宫崎骏,Hayao Miyazaki
1)Hayao Miyazaki宫崎骏
1.Investigation in Aesthetic Thoughts of Hayao Miyazaki s Animated Films in Terms of "City of the Sky";从《天空之城》看宫崎骏动画的审美思想
2.A Study on the Esthetics Style of Hayao Miyazaki s Cartoon Films;宫崎骏动画美学风格探源
3.On the Artistic features of Hayao Miyazaki s Cartoon;试述宫崎骏动画片的艺术特色

1.Hayao Miyazaki was born in Tokyo in 1941.1941年宫崎骏出生于日本东京。
2.Investigation in Aesthetic Thoughts of Hayao Miyazaki s Animated Films in Terms of "City of the Sky";从《天空之城》看宫崎骏动画的审美思想
3.The Compliments of Life Affections--A Preliminary analysis of Animation of Hayao Miyazaki;生命情感的张扬——宫崎骏动画作品探析
4.The Reflection of Humanism in Hayao Miyazaki's Movies论宫崎骏作品中人文关怀的艺术呈现
5.Japanese Aesthetic Views on Nature in Miyazaki's Cartoons从宫崎骏的动画片看日本人的自然审美观
6.Redemption in Dilemma:Interpreting Miyazaki Hayao's Spirited Away困境中的救赎——宫崎骏的动画片《千与千寻》
7.Film Comic of Hayoo Miyazaki’s Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea宫崎骏新动画片《悬崖上的金鱼公主》剖析
8.The Hayao Miyazaki Animated Cartoon World in Light of Modernism and Post-Modernism现代主义与后现代主义观照下的宫崎骏动画世界
9.Throughout his career, Miyazaki has traveled widely in search of inspiration.在其动漫画家生涯里,宫崎骏曾远赴各地旅行寻找灵感。
10.The Barrier of China Animation and Caricature Industry’s Developing Observed from Feeling World of Gong Qijun;从宫崎骏的感官世界看中国动漫产业发展之瓶颈
11.Innocent Eyes--On the Aesthetic Explanation on Hayao Miyazaki’s My Neighbor Totoro童真之眼——宫崎骏电影《我的邻居多多洛》的美学解读
12.Italian actress Stefania Sandrelli and the Japanese animation director Hayao Miyazaki will be presented with special Golden Lion awards.意大利女演员斯黛芬妮·德雷莉和日本动画导演宫崎骏将在本届电影节上被授予金狮荣誉奖。
13.The animation movies produced by Hayao Miyazaki, the Japanese director and animator, are a major Oriental force to contend in the animation circle with those of Walt Disney Television Animation or DreamWorks Animation.日本导演宫崎骏的动画片是能够和迪斯尼,梦工厂共分天下的一支重要东方力量。
14.Miyazaki--Walks Randomly in Realistic and the Strange Recluse;宫崎峻——游走于现实与灵异间的隐士
15.Work on the film went on extremely rapidly after that. We realised soon that Mr Hayao was taking no part in making the film at all.其后电影的制作进展十分迅速。我们很快地了解到宫崎先生完全没有在过程中参予。
16.Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary, Yasuhiso Shiozaki, said Wednesday that the two sides will meet in the Vietnamese capital, Hanoi, March seventh and eighth.日本内阁官房长官盐崎宫久星期三说,双方3月7号和8号将在越南首都河内会晤。
17.A First Response to "Gedo Senki," the Earthsea film made by Goro Miyazaki for Studio Ghibli.对于由吉卜力工作室的宫崎吾朗所制作之地海电影「格得战记」之第一回应。
18."You are able to operate the devices without using your hands," said Fumio Miyazaki, an engineering science professor who heads the laboratory working on the project.工程学教授、该项目的实验室工作负责人宫崎文雄说:“你不用手就能启动播放器。”

1.Portraying and Designing of Roles in Miyazaki s Cartoon;宫崎骏动画电影角色的塑造
2.Japanese Aesthetic Views on Nature in Miyazaki's Cartoons从宫崎骏的动画片看日本人的自然审美观
3.Early in the 20th century, the 1980s, Miyazaki is a number of heavyweight for the film animation master as unshakable position.早在20世纪80年代,宫崎骏就以多部重量级的电影奠定其作为动画大师不可动摇的地位。
3)Hayao Miyazaki's animated cartoons宫崎骏动漫
4)the Hayao Miyazaki animated cartoons宫崎骏动画片
1.Compared with the once brilliant Chinese animated cartoon and those popular ones by the Hollywood, the Hayao Miyazaki animated cartoons, as popular culture, have resorted to many literary means, with modernist and post-modernist literary techniques in particular, and for this reason, they have reached an unmatched depth in the kingdom of cartoons and thus show their unique fascination.对比曾经辉煌过的中国动画片、家喻户晓的迪斯尼动画片 ,作为大众文化的宫崎骏动画片 ,因为使用了很多文学手段 ,尤其是现代主义与后现代主义的文学手段而达到其他同类主题作品所达不到的深度并独具魅力。
5)HaYao Miyazaki's Cartoon film宫崎骏动画电影

史树骏史树骏 史树骏   清代医家。字庸庵,江苏武进人,其生平欠详。所著有《经方衍义》五卷,现有刊本行世。