1.Zang Di is influenced by western symbolism and Chinese traditional culture deeply,he is special for his wisdom observation to life and the exquisite multi-colors poetry technique in the free verse writer.深受西方象征主义影响同时受到中国传统文化熏陶的臧棣以其敏锐的对生活的智性观察和精湛多变的诗歌技艺在新诗发展中独树一帜。
2.He always tried to avoid relieving his innermost emotion in order to seek for the cohesion of wisdom.卞之琳是一个冷峻的沉思者 ,他极力避免感情的倾泄而追求智慧的凝聚 ,诗中充满着哲理和智性
3.It shows essayists pursuit of wisdom in a humorous and refined style.构建风格为在趣味性里蕴含闲适文人的智性追求。

1.The Beauty of Intelligence" --The"Intelligence & Reason"Characteristics of BIAN Zhi-lin s Peoms;“智慧之美”:卞之琳诗歌的“智性化”特征
3.Anti-art,Anti-logos and Intellectual Nature反艺术、反理性与智性——从《三个标准的终止》看杜尚的智性
4.Perception and Intelligence:Instant Image and Life Form--On the Intelligent Living Expression of Xin Di s Poems;感性与智性:瞬间印象与生命形式——论辛笛诗歌中的智性生命表达
5.As a result of sanyama comes the shining forth of the light.依此体性而观见到智性之光明照。
6.Pay Attention to the Human Survival Circumstances with the Wise Narration s Method--Explanation for Hong Ying s Wise Narrative Technique;智性叙述下的人类生存境遇——虹影智性化叙事手法解读
7.intellectual type of character理智型性格 理智型性格
8.representative intelligence表象性智能 表像性智能
9.Sense and Sensibility理智与情感/理性与感性
10.The state or quality of being irrational.不理智不理智的状态或性质
11.Practical Wisdom: An Intellectual Virtue That a Moral Person Must Possess;明智——一个道德的人必备的理智德性
12.Division 33. Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities智力落后发育性伤残
13.Programa de Educacion Sexual y Afectiva性教育和心智健康方案
14.Intelligence is a quantitative trait.智力是一种数量性状。
15.Good is the passive that obeys reason.善是服从理智的被动性。
16.Jornadas de Conversacion sobre Afectividad y Sexualidad心智健康与性活动问题对话日(心智健康对话日)
17.A Comment on the Rejection of Ziwu Valley Battle-Interpretation of Zhuge Liang s Intelligence;是智是怯说子午——《三国演义》诸葛亮智能性格侧议
18.Transforming Knowledge into Wisdom and Rational Intuition──On Feng Qi Theory of Wisdom;转识成智与理性直觉——冯契智慧学说述评

1.The crisscross and mixture of intelligence and morals,the unity of the reasons of means and value——the future development trend of moral education;智性与德性交融 工具理性与价值理性统一——未来道德教育发展的走向
2.The ideal personal character he pursued not only covers moral nourishment of Song dynasty Confucianism,but also covers intelligence and resilient dignity.曾国藩被认为是“一宗宋儒”,但他所追求的理想人格内涵除了坚持宋儒的德性修养之外,还进一步拓展了其“周知庶物”的智性与刚直明强的血性方面。
3.This article analyzes the artistic style of the proses of Xia Zhen from three aspects as the following: Be full of intelligence and interest.夏真散文的总体艺术特征是:充满智性与理趣;爱,是夏真散文的创作源泉;体现“豪华落尽见真淳”的本色与质朴风格,而“红杜鹃精神”正是夏真散文之所以成功的人格基础。
1.Henry Woo believes that the predicaments facing the modern world are largely caused by the intellect oriented culture of the West and its subsequent Modernism.胡国亨认为 ,当今人类面临的生存困境 ,主要是由西方智性文化及其衍生的现代化造成的。
2.Growing out of such a spiritual aura, Chinese modern poems acquired its unique intellectual features and the corresponding status in the history of Modern Chi.这种影响以鲜明的智性风格为特征 ,在现代主义诗歌群体的形成以及其创作的特殊技法、表现手段乃至风格特征等方面留下了无法忽略的印痕 ,因而值得关注和进一步的重
3.Intellectual discovery makes man get rid of the state of primitive thought,and becomes the world\'s subjectivity;while the spiritual discovery makes man have the moral sense;and rational discovery completes man\'s subjectivity construction,and be led astray of self-confirmation significance.欧洲文学的发展史忠实记录了人在智性、精神和理性这三个维度上的自我发现历程。
1.In the poems of Xin Di,feeling,sensation,intellectuality and mind are digested.但其感情不是直接抒发出来,而是将感情、情绪渗入诗中,又注意内敛,使情感、理念处于明晰与含蓄之间,造成了观念与情感内涵上的多样性、多义性,由此他的诗歌充满了"感性"与"智性"的有机统一。
2.Summ ary:As the represent poet of the intellectuality writing in Ch inese modern poetry h istory,absorb ing the western symbolism po-etry theories,and comb ined itw ith Ch inese c lassic poetry together,B ian Zh i-lin created the beautifu l style of poem w ith spec ial fea-tures on ly.卞之琳是中国现代诗歌史上智性诗歌写作的代表诗人,他吸收了西方象征主义诗歌理论,并将之与中国古典诗美相结合,创造了独具特色的诗美风格。
3.It is considered that the realizing of the rule of law must be based on the development of human intellectuality, which was the accepted experience in the western society but cou.本文认为 :法治的落实 ,必须以人的智性心的开发为前提和基础 ,这是传统西方的经验。
1.Chinese modern intellectual poem, which is different from Chinese classical poem totally, is developing maturity gradually with going through from Bian Zhilin at thirties, Feng Zhi and Jiu Ye poem school at forties and Taiwan modern poem at fifties and seventies, to new poems at eighties and nineties.智性诗是知性和抒情的混合产物,是完全不同于中国古典诗歌的独特诗种。
6)quality intelligence性智
1.The mutual complementation and promotion of scientific knowledge, scientific thinking (quantity intelligence) and artistic (including literary) knowledge, artistic thinking (quality intelligence) is the intellective basis which contributes to metasynthetic wisdom and innovative thinking.科学知识、科学思维(量智)与文艺知识、艺术思维(性智)相互融合、相互促进,是涌现创新思维和大成智慧的智力基础。
2.Scientific knowledge, scientific thinking (quantity intelligence) and artistic (including literary) knowledge, artistic thinking (quality intelligence) complement each other and promote each other, which is the key point of e.科学知识及科学思维 (量智 )与文艺知识及艺术思维 (性智 ) ,相互融合 ,相互促进 ,是涌现大成智慧与创新思维的基本要义。

智性1.犹理性。 2.佛教语。指真性。