1.Creativity and absorption——A tentative analysis on the artistic source of the language in Howl;独创与借鉴——试析《嚎叫》诗歌艺术的渊源
2.On the Expressive Techniques in Emotions in Howl;论《嚎叫》在情感上的表现技法

1.He sprang up with a howl.他嚎叫一声跳了起来。
2.The howling of the wolves made my flesh creep.狼的嚎叫使我毛骨悚然。
3.Our dog often howls at night.我们的狗夜里常嚎叫
4.She was frightened to death by the howling of the wolves狼群的嚎叫把她吓坏了。
5.He had set up a wordless howling, like an animal.他像畜生似的大声嚎叫
6.The dog whined at the door, asking to be let out.狗在门前嚎叫着要出去。
7.The dogs ran mad and bayed the sky.狗拼命地跑并朝天嚎叫
8.whistle or howl approvingly at a female, of males.雄性对雌性发出的满意的叫声或嚎叫
9.The wind wailed through the trees.风穿过树林发出似嚎叫的声音
10.echoed the mournful cry of the boobook owl.猫头鹰的的嚎叫声回声四起。
11.He grunted, or, rather I might say, he barked.他哼了一声,或者说更像是嚎叫
12.To utter or emit a long, mournful, plaintive sound.嚎叫,咆哮发出悲伤,哀怨的长音
13.Then he began to grovel and wail, " I deserve to die!"这时他趴倒在地嚎叫道“我该死”。
14.the howl of the wind made him restless.走投无路的狼发出嚎叫声。
15.The howling stopped;the man had no breath left for anything except hanging on.嚎叫停止了,那个人已快没有气了。
16.The squall of the child went through him like a knife.孩子的嚎叫像刀子一样扎在他心里。
17.African hyena noted for its distinctive howl.非洲鬣狗,以其特别的嚎叫而闻名。
18.Then we heard someone shout,接着我们听到人的嚎叫声,

1.The three stages of the development——singing, lamenting and howling——correspond with the stages of the social development of America and even thewhole Europe.三位诗人的诗歌分别表现出歌唱、哀鸣和嚎叫的曲调,反映了美国乃至西方社会三个时期的社会状况。
3)howl[英][ha?l][美][haul]v. 嚎叫;嚎哭
4)How to Howl嚎叫之歌
5)a terrific wail.可怖的嚎叫
6)howling with pain痛苦地嚎叫
