1.A Sociolinguistic Study on Wulitou in Zhou Xing s Films;周星驰电影中的无厘头语言的社会语言学研究
2.The Characteristic of Postmodern of the Wulitou Comedy Movie of Hollywood;好莱坞无厘头喜剧电影的后现代性
3.With this theory, the paper analyzed the Wulitou conversations in Zhou Xingchi s films to illustrate the presentation of conversation implicature and the fulfillment of Wulitou style.本文运用会话含义理论,结合周星驰电影中无厘头语言的会话实例进行阐释,分析了违反各种准则的情况下产生的会话含义和无厘头语言风格的实现。

1.Something from Nothing in Hollywood Soup Comedies;好莱坞无厘头喜剧电影的“无”中生“有”
2.Approach to "Nonsense" Text of Contemporary Popular Culture;“无厘头”:一种流行的大众文化现象
3.Rhetorical Skills Analysis of the Nonsense Films' Comic Language无厘头电影喜剧语言的修辞技巧分析
4.A Sociolinguistic Study on Wulitou in Zhou Xing s Films;周星驰电影中的无厘头语言的社会语言学研究
5.Comic master Steve Martin stars as the clueless detective in The Pink Panther.喜剧大师史提夫?马丁在《粉红豹》中饰演一位无厘头的侦探。
6.The initiators of Wulitou way are fans of Dahuaxiyou (Talking About Western Odyssey). They include journalists and foreign teachers. They share a common name Zhou Benchi.无厘头英语的创立者是一群《大话西游》迷,包括记者、外教,他们共同享有一个名字"周奔驰"。
7.My savings account currently earns2% interest.我的储蓄存款户头目前赚取二厘利息。
8.and had a round head with 10-centimetre horns@,圆形的头上有十厘米左右的角。”
9.It is only 11 cm high, with the head about the size of a bean.蒋门神像通高只有11厘米,人头不过蚕豆大小,
10.Observation of Continuously Fast Recording of 10ms Solar Macrowave Bursts at 21cm21厘米太阳爆发10毫秒无间隙快速记录观测
11.Plant monoecious: staminate flowers on obovoid or club-shaped stiff spikes, 1.5-2 cm long; pistilate flowers in a dense globose head.雌雄同株:雄花序倒卵形或棒状,长1.5-2厘米;雌花序圆头状。
12.They'd cruise so close that I could sense the leader's wingtip only centimetres from my cheek.它们离我很近,我能感到那只领头雁的翅膀尖距我面颊只有几厘米。
13.This depends on the precise radio- frequency of the 21- cm wavelength, or 1420 megacycles per second .这种方法依靠21厘米波长或每秒1420兆周的精确无线电频率。
14.I don't know of anything more remorseless on the face of the earth than seven per cent interest.我可不知道在这地球上有什么东西比七厘利息更无情的。
15.Auckland Tower : "Previously landed aircraft says did not need to use brakes, ten to fifteen millimeter deep water on runway".奥克兰塔台:"目前降落航机无需使用煞车,跑道积水10至15公厘."
16.This depends on the precise radio frequency of the 21-cm wavelength, or 1420 megacycles per second.这种通迅联系要靠21厘料波段,即每秒1420兆周的精确无线电频率。
17.One goose would fly about ten centimetres above me, its head and neck protruding like the beak of a strange hat.一只雏雁总是飞在我的头顶上面约10厘米处,它的头和颈像奇怪帽子的前沿那样突出。
18.Hair grows about 12 mm per month. If a person never has his haircut, it would grow to a length of about 107 cm before falling out.头发每个月可长12毫米,如果一个人从不剪发,头发会长至107厘米才开始脱落。

1.An influential trend among youngsters in recent years,“rascal”culture is a cultural attitude opposed to utilitarianism and materialism.“无厘头”文化作为近年来影响广泛、深远的青年时尚文化,其产生和发展具有深刻的时代背景。
3)the "nonsense" structural popular texts"无厘头"结构
4)the culture of wulitou无厘头文化
5)nonsense film无厘头电影

悬厘悬厘 悬厘   经穴名。出《针灸甲乙经》。属足少阳胆经。手足少阳、阳明之会。在头部鬓发上,当头维与曲鬓弧形连线的上四分之三与下四分之一交点处。布有耳颞神经颞支和颞浅动、静脉顶支。主治偏头痛,耳鸣,癫痫,目外眦痛,齿痛,及三叉神经痛等。沿皮刺0.3-0.5寸。艾条灸5-10分钟。