1.Baudrillar and Hyperreality——Art can end?;鲍德里亚与超真实——艺术会终结吗?
2.In his world-renowned novel White Noise,American postmodern writer Don DeLillo constructs a world of hyperreality,saturated with simulacra and codes,which breaks the boundary between what is real and what is imaginary.美国后现代作家唐·德里罗的《白噪音》构建了一个到处充斥着拟像的超真实世界,小说中虚拟和现实的分界线得以内爆,传统的主客体之间的关系和差异在符号和控制论的作用下发生了转变和解构。

1.Pro Tennis WTA Tour超真实女子网球-口袋版
2.WTA Tour Tennis Pocket超真实女子网球赛-口袋版
3.Baudrillar and Hyperreality--Art can end?;鲍德里亚与超真实——艺术会终结吗?
4.From Mirror-Image to Hyper-Realistic Illusion: the Evolution of Imitation Theories in the 20~(th) Century;从忠实的镜像到超真实的幻像——20世纪模仿理论的演变
5.to enlarge beyond bounds or the truth.扩大地超过了界限或事实真相。
7.Searching the Truth: A Super Lube of the Court Mediation;真实原则——法院调解的超级润滑剂
8.Transcendency the Costant Center of Jia Pingwa s Seeking for Truthfulness;超越性——贾平凹真实性追求的恒定轴心
9.Virtual Reality Technology of Ultra-low Altitude UAV超低空无人飞行器虚拟现实技术实现与仿真
10.FDTD Simulation and Implementation of Ultra Wide Band Miniaturized M-IDG AttenuatorM-IDG结构小型超宽带衰减器的FDTD仿真和实现
11.Above-threshold-ionization of atom under intense laser field with realistic pulse shape真实脉冲激光作用下的原子超阈值离化
12.Simulation and Experimental Research of Pneumatic Extra-high Pressure Proportional Valve;超高压气动比例减压阀的仿真与实验研究
13.Research and Simulation of Ultra-high Speed Griding of CBN Wheel Based on Virtual Reality基于虚拟现实的CBN砂轮超高速磨削仿真研究
14.Computer Simulation and Experimental Research on low loss superconduction resonance cavity低损耗超导谐振腔的仿真设计和实验研究
15.Simulation and Realization of Antennas feed for UWB Circular Polarization Horn超宽带圆极化喇叭天线馈源的仿真与实现
16.Simulation of Super-resolution Restoration for Remote Sensing Image遥感图像超分辨率复原算法的仿真实现
17.The Design of Ultrasonic Distance Measuring System Based on Multisim基于Multisim仿真的超声波测距系统的设计与实现
18.An authentic ascension means that it is mine and is based upon true transcendence of karmic-based patterning.一个真正的提升意味着属于自我的、业力模式的真实超越。

1.The literature image in digitization context demonstrates enormously different characteristics from traditional literature in the transmutation rhythm of transformation period,which are hyper-reality,nature to be intuitionistic and perceptible,multidimensional,integral,comprehensive,impetuous and jumping,etc.数字化语境中的文学意象在转型期的嬗变律动中呈现出与传统文学差异巨大的超真实性、直观可感性、多维性、整体性、综合性、浮躁性以及跳跃性等特征,这些特征是以语言为载体的文学踏上崇尚视觉文化和欲望主题的消费文化话语道路的结果。
3)ultra-reality esthetic超真实美
5)Super real-time simulation超实时仿真
6)The Truth of Transcendence超越的真实

超超1.谓超然出尘。 2.高高在上貌。 3.犹绰绰。 4.见"超超玄箸"。