1.The Third Space: Rushdie s Cultural Identity and His Literary Strategy;第三空间:拉什迪的文化身份和文学策略
2.Mixed Writing Under Post-colonialism——the Female Image by Rushdie后殖民姿态下的混杂性书写——拉什迪笔下的女性形象
3.Although Salman Rushdie s Satanic Verses triggered off the famous Rushdie Affairs with "powerful clash of civilizations" undertones, there has not been so far an adequate discussion of the causes of the matter by Chinese the academia of foreign literature.拉什迪的《撒旦诗篇》引发了一场带有"文明冲突"意味的"拉什迪"事件,但迄今为止,我国外国文学评论界尚未对这一事件的深层次原因进行探讨。

1.Rashdi: A Tragic Figure in the Crack Between the Oriental and Occidental Culture拉什迪:东西方文化夹缝中的悲剧人物
2.The Third Space: Rushdie s Cultural Identity and His Literary Strategy;第三空间:拉什迪的文化身份和文学策略
3.An Analysis of Magic Realism in Salman Rushdie's Midnight's Children对萨尔曼·拉什迪《午夜之子》的魔幻现实主义特色解读
4.Mixed Writing Under Post-colonialism--the Female Image by Rushdie后殖民姿态下的混杂性书写——拉什迪笔下的女性形象
5.From a Tenuous Perspective--On Salman·Rushidie's “从一个纤小的角度看现实”——评拉什迪的长篇小说《羞耻》
6.A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Salman Rushdie's Code Appropriation借用·混合·转换:拉什迪语码挪用之社会语言学分析
7.But millions of Moslems around the world who find Rushdie's particular words insulting have every right to hold him accountable.可是全世界数百万觉得拉什迪的某些语言带污辱性的穆斯林,有十足的权利要他负文责。
8.Analysis of the Religious Views of Expatriates of Post-coIonialism--A ComParative Study on the Sense of Religion and Cultural Function of Aitmatov and Rushdie;后殖民时代换语作家宗教观解析——艾特玛托夫与拉什迪宗教意识及文化功用比较研究
9.Bosanski Gradiska波斯尼亚格拉迪什卡
10.Eddie: Huh? Laura? But why...?艾迪:啊,去追劳拉吗?但是为什么。。。?
11.MEDINA KRAUDIE, Laura劳拉·梅迪纳·克劳迪
12.The answer will probably be Alabama or somewhere south of the Mason - Dixon line .回答可能是亚拉巴马州或者是梅森一迪克森线以南的什么地方。
13."Did Larry Moody, in your presence, make any sort of advances toward Miss Cole ?"“拉里·穆迪当着你的面是否对科尔小姐有什么挑逗的言语或行为?”
14.Cindy Sheehan, an antiwar activist, has even compared her to talk-radio' s Rush Limbaugh.辛迪·恩,一位反战活动家,甚至把她比作广播电台主持人拉什?林堡。
15.Beira Boat Delagoa Bay Agency贝拉迪拉果阿湾船公司
16.NCAHINYERETSE, Ladislas拉迪斯拉·恩卡希奈雷察
17.Although he does not recall when asked, George( Herbert Walker) Bush was in Dallas the day JFK was assassinated.虽然他被问及时没有记起来,肯尼迪遇刺那天,老布什就在事发所在地达拉斯。
18.Bush and Vice-President Dick Cheney say they will not budge from sending more US troops to Iraq no matter how much Congress opposes it.布什总统和副总统迪克·切尼表示,无论议会怎样反对,他们都将对伊拉克增兵。

Salman Rushdie萨尔曼·拉什迪
1.Salman Rushdie is a famous British Indian novelist and essayist.萨尔曼·拉什迪是一位蜚声文坛的英籍印度小说家和散文家。
1.Pray and Meditation—On the Poem Creation of Allen.Ginsberg from Kaddish;苦难人生的祈祷 生死哲理的冥想——从《卡迪什》看艾伦·金斯伯格诗歌的创新精神
1.The Peak of Cavendish in 20 Century: Rutherford Particular Period Research;20世纪卡文迪什的巅峰:卢瑟福时期的研究
1.Rush, A famous American physician and his medical idea;美国名医拉什及其医学思想
