1.This paper describes the wandering course that Odysseus and Aeneid returned to their hometown and sought for their native place after the war.通过奥德修斯和埃涅阿斯战后回归故乡和寻找家园的漂泊历程,揭示了人与自然、乡土的关系及其在生态危机的现实语境中所具有的深远意义,同时在文化反思中表达了人类应该具有的生态情怀和生态责任。
2.His works on his wandering life in the Southeast Asia from the summer of 1925 to the autumn of 1927 gives a miserable picture of the people s life in the Southeast Asia.闽籍现代作家杨骚于1925年夏至1927年秋漂泊南洋时的创作,是一个漂泊者“真心真血的流露”。

1.The state of being a vagrant.漂泊,流浪漂泊不定的状态
2.He' s knocked about Africa all his life.他在非洲漂泊一生。
3.He is a wanderer on the face of the earth.他是一个四处漂泊的人。
4.wandering about with no place to go.四处漂泊,无处可去
5.He drifted from London to Paris他从伦敦漂泊到巴黎。
6.I'm not a bird of passage.我不是漂泊不定的人。
7.He has knocked about the world for many years.他在世界上漂泊多年。
8.The Moon and Cloud on a Drifter's Way漂泊者与漂泊路上的云和月——江子散文读后
9.The Female Writing from Keeping Watch to Moving--On the Famale Sense of Moving in XiaoHong s Novels;从“守望”到“漂泊”的女性书写——兼论萧红作品中的女性漂泊意识
10.Eternity in Wandering and Eternal Wandering --An Interview with Anthropologists (32);漂泊中的永恒与永恒的漂泊——人类学学者访谈之三十二
11.Revelation of A Wandering Soul --Yangsao s Works on his Wandering Life in the Southeast Asia in the 1920 s;漂泊者“真心真血的流露”——浅谈杨骚二十年代漂泊南洋的创作
12.Nomadic Heart-The Diaspora and Specialty under the Pen of Female Chinese Writers of Northern America;漂泊心灵——北美华文女作家笔下的漂泊性及其殊异
13.They are drifting, unhappy people.他们是漂泊而不快乐的人。
14.A day laborer, drifting from town to town.临时工从一个城镇漂泊到另一个城镇
15.sighted land after 40 days at sea.在海上漂泊了四十天之后看见了陆地
16.You shall be a vagrant and a wanderer on earth.你会成为流浪汉,到处漂泊
17.They were homeless for 19 years.19年间,他们居无定所,漂泊四方。
18.She began to see that she herself had been drifting.她这时感到自己也是漂泊不定。

1.In the novels by Zhang AI-Ling the potaonist expresses out the feeling of homelessly drift, the natural affection of household unconsciously and hopefully.在张爱玲的小说创作中,主人公不同程度地表现出无家可归的漂泊感,对家族亲情无意识的归依与渴望,这种矛盾的家族情怀既是人物自身复杂的精神心理的真实反映,同时也是作家家庭情感的无意识流露。
2.The protagonists in his novels represents himself and his solitude, drift, fear and anxiety were expressed in his works.他的孤独、漂泊、恐惧、焦虑在作品中得到了真实的反映。
3.During the embryonic and growing stage of modern verse,there occurs a large number of poetic texts which depict the flying birds in nature to describe the drifting condition of life.在新诗的萌芽和发展期 ,出现了大量摹写飞鸟或抒写生命漂泊情态的诗歌文本 ,可将其称为新诗的“飞鸟”情结。
1.It is introduced that Xiao Hong experienced the destruction of physical and mental hardships in the war in the 1930s and 1940s;she sought for the dependence in spiritual in the lonely vagrancy.介绍了20世纪30、40年代的战争使得萧红经历了肉体上的摧残和精神上的磨难,孤独的漂泊渴望寻求精神上的皈依,以及在"客居"的环境下使得萧红对于"家"产生了一种情感上的演变的过程,认为战争中的生命体验促使她把个人情感与时代情感相统一,创作风格发生了转变。
2.The theme of Xu zechen’s novels is divided into two categories: vagrancy life (especially in Beijing) and nostalgia.徐则臣小说主题分为两大类:漂泊生活(尤其是北京)和怀望故乡(运河边的水乡小镇),简单说就是京漂和故乡。
1.The feeling of drifting,aching in growth and puzzling in life of modern people are included in her novels emotion expression.魏微是近年来文坛崛起的新锐作家,她的小说还原生活本真的状态,描写形形色色的各路人,在其情感表述上有写繁华都市中人的漂泊感、成长中隐秘的疼痛、还有当下人生活的时代困惑,本文侧重从小说中的情感表述来论述,来分享魏微的小说,来理解和阐释小说中人的情感,生发出文本之意图,明白魏微书写的意义。
2.Waiting and drifting are literary motifs centering on salvation and the Bible defines salvation as the returning to Paradise.等待与漂泊是文学传统中以救赎为中心的古老母题,在《圣经》中,救赎最终表现为重返乐园。
3.Based on the two concepts of “drifting”and “returning”,it makes a penetrating analysis of her emotional experience and her way of life,which helps the reader to have a deeper unde.因此以女性空间为视角观照萧红及其作品 ,从“漂泊”和“回归”两个概念出发来透视萧红的情感历程和人生道路 ,以期达到对她的作品的更深刻的理解。
1.It is the wander for the intelligentsia who lived in the earlier of 20 centuries that provides a significant juncture for the Chinese modern local novels.20世纪早期,中国知识分子“走异路,逃异地”,寻求新的生活方式的漂泊历程,为中国现代乡土小说的产生提供了重要契机。
2.No home to go back, no shelter to hide, he could only lead a wandering life.无家可归,无处可依,使他只能在漂泊中度过余生,在漂泊中开始了对社会人生的深刻思索。
3.In the Chinese history of poetry used Du Fu was the first poet who, "wandering" a great many times.杜甫是中国诗歌史上第一个大量集中使用"漂(飘)泊"这一词的诗人,在其"漂泊西南"时期,他的诗歌创作出现了大量表现"漂泊感"的词语与意象。
6)wandering life漂泊人生
