1.Happiness and Jia Ping-wa s Literature;《高兴》与“贾平凹个体文学史”
2.The Inspiration of Happiness for Current Migrant-Worker Novels《高兴》对当下农民工小说的启示
3.Comments On Jia Pingwa’s New Novel Happiness徘徊在“高兴”与“失落”之间——评贾平凹的长篇新作《高兴》
1.On the Significance of Gaoxing by JIA Ping-wa to the Present Literary Writing;论《高兴》对当下文学写作的意义
2.Return to the Scenes of Daily Life:A Review on Gaoxing by JIA Ping-wa;疼痛与抚摸:回归日常生活的现场——评贾平凹长篇小说《高兴》
3.Another particularity of his grassroots writings is that both Shaanxi Opera and Gaoxing are novels whereas most of writings by other authors are novelettes or short stories.在新世纪"底层文学"的思潮中,贾平凹是一个特殊的现象,在20世纪80年代成名的作家中,他是对底层文学感兴趣的极少作家之一,同时在"底层文学"中他也具有特殊性,与"底层文学"中大多的中短篇小说不同,他的《秦腔》、《高兴》都是长篇小说。
1.To Tell Where can We Find Homeland——From Happy to See the Soul Solicitude Specially Written for Bottom Community不辨家园何处寻——从《高兴》看对底层书写的灵魂关怀
2.Taxonomic Artistic Features of Happy《高兴》的类型化艺术特征
3.Wild Ghosts Fluttering in Cities:A Book Review of Happy from a Perspective of Vagrant Culture城市中飘荡的魂灵——《高兴》的游民文化视角解读
1.Liu Gaoxing’s living condition and spiritual features in Jia Pingwa’s novel Happiess is analyzed and the modern and traditional peasant images are compared to position him as "new century city peasant" image.分析了贾平凹小说《高兴》中刘高兴这一人物的生活状态和精神特征,并将其与新时期农民形象、传统农民形象进行了比较,定位为"新世纪进城农民"形象。
1.The Analysis of the Writing Art of Happiness;试析《高兴》的写作艺术
2.Immigrant workers seeking happiness in the urban areas find little material support and spiritual foundation to achieve their goal of a rich and cheerful life because of their identity and profession.高兴是一种愉悦的情绪状态,高兴地面对现实生活,不仅是一种生活态度,更是一种乐观、豁达的人生态度。

1.He cheerfully went off to school.他高高兴兴地上学去了。
2.She went home on wings.她高高兴兴地回家了。
3.Just make me happy, ok?就让我高兴高兴,好不好?
4.He advances gaily to the archbishop.他高高兴兴走向大主教。
5.Feeling, causing, or indicating joy.感到高兴的,使人高兴的,或表示高兴
6.To show high spirits or excitement.表现出极度兴奋或高兴.
7.Nice to meet you, Alexandra.很高兴见到你, Alexandra。
8.Well, nice seeing you.嗯,很高兴见到你。
9.Nice to meet you, Jane.很高兴见到你,简。
10.Hi, nice to meet you.嗨,很高兴见到你。
11.Nice to see you, Fanny.很高兴见到你,Fanny。
12.To please greatly.使…非常高兴,愉快
13.I am also glad to be here.我很高兴来这里 。
14.C: I'm glad to meet you.丙:很高兴认识您.
15.incur a person's displeasure [wrath]惹人不高兴[生气]
16.Are you having a good time, Susan?玩得高兴吗, Susan?
17.Nice to meet you, Dan.很高兴见到你,丹。
18.a joyful [mournful]sound高兴[悲伤]的声音

1.On the Significance of Gaoxing by JIA Ping-wa to the Present Literary Writing;论《高兴》对当下文学写作的意义
2.Return to the Scenes of Daily Life:A Review on Gaoxing by JIA Ping-wa;疼痛与抚摸:回归日常生活的现场——评贾平凹长篇小说《高兴》
3.Another particularity of his grassroots writings is that both Shaanxi Opera and Gaoxing are novels whereas most of writings by other authors are novelettes or short stories.在新世纪"底层文学"的思潮中,贾平凹是一个特殊的现象,在20世纪80年代成名的作家中,他是对底层文学感兴趣的极少作家之一,同时在"底层文学"中他也具有特殊性,与"底层文学"中大多的中短篇小说不同,他的《秦腔》、《高兴》都是长篇小说。
1.To Tell Where can We Find Homeland——From Happy to See the Soul Solicitude Specially Written for Bottom Community不辨家园何处寻——从《高兴》看对底层书写的灵魂关怀
2.Taxonomic Artistic Features of Happy《高兴》的类型化艺术特征
3.Wild Ghosts Fluttering in Cities:A Book Review of Happy from a Perspective of Vagrant Culture城市中飘荡的魂灵——《高兴》的游民文化视角解读
1.Liu Gaoxing’s living condition and spiritual features in Jia Pingwa’s novel Happiess is analyzed and the modern and traditional peasant images are compared to position him as "new century city peasant" image.分析了贾平凹小说《高兴》中刘高兴这一人物的生活状态和精神特征,并将其与新时期农民形象、传统农民形象进行了比较,定位为"新世纪进城农民"形象。
1.The Analysis of the Writing Art of Happiness;试析《高兴》的写作艺术
2.Immigrant workers seeking happiness in the urban areas find little material support and spiritual foundation to achieve their goal of a rich and cheerful life because of their identity and profession.高兴是一种愉悦的情绪状态,高兴地面对现实生活,不仅是一种生活态度,更是一种乐观、豁达的人生态度。
6)in gleeful mood高高兴兴地
