1.On the basis of the analysis of character Philip s experience,the thesis reveals the theme of the novel-human bondage.从《人性的枷锁》主人公菲利普生活经历的分析的基础上,可见"人性的枷锁"主要是指情感枷锁、金钱枷锁及宗教枷锁三方面。

1.Of Human Bondage人间苦(人性枷锁)
2.To put in a pillory as punishment.套上枷锁戴上颈手枷作为惩罚
3.Shaking off the Yoke of Human Soul & Body人挣脱灵与肉的枷锁
4.Wedlock is a padlock.((谚))结婚是一种枷锁; 婚姻即锁练。
5.Their loyalty exceeds their national bonds.他们的忠诚超越了他们民族的枷锁
6."You're pulling a human into a genetic straitjacket.你把人类置于基因的枷锁里。
7.They were bound up in fetters of conventionalism.他们被因袭主义的枷锁所束缚。
8.They tried to quit themselves of the shackles of metaphysics.他们尽力设法摆脱形而上学的枷锁
9.He had got his neck out of the yoke of matrimony.他已经摆脱了婚姻的枷锁
10.She longed to escape from the bonds of children and housework.她渴望逃脱孩子们还有家事的枷锁
11.They finally rise up and burst their fetters.他们最后挺身而起,挣开枷锁
12."Dance with Shackles" and Outline "Time Feature";“带着枷锁跳舞”和勾画“时代眉目”
13.On the Naturalistic Characteristics of Maugham s of Human Bondage;论毛姆《人性的枷锁》中的自然主义特色
14.A Devil Shaking off the Yoke from Lord of Flies by William Golding;挣脱枷锁的魔鬼——读戈尔丁的《蝇王》
15.Personal Idea about Using Multimedia Technology in Maths Teaching;摆脱多媒体的枷锁,还原数学的本质
16.Many degenerate love into forcible occupation, destruction, pain/ suffering, and shackle.爱成了霸占,成了摧毁,成了痛苦,成了枷锁
17.strait jacket(狂暴囚犯, 精神病患者用的)拘束衣, 精神枷锁
18.Flail Elephant's, what is the purpose of this unit in the Indian army?枷锁象,这兵对印度军队有啥特别的目的在吗?

1.Taking old-style poems as examples,this paper shows that shackles are merciless,but to some extent they are merciful.以写旧诗为例 ,说明“枷锁” :道是无情却有情。
3)Spiritual shackles心灵枷锁
4)Colonialist shackles殖民枷锁
5)Spiritual(/mental ) shackles精神枷锁
6)Carrying the cangue and wearing a lock, a criminal was displayed to the public枷锁示众
