1.Eastern and Western Psychology of Tragedy in "Liangzhu" and "Romeo and Juliet";从《梁祝》和《罗密欧与朱丽叶》看中西方悲剧心理
2.On the Modern Continuity and Creativity of Liangzhu's Subject Matter:An Understanding of the Feminism in the New-edition Teleplay of Liang Shaobo and Zhu Yingtai梁祝母题的当代延续与新创——新版电视剧《梁山伯与祝英台》的女性主义解读

1.A Study of the Circulation and Variation of the Liangzhu Tale in Miao Areas:Based on "A Hymn of Liangzhu in Miaoling Areas";梁祝传说在苗族地区的传播及其变异原因——以《苗岭梁祝歌》为例
2.Research on the Intangible Cultural Heritage and Liang-Zhu Cultural Park;非物质文化遗产与梁祝文化公园研究
3.On the Popularity and Variation of the Legend Liang-Zu in Minorities;梁祝传说在少数民族中的流传与变异
4.Differences between The Studying Story of Bai nationality and Love Story of Butterflies;论白族《读书歌》与汉族梁祝传说的差异
5.On the Modern Continuity and Creativity of Liangzhu's Subject Matter:An Understanding of the Feminism in the New-edition Teleplay of Liang Shaobo and Zhu Yingtai梁祝母题的当代延续与新创——新版电视剧《梁山伯与祝英台》的女性主义解读
6.Desire For Love·Ethic--comparative researches on《Romeo and Juliet》 and《Liang Shan-bo and Zhu Ying-tai》爱欲·伦理——《罗密欧与朱丽叶》和《梁祝》之比较
7.The Spreading and Variation of Liang-Zhu Legend in Zhuang-Inhabitated Region;梁祝传说在壮族地区的流传与变异研究
8.Discuss on the Protection of Liangzhu Culture and the Tourism Development--Taking Zhejiang Province as Example;梁祝文化保护与旅游开发略论——以浙江省为例
9.Eastern and Western Psychology of Tragedy in "Liangzhu" and "Romeo and Juliet";从《梁祝》和《罗密欧与朱丽叶》看中西方悲剧心理
10.A Typical Model of Combination of Chinese and Western Music--Violin Concerto Butterfly Lovers;中西音乐结合的典范——小提琴协奏曲《梁祝
11.A Study of the Interaction Between Folktales and Folk Literature and Art through the Legend of Butterfly Lovers;从梁祝传说看民间故事与俗文艺的互动
12.How to Improve the Students’ ability of Artistic Appreciation;如何提高学生艺术鉴赏力——以《梁祝》欣赏过程为例
13.Analysis on the Disputes over Cultural Tourism Resources across Regions--A Case in the Disputes over Liang-Zhu Hometown;文化旅游资源区域争议的透析——以梁祝故里争议为例
14.The Value of Tragedy,Aesthetics and Humanity of the Legend “Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai”;论梁祝爱情故事的悲剧属性、美学价值与人学内涵
15.It's Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai.《梁山伯与祝英台》。
16.A Comparison between the Cartoon Adaptation of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai and that of Hua Mulan动画片《梁山伯与祝英台》《花木兰》改编对比
17.A Comparative Study of Romeo and Juliet and Butterfly Lovers;《罗密欧与朱丽叶》和《梁山伯与祝英台》的比较研究
18.On Narrative Feature of the Violin Concerto Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai;小提琴协奏曲《梁山伯与祝英台》的叙事性特征

LIANG Zhu hometown梁祝故里
3)Liang-Zhu Legend梁祝传说
1.The Time of Introducing Liang-Zhu Legend to the Bai-inhabited Region;梁祝传说传入白族地区的年代
2.Liang-zhu legend produced in Dongjin dynasty.产生于东晋时期的梁祝传说是我国广大人民喜闻乐见的四大民间故事之一。
4)the Story of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai梁祝故事
1.Re - discussing the Overseas Spread of the Story of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai;梁祝故事在海外的传播及研究设想
5)Liang-Zhu Cultural Park梁祝文化公园
1.Research on the Intangible Cultural Heritage and Liang-Zhu Cultural Park;非物质文化遗产与梁祝文化公园研究
6)liɑng zhu gushi shuochɑngji《梁祝故事说唱集》

《梁祝故事说唱集》  有关梁山伯祝英台故事的戏曲、曲艺、民歌作品选集。路工编。1958年出版。全书共收明、清两代刊印、传抄的有代表性的梁祝故事传奇、民歌、鼓词、木鱼书、南音、弹词作品共14篇。其中有些是经过不断加工、丰富的较好作品,如清初浙江忠和堂刊刻的叙事民歌《梁山伯歌》,清乾隆年间杏桥主人写的弹词《新编东调大双蝴蝶》,清末河南刊刻的鼓词《新刻梁山伯祝英台夫妇攻书还魂团圆记》和四川桂馨堂刊刻的《柳荫记》等。有些作品思想性、艺术性不高,对梁山伯、祝英台这两个传说中纯朴、忠贞、敢于向封建礼教挑战的人物形象也有所歪曲,但有资料价值。在书前的《写在前面》里,编者概述了梁祝故事的起源、衍变情况,对故事情节和人物作了较详细的剖析,并列举了一部分未收入本集的作品目录。