1.People s ignorance,superstition in bodybuilding in China and social control;我国健身群体中的愚昧、迷信现象与社会控制

1."The heart of the man of good sense goes in search of knowledge, but foolish things are the food of the unwise."聪明人心求知识。愚昧人口吃愚昧
2.a sharp man keeps back his knowledge; but the heart of foolish men makes clear their foolish thoughts.通达人隐藏知识。愚昧人的心,彰显愚昧
3.The discerning heart seeks knowledge, but the mouth of a fool feeds on folly.14聪明人心求知识。愚昧人口吃愚昧
4.Was it foolish or wise?这究竟是愚昧还是智慧?
5.It appears to be unintelligent behavior.这似乎是愚昧的行为。
6.John made a fool of himself.约翰的行为愚昧可笑。
7.He is foolishly attached to old customs,他愚昧地执着于旧习俗。
8.The mountains is the stupidity of mankind.这座山就是人类的愚昧
9.It is necessary to enlighten the ignorant.必须教化愚昧的人。
10."and when the foolish man is walking in the way, he has no sense and lets everyone see that he is foolish."并且愚昧人行路,显出无知。对众人说,他是愚昧人。
11.Knowledge is dropping from the tongue of the wise; but from the mouth of the foolish comes a stream of foolish words.智慧人的舌,善发知识。愚昧人的口,吐出愚昧
12."a sharp man does everything with knowledge, but a foolish man makes clear his foolish thoughts."凡通达人都凭知识行事。愚昧人张扬自己的愚昧
13.Wisdom is a fountain of life to him who has it; but the punishment of the foolish is their foolish behaviour.人有智慧就有生命的泉源。愚昧人必被愚昧惩治。
14.The tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright: but the mouth of fools poureth out foolishness.2智慧人的舌,善发知识。愚昧人的口,吐出愚昧
15.The foolish woman is full of noise; she has no sense at all.愚昧的妇人喧嚷。她是愚蒙,一无所知。
16.A foolish woman is clamourous: she is simple, and knoweth nothing.箴9:13愚昧的妇人喧嚷.是愚蒙、无所知。
17.A foolish woman is clamorous: she is simple, and knoweth nothing.愚昧的妇人喧囔。他是愚蒙,一无所知。
18."Their wisdom is a crown to the wise, but their foolish behaviour is round the head of the unwise."智慧人的财,为自己的冠冕。愚妄人的愚昧,终是愚昧

ignorant and cruel愚昧残忍
3)culture ignorance文化愚昧
1.The disaster completely exposes the culture ignorance of the Chinese people and at the same time makes them to do self-examinations so as to realize culture consciousness of the nation.SARS灾难是新世纪瘟疫对人类的一种警告 ,它使中国人的文化愚昧暴露无遗 ,促使中国人进行反思 ,而实现文化自觉。
4)be ignorant愚昧化
5)get rid of ignorance反对愚昧

愚昧愚昧  缺乏知识,文化落后,无知表现。