1.He is a real Confucianist: DongFangSuo;一个不应该被忽视的儒者:东方朔
2.The ancient Confucianists took loyalty,credit,etiquette,justice and humanity as the ways to cultivating their moral character and living in the world.古代儒者把忠信、礼义、仁义视为修身立世之道,追求刚直不阿、特立独行的坚毅人格,崇尚尊让宽容、谦逊谨慎、“己所不欲,勿施于人”的处世原则,遵从“行天下之大道”、“苟利国家,不求富贵”、虽身处危境却能“信其志”“犹将不忘百姓之病”的从政理念。
3.By establishing Confucianism, Confucius set up the norm of confucianists social norm? The social role of confucianists which Confucius defined has two aspects, both ideal and realistic.孔子创立儒学,初步建构起儒者的社会角色规范。

1.On the Erudite Scholar Ma Rong in the Han Dynasty;略论“不拘儒者之节”的“通儒”马融
2.Analysis of Tao in Daxue and the Interpretion of Confucian;《大学》“道”论及其对儒者价值的承载
3.Mazu Deity from the Perspective of Confucians since Ming and Qing Dynasties;论明清以来儒者关于妈祖神性的定位
4.On the Differences of Poems by Poets,Literati and Confucians in the Song Dynasty论宋人的“诗人诗”、“文人诗”与“儒者诗”之辨
5.A ternary subjectivity is proposed to include national cukture, Confucianism and Confucian moral personality.为此,我们要确立民族文化、儒家和儒者道德人格的三重主体性。
6.Dreams of Literary Men and Admiration for their Thought--A Brief Discussion on Zhu Geliang and his Influence on the Intellectuals, Thought and Culture in Ancient China;儒者之梦,儒道之歌——浅谈诸葛亮与我国古代知识分子、思想文化
7.The crucial point in the discussion of the Confucian school and Confucianism lies in the views on the similarities and differences between the Confucian school and religion.儒学论者与儒教论者讨论的焦点在于如何看待儒学与宗教的异同。
8.Li Zhi Confucianism Thought Study;儒教社会中的独行者:李贽儒学思想研究
9.Historical Truth of Exclusive Confucianism Reverence and Spiritual Transformation of Confucian Scholars;儒学独尊的历史真相与儒家学者的精神蜕变
10.Self vs. Other--Confucianism, Taoism and Modern Society;“我者”与“他者”——儒道文化与当代社会
11.a knee - jerk cynic.作出自动反应的犬儒主义者
12.An adherent of the teachings of Confucius.孔子的门徒孔子儒教的追随者
13.In those days, a learned man like this was called a ru or scholar.当时,人们称这些学者为“儒”;
14.Confucian Scholar Wang Ji in Western Han Dynasty and His Study of Confucian Classics;西汉儒家学者王吉及其经学活动考述
15.Probing into Social Workers Confucian Spirit in China;我国社会工作者的儒家人文精神探索
16.Hou Hsiao-hsien as an Film Author;儒梦人生——侯孝贤电影的作者特质
17.Zhou Dun-yi:On the Ontological Entrance of the Classical Confucianism;周敦颐:儒学本体论思维向度的开启者
18."Huiru": the Personality of the Scholar of Chinese Muslim;“回儒”:中国穆斯林学者的人格特征

1.Technological Man and Moral Man——On He Lin’s Conception of a Modern Confucian;技术人与道德人——论贺麟的儒者型个人观
2.Confucianism and Taoism,the two contrasting cultural spirits,were integrated in a special form at that time,which constructed Meng s cultural psychology and standard of values.当时儒道两种对立的文化精神以一种特殊的形态相互整合,共同建构了孟浩然的文化心态和价值标准,使孟浩然具有一种儒者和隐逸气质相混合的精神特质,形成了孟浩然既追求一定的社会功利又不以入世为首选目标的温和、拘谨的士人人格,也使他长期处于仕与隐的紧张和焦虑之中。
3.Although he died shortly,his confucian spirit of caring for the fate of his nation and people is valuable heritage for people.但他心忧国祚,情系百姓,儒者的人格气质给后世人民留下了宝贵的精神遗产。
3)a Confucian's mien儒者风采
4)Confucian manner儒者风范
5)the atmosphere of Confucian儒者气象
1.He combines the atmosphere of Confucian with the demeanor of Taoism.同时,诸葛亮又具有“儒者气象”,体现了“以道持守”的儒家道德人格,两者相济互补、相辅相成。
