1.Being Moved by Affection and Beauty--Revisit to Binxin s Prose Smile;在爱与美的世界里感动着——再读冰心散文《笑》
2."Being moved" in daily life is always interpreted as "a kind of beautiful emotion experience " by people , in fact, its connotation is abundant, which implies the positive whole changes of three respects of people s cognition , emotion ,and behavior;and which is the concentrating and reflecting of the people s development mechanism.感动在日常生活中往往被人们理解为“一种美丽的情感体验”,其实它的内涵是丰富的,它隐含着人认知、情感、行为三方面的积极整体变化;它是人的发展机制的浓缩体现。

1.Emotionally stirred or moved.受到感动的感情上受到冲击或感动
2.To move or bring by prayer or entreaty.感动,打动以祈祷或请求来感动或带来…
3.Not easily stirred or moved in feeling.不易动感情的在感情上不易激动或感动
4.Standards of Good Verse;感动 撼动 挑动 惊动——好诗的“四动”标准
5.emotional, touching, etc reunions令人感动的、 激动的...团聚
6.Play upon sb's heart-strings, ie move him emotionally拨动某人心弦(使其感动
7.To affect deeply, as by piercing the consciousness or emotions.感染,深深感动通过唤起意识或情感而打动人心
8.That's affecting, truly affecting.那太令人感动了,真太令人感动了。
9.And Elisha said, I pray thee, let a double portion of thy spirit be upon me.以利沙说,愿感动你的灵加倍地感动我。
10.And Elisha said, Be pleased to let a special measure of your spirit be on me.以利沙说、愿感动你的灵加倍的感动我。
11.Sensation, Move, and Emotion;感知、感动、感悟——浅议音乐课美育特质的体现
12.not sensitive or susceptible to impression.不敏感的或不易受感动的。
13.We were moved by the moving story.我们为这个感人的故事所感动
14.We were deeply touched by the sentimental movie.我们深深被那感伤的电影所感动
15.vibration sensitive receptor振动感受器 振动感受器
16.condenser-start induction motor电容起动感应电动机
17.engine speed pneumatic transducer发动机转速气动传感器
18.monocylic-start induction motor单周期起动感应电动机

1.The innervation design form can embody the design thought and spirit more vividly.具有"动感"的设计形态,更加生动地体现了设计的灵魂思想。
2.She uses substantiation,visualization,vivification and other methods to highlight its innervation and quality in order to express her inspirational feelings.她用实体化、形象化、鲜活化,以及突出质感、动感等多种方法,表达自己鲜活灵动的感受,使读者在阅读过程中不仅得到审美愉悦,而且也激活了渐渐退化的审美感知能力。
1.Analysis of this practical,modern and dynamic on line dictionary in this thesis offers references for its users.本文探讨了《金山词霸》独到的实用性、鲜明的现代感和强劲的动感,旨在为高校英语语言研究者提供参考。
5)active remote sensing主动遥感
6)passive remote sensing被动遥感
