
1.To puzzle, confuse, or baffle.使迷惑、使混乱或使疑惑
2.He tried hard to lay her doubts.他尽力消除她的疑惑
3.Gatsby looked at me questioningly.盖茨比疑惑地看着我。
4.have some misgivings about...对…感到有些疑惑[不安]
5.Molly was hesitant now.现在莫莉有些疑惑不决。
6.allay trouble, fears, suffering, doubt, suspicion减轻烦恼、 恐惧、 苦难、 疑惑、 嫌疑.
7.The question with which he left his castle was present in his heart.他离开城堡时所存的疑惑涌上心头。
8.A lack of certainty that often leads to irresolution.疑惑缺少肯定而导致犹豫不决
9.She got suspicious and decided to get to the bottom of it.她起了疑惑, 便决定弄个水落石出。
10.He listened in disbelief to this extraordinary story.他满腹疑惑地听着这个离奇的故事.
11.Let us eliminate all uncertain on thought.让我们从思想上消除一切疑惑
12.Gallagher varied between panic and disbelief.加拉赫时而惶惶不安,时而又疑惑不定。
13.The saleswoman raised an eyebrow skeptically; her voice sharpened.女推销员疑惑的扬扬眉毛,提高了嗓门。
14.A penumbra of doubt surrounds the incident.疑惑的阴影笼罩着该事件((真相不明))。
15.The doctors were puzzled by this strange continuous sleeplessness.医生们对他的奇异的不眠感到疑惑
16.She was distracted with doubts [at the occurrence].她因疑惑 [那事件] 而心烦意乱。
17.He remains curious about why she neglects him.他感到疑惑, 为什么她把他给忽略了。
18.We talked with him until talked his suspicions away.我们和他谈话一直到消除了她的疑惑

dispel doubt "disabuse"释疑"解惑"
3)uncertainty function疑惑功能
4)suspicious school疑传惑经
5)sense of doubt疑惑感
1.To cultivate creative spirit by means of sense of doubt,the teacher should guide the students through set doubt,clear up doubt in the course of teaching,and explain doubt after experiment.利用实验中的疑惑感培养学生的创新精神 ,重在引学设疑 ,过程解疑 ,实验后质疑 。
6)clear the way扫清疑惑

疑惑【疑惑】 (术语)疑理迷于事,不能决定是非者。法华经譬喻品曰:“今于世尊前,闻所未闻,皆堕疑惑。”无量寿经下曰:“疑惑中悔,自为过咎。”