爱国情结,patriotic complex
1)patriotic complex爱国情结
1.The simple but meaningful proverbs in King Gesar with their harmonious rhythm summarize the experience of ancient Tibetans life course and shows their patriotic complex.渗透着藏民族抹不去的爱国情结,对了解和研究古代藏区的军事、历史、道德准则和精神世界等方面提供了很重要的资料价值。
2.In the initial period of New China,although overseas China intellectuals take different attitude toward New China,they actively return home,showing their patriotic complex.热爱祖国的优良传统、民族认同的价值取向、"以天下为己任"的责任心、发挥自己的特长为新中国建设贡献力量的使命感,构成了建国初期海外知识分子爱国情结的基本元素。
3.Carrying on SU Shi\'s bold and unconstrained creative style was just his exicited and moral characters and everlast patriotic complex;while what was the main tune and founded his lofty place in the poetic history of China is just his partriotic poems with great and profound connotation.纵观辛弃疾龙腾虎跃的爱国词篇,无论是早期激情勃发的金戈之声,还是晚年悲怆无奈的沉痛呼喊,爱国情结始终贯穿辛弃疾的全部词作,是他进行创作的永恒动力。

1.Contemporary scan of the patriotic Complex in Yue Fei’s “Man Jiang Hong”;岳飞《满江红》爱国情结的当代审视
2.On the Value of Proverbs in King Gesar as References and Patriotic Complex;试述《格萨尔》谚语的资料价值与爱国情结
3.The Same Patriotism--Comparision between QU Yuan and TAO Yuanming;一脉相通的爱国情结——屈原、陶渊明比较分析
4.Revenge Consciousness and Patriotic Passion in Poetic Dramas and Historical Plays in Yuan Dynasty;元杂剧历史剧中的复仇意识与爱国情结
5.On Relationship between the Patriotic Complex and the Socialistic Complex of Deng Xiaoping-in Terms of Value Reason and Instrument Reason;论邓小平的爱国情结与社会主义情结的关系——来自价值理性与工具理性的思考
6.Excellent,Imperfect and Permanent-?  Probe into the Patriotic Complex Comprised in the Literary Creation during the Seventeen Years;卓异的、缺失的和永恒的——试论“十七年”文学创作的爱国情结
7.Patriotic Complex is the Everlast Creative Motive Force--A summary remark on XIN Qi-ji's creative motive force爱国情结是永恒的创作动力——辛弃疾词创作动机综论
8.Chinese People s Psychology and Some Influential Factors of Romantic Love;中国人爱情的心理结构及其影响因素
9.religious [patriotic] sentiment宗教情操 [爱国心]
10.A bond, as of affection or loyalty;fond regard.依恋,爱慕,情感一种情结,如爱戴或忠诚;爱慕
11.On the Nostalgic Complex and Patriotic Sentiment in Wang Dingjun's Prose--A Case Study of The Whirlpool of the Left Atrium王鼎钧的乡愁情结与爱国情怀——以《左心房漩涡》为探究中心
12.a storybook romance结局圆满幸福的爱情
13.A Summary of Basic Features of the Love Motif in Female Literature;斩不断的“情爱”情结——女性文学情爱主题特征概述
14.In love of home, the love of country has its rise.爱国之情产生了爱家之情。
15.An Analysis of Death Topic in Edgar Allan Poe’s Poems爱德嘉·爱伦·坡诗歌的“死亡”情结探源
16.Now it seems America's love affair with the plastic doll may also be coming to an end.如今,美国人对这个塑料娃娃的酷爱之情也似乎即将结束。
17.Mathematical Evolutions in Chinese Love Novels and Complicated Pluralistic Structure in Dream of the Red Chamber;中国爱情小说的数学演化和《红楼梦》的多元复杂结构
18.Mount Tian in LU You s Poems;陆游诗中的“天山”情结──南宋爱国诗对中唐诗的继承

1.the conflicts between Qu Yuan s patriotism and Zheng Xiu s quislism, and the one between Chan Juan loyalty and Song Yu s betrayal.文章在此基础上提出了以屈原爱国情结发展为主的第三条剧情线索,并论述了它与前两条线索的关系。
2.The development of modern charity in the late Qing Dynasty and early period of the Republic of China changed Zhang s charitable conception;his patriotism was the first purpose of his cause;the development of his business made his charitable cause possible;and his multiple personality was the ultimate determinant.清末民初近代慈善事业的发展使张謇的慈善理念向近代化转变,爱国情结是其举办慈善事业的第一要旨,实业的发展为其举办慈善事业提供了现实可能性,多元的人格特征则是最终的决定因素。
3)patriotism complex爱国主义情结
1.The dream-describing poems of Lu you express his deep emotion patriotism, and reflect vividly and intensively the profound contradiction between his dream and the reality.陆游的纪梦诗抒发了深厚的爱国情感,形象而集中地反映出理想与现实的深刻矛盾;其创作既源于特定的社会历史文化基础,又有其内在的个人主观原因,而总的趋向在于诗人借梦抒怀,以虚幻的时空引渡人生的理想之境,从而寻找生命的终极归依。
5)patriotic emotion爱国情感
1.His novels have established the national literature style,also are filled with the deep democracy and the intense patriotic emotion,displaying rich and complex innermost feeling of Taiwan people.他的小说创作建立了民族文学的风格,充满着深沉的民族主义内涵和强烈的爱国情感,他表现了丰富而复杂的台湾的"内心"。
2.When the nation s dignity and interest are endangered by hostile forces,the whole Chinese nation should be united and meanwhile the rising patriotic emotion should be guided into the rational course.真正把被激发的强烈爱国情感转化为持久、有力的发展动力,培育民众社会责任感,是将高涨的爱国热情纳入理性轨道的有效途径。
3.The patriotic education can achieve the goal of enhancing national cohesion through strengthening people s patriotic emotion as well as enhancing people s ideological recognition of rational patriotism.爱国主义教育可以通过增强人们的爱国情感以及提高人们的理性的爱国主义思想认识来达到增强民族凝聚力的目的。
6)patriotic feelings爱国情怀
1.Ding Ling s works Essays on the Visiting to the USA and What Do Literary Talents Mean reflect from certain aspects Ding Ling s zealous patriotic feelings and plain spirits as an ordinary person.丁玲的《访美散记》和《文学天才意味着什么》两部著作,从某些侧面反映了丁玲热诚的爱国情怀和作为一名普通劳动者的小草精神。

爱国女学与爱国学社  中国教育会主办的从事资产阶级民主革命的女校和男校。该会在1902年 4月由蔡元培、蒋智由、林獬、叶瀚等发起,蔡元培任会长。教育会既办教育培养革命人才,又利用学校进行革命活动。它开始时还致力于编辑教科书。会址在上海原英租界大马路泥城桥外福源里。爱国女学于1901年冬由蔡元培、蒋观云、黄宗仰、林少泉、陈梦坡等发起,1902年开学。校址先在登贤里,后迁福源里,蒋观云任经理,不久由蔡元培继任。初办时学生很少,旋因爱国学社社员家中的妇女都进女校,学生骤增。数理化教师有王小徐、严练如、钟宪鬯、虞和钦等,文史教师为叶瀚、蒋维乔等。还讲法国革命史。理化则注重炸弹制造。该校作为革命活动联络机关,为辛亥革命培养了不少革命战士。1907年脱离革命秘密机关的关系,成为普通女校。爱国学社成立于1902年11月,是中国教育会为接纳上海南洋公学沈联、胡炳生、俞子夷等200多名学生反对当局的封建压迫,愤然退学而设。1903年春季开学,先后又接受南京陆师、浙江大学堂杭州陆师风潮中退学学生章士钊等40人。由蔡元培任总理,吴稚晖为学监,章炳麟(太炎)、黄炎培、蒋维乔、吴丹初等为义务教师。校址亦在福源里。分寻常、高等两级,各为2年,后又增设蒙学班。寻常级课程有修身、国文、算学、史地、理化;高等级有伦理、国文、算学、物理、化学、心理、论理、社会、国家、经济、政治、法理、日文、英文、体操,并进行军事训练。学社实行学生自治,编印《学生世界》,以"国民公会"名义,常在张园集会,宣传资产阶级民主革命,还参加当时的拒法、拒俄运动。《苏报》作为学社师生发表言论的园地,"所载文章, 素为东南学界所注目。" 1903年6月"苏报案"发,章炳麟、邹容被捕,蔡元培走青岛,爱国学社被迫解散。