1.Wenjiang Ding:A practicing and initiate into Chinese modern times science thinker;丁文江——一位倡导和践行中国近代科学的思想者
2.Qian Sufan-a martyr of Nantong March 18th democratic struggle-is not only a revolutionary-but also a thinker;he is not only a thought revolutionary-but also a revolutionary thinker.一八”民主斗争烈士钱素凡先生不仅是一名革命者,也是一名思想者;不仅是一位思想革命家,也是一位革命思想家。
3.This thesis focus on Dostoyevsky’s thought, connotation of the“thinker”identity of heroes.论文主要论述陀思妥耶夫斯基的思想、主人公“思想者”形象的内涵以及他们之间的必然联系。

1.Rodin: The Kiss and The Thinker罗丹:《吻》和《思想者
2.What is he thinking about?“思想者”到底在想什么?
3.Ideals of the Free Thinkers in the 1920s;寻找思想文化的立足点──20年代“自由思想者”的理想构造
4.The Thinker represents the artist.《思想者》代表着艺术家本人。
5.Both The Thinker and The Kiss are close to the reality of flesh and blood.《思想者》和《吻》都非常接近真实的生命。
6.They are never alone accompanied by noble thoughts思想高尚者决不会孤单
7.not petty in character and mind.性格或者思想上不狭隘。
8.maintain; as of a theory, thoughts, or feelings.关于理论,思想或者感情。
9.independent in behavior or thought.在行为或者思想上独立。
10.relating to or existing in the mind or thoughts.与头脑或者思想相关,存在于头脑或者思想之中。
11.educational thought of early utopian socialist早期空想社会主义者的教育思想
12.The author indoctrinated the readers with the idea of universal fraternity作者向读者灌输博爱的思想。
13.being or of the nature of a notion or concept.思想的、概念的或者具有思想或概念的特点。
14.A discussion about the thought of Wu Ching-tzu as a "thinker novelist试论“思想家的小说”的作者吴敬梓的思想
15.Political Thought Work, Consciousness of Labours and Productive Force in New Century;新世纪思想政治工作、劳动者思想意识、生产力
16.On Significance and Thought of Marx s Proletarian Class into Propertied Class;马克思无产者变有产者思想及重要意义研究
17.Believer,Criticizer,Transcender--the Trinity of the Marx s Theory on Modernity;信奉者、批判者、超越者——马克思现代性思想的三位一体
18.They live in him together, and he in them.他们的思想共同在作者的著述里得到体现,而作者的思想反过来又化为他们的思想。

author's thought作者思想
3)translators thoughts译者思想
4)women thinkers女性思想者
5)the author's thought原作者思想
6)Ideological Scholar思想型学者
1.From “Political Hunker” to“Ideological Scholar”: Liang Qichao Status Evolution in 1920;从“政治型思想家”到“思想型学者”:梁启超1920年的身份嬗变
