmer Gantry(196o)灵与欲(美国影片)
10.slow motion( in cinema photography)(电影片的)慢动作
11.Blue Velvet(1986)蓝丝绒(美国影片)
12.The Deer Hunter(1978)猎鹿人(美国影片)
13.Black Narcissus黑水仙(英国影片)
14.How is the film? It's terrific!影片怎样?妙极啦!
15.animated cartoonph.1. 卡通影片
16.The scarlet Pimpernel红花侠(英国影片)
17.The Red shoes红菱艳(英国影片)
18.The Seventh Veil(1945)七重心(英国影片)

1.Checking but not Exposing Ugly: On the Movies of Zhang Yimou from the Angel of Aesthetic View;是审丑,不是露丑——从审美视角看张艺谋的影片
2.His movies have frequently won big prizes in the International Movie Festival and he has set an example to the Chinese homemade movies.陈凯歌并不是一个高产的电影导演,但每一部影片都承载了丰富的文化内涵。
4)piece of the film影片片段
6)cinema[英]['s?n?m?][美]['s?n?m?]①电影院 ②电影,影片

影片1.照片。 2.指电影。