1.Although Roland Barthes famous thesis "the Death of the Author" is not long,it came from rather complex sources:the first was anti-reason thoughts in the philosophical circle especially Foucault theory of "the Death of Man";the second Saussure s structural linguistics and Lacan view on subjectivity;the third the social condition in France of that time.巴特的著名论文《作者之死》文字不多,但其思想来源却十分复杂:哲学界反理性思想尤其是福柯的"人之死"理论、索绪尔的结构语言学理论和拉康的主体观、法国当时的社会现实等都为"作者之死"理论的提出准备了条件。
2.It is found that they have shared not only the emotional experience-fear and desperation,but also the anti-reason on speculative philosophy.十九世纪两位伟大的思想家克尔凯郭尔和托尔斯泰在对人的生存意义的探索中,不仅抱有着相似的情绪体验——恐惧和绝望,而且对思辨哲学有着同样的反理性思考,并最终以皈依宗教来实现精神上的回归,达到伟人之思的精神契合。

1.From rationalism to irrationalism and anti-rationalism --An inquiry on the western philosophy s development;理性主义、非理性主义与反理性主义
2.The striking features of absurd drama;反传统·反理性·反戏剧——荒诞派戏剧特征谈
3.Opposed or hostile to intellectuals or intellectual views.反知识的,反理性的反对或敌视知识分子及理性观点的
4.Approaches to Public Policy Making: Rationalism and Irrationalism政策制定的方法论:理性主义与反理性主义
5.Anti-art,Anti-logos and Intellectual Nature反艺术、反理性与智性——从《三个标准的终止》看杜尚的智性
6.psychomotor reaction心理运动性反应 心理运动性反应
7.Irrationalism is opposite to traditional rationalism.非理性主义是对传统理性主义的反动。
8.light retroreflective coating finishing回复性反射涂层整理,亦称回归反射涂层整理
9.Thought and Reflective Thought;思维与反思性思维——杜威反思性教学理论浅析
10.Reflexive modernization and reflexive literary criticism theory“自反性现代化”与文学批评理论的“自反性”
11.Faith Reason, Cognitive Reason and Reflective Reason;信仰理性·认知理性·反思理性——理性“天然合法性”的根据何在
12.In fact, Rousseau is not against "reason" but "intellectuality" as a kind of rationalism in the narrow sense.他的浪漫主义并非反对"理性",而是反对"知性",即狭隘的理性主义。
13.Critical Introspection on the Relation between Instrumental Rationality and Value Rationality;对工具理性与价值理性关系的批判性反思
14.Reflection and Construction on the Educational Administration Theory of Human Nature;关于教育管理人性理论的反思与建构
15.The double character for the connotation of a theory--Review on the view of "anti-humanist theory;理论内涵的双重性——评"理论反人道主义
16.The Trends Carding in "Literary Subjectivity" and Deep Reflection文学主体性理论趋势梳理和深层反思
17.Rethink of Modernity: Post Modernism and Complexity Theory;反思现代性:后现代主义与复杂性理论
18.Rethinking of the Doctrine of Social Harmfulness;社会危害性理论——一个反思性检讨

1.In the form of a literary example, it echoes the questioning and challenging the long-established rational authority from the rising afterwar anti-rationalism.它以文学例证的形式照应了一战后兴起的反理性主义思潮对长期以来形成的理性权威所提出的质疑和挑战。
1.Modern literature schools changed their study of irrationality to that of anti-rationality,and ignored the literary features of the works.现代文学流派由研究非理性走向反理性,忽视作品的文学性。
1.Stemming from Expressionism in Occidental aesthetics, this thesis aimed at finding out aesthetical reason to kinds of inclinations in Occidental architecture design area, such as pluralistic, pioneering, anti-rational.本文从西方现代美学中的“表现主义”出发,通过分析表现 主义美学在西方现代艺术和建筑中的地位和作用,寻找出当代西 方建筑中的多元化、先锋性、反理性等各种倾向背后的美学动因。
5)rational reflection理性反思
1.From rule by human to rule of law is a change of the manner how the human society survives and is managed,but the change is not automatic and is the choice after rational reflection.从人治社会到法治社会不仅仅是一种名词的变化,更是人类社会生存和管理方式的变化,但这种变化不是自动生成的,而是建立在理性反思后的选择。
2.Therefore,how to integrate the rational reflection of moral by ethical theory with the education of moral course becomes an imperative task for every teacher to deal with.如何将伦理理论对道德的理性反思融入到"思想道德教育与法律基础"课的教学中成为摆在每一位任课教师面前的一个迫切需要解决的现实问题。
3.This paper discusses three aspects of productive forces of technology:their historical development, rational reflection and value orientation.论析了科技生产力的历史发展、理性反思和价值定位三大维度,指出了作为科技文明物质基础的科技生产力,不仅是先进生产力的集中体现,而且也是先进文化的时代高度。
6)reflective rationality反思理性
1.Teacher’s teaching rationality should contain‘faith rationality’,‘cognitive rationality’, and‘reflective rationality’.教育是理性的事业,教师需要形成合理的教学理性以保证教育教学活动合乎理性地展开,健全、合理的教学理性应当同时涵具“信仰理性”、“认知理性”、“反思理性”,单一的“信仰理性”或者“认知理性”都不足以实现教育教学的理性要求。
