1.Understanding on Traditional Culture Revealed in"Living"by Yu Hua;佘华小说《活着》的传统文化解读
2.Different cultural traditions, values and ideals result in their different attitudes towards death and "living".《罪与罚》和《活着》分别通过主人公拉斯柯尼科夫和福贵的视野表达了对死亡所具有的残忍力量的认识。

1.He is unworthy to live who lives only for himself.活着只为己,活着无价值。
2.In his lifetime of 84 years,在他活着的84年,
3.Live to learn, not learn to live. --Francis Baco活着就要学习,学习不是为了活着。——培根
4.Men eat to live but not live to eat.人吃饭为了活着,但活着不是为了吃饭。
5.Life is not just living, but living in health .人生不光是活着,而是要健康地活着
6.To live is to learn,to learn is to better live.活着为了学习,学习为了更好的活着
7.Live not to eat but eat to live.[谚]要为活着而吃饭,不要为吃饭而活着
8.The Charm of Truly Living--A Study of Artistic Authenticity of "Living"Written by Yu Hua;真实的活着 活着的魅力——论余华小说《活着》的艺术真实性特征
9.They are busying themselves (in) packing up.他们正忙活着整理行装。
10.the happiest woman alive;活着的最快乐的女人;
11.and besides, her mother was alive.而且,母亲也还活着
12.continue to live, endure or last.继续活着,持久或者持续。
13.remain alight,burning,running,etc保持某种活动状态(亮着、烧着、运动着...)
14.She abandons herself to dissipation她过着放荡的生活。
15.He rioted his life out.他一生过着放荡的生活。
16.He led a fast life.他过着放荡的生活。
17.lead a blameless life evermore.始终过着清白的生活。
18.He leads the life of Riley.他过着豪华的生活。

1.Whereas in 1990s, YU Hua changed his writing attitude and began to express loving care for those survivors who live hypocritically.余华1980年代的创作以“愤怒”的写作显示了先锋文学的挑战性姿态,其1990年代的创作以幸存者的言说表达了虚伪的“活着”的人生关怀;从“愤怒”的写作到虚伪的“活着”构成了余华创作的后现代叙事策略。
4)To Live《活着》
1.The Aesthetic Transmutation of the Novel To Live in Drawing-interpretting Times;《活着》在读图时代的审美嬗变——小说与影视之比较
2.Through analyzing the To Live and Chronicle of a Blood Mercha of Yu Hua,the article points out the influence of the Western Writer on Yu Hua in four espects,including Borge′s Time Theory,Rland Barthes′ zero Degree Theory,Fyodor Dostoyevsky′s Pain Consciousness and Suzie′s Existentialism.文章通过对余华近作《活着》和《许三观卖血记》的解读和分析,从四个方面说明余华受西方作家影响较深:受博尔赫斯的时间理论影响,余华在叙述时采用重复与循环的叙述结构;罗兰。
1.Tenderheartedness Construction of Folk Ideal——Comments on YU hua s Aliveness and XU San-guan s Sales of His Own Blood;民间理想的温情营构——评余华的《活着》与《许三观卖血记》
2.This paper,while analyzing Yu Hua s such works as Aliveness、Xu San-guan s Sale of His Own Blood and Brothers,exemplifies and expounds the three ways of resisting sufferings in his novels.本文结合余华的《活着》、《许三观卖血记》和近作《兄弟》阐述作家对苦难人生进行消解的三种途径。
6)Being Alive《活着》
1.Being Alive: A Modern Tragedy Composed of "Absurdity" and "Irrationality";《活着》,由“荒诞”与“非理性”构成的现代悲剧
2.The Death Experience in Yu Hua s Being Alive;论余华《活着》的死亡体验

活着1.妙着。指下棋时机动灵活,不被对方所牵制的一步。 2.引申为随机应变的办事方针。