1.This shows his compassion for the suffering masses and the nation, his criticism of vile people and ugly social phenomena, and his pessimism about the human troubles and contradictions."幽默大师"老舍的幽默里始终流露出较为浓重的悲剧意识,这种意识体现于他对苦难民众和民族的悲悯情怀、对丑恶人物和现象的批判精神、对人生困境与矛盾的悲观情绪,这又形成了他在中国乃至世界文坛上独树一帜的悲喜交融的创作风格。
2.As a famous comtemporary proser in Taiwan,Lin Qin-xuan takes a close look at the world with a strong compassion, thus his prose is characterized by a simple, plain and fresh style.林清玄是台湾当代重要的新生代散文家,他用一颗菩提之心关注现世人生,显现出博大的悲悯情怀,其散文也呈现出质朴、清新、真纯的特点。

1.The Rover s Sense of Tragedy and Pity--A Brief Comment on Bai Xianyong;漂泊者的悲剧意识和悲悯情怀——白先勇小说简评
2.Love·Suffering·Merciful Love and Personality--The Cultural Explanation of the Merciful Love in Cao Yu′s "Thunderstorm";爱·受苦·悲悯与人格——曹禺《雷雨》悲悯情怀的文化阐释
3.The Comparative Discussion on the Feelings of Sorrow in the Novels of Shen Congwen and Chi Zijian;沈从文和迟子建小说悲悯情怀成因的比较
4.The Agreement among Consciousness of Fribulation,Feelings of Compasion and Tactics of Strargization--On Guizi s Norel Creation;苦难意识、悲悯情怀与陌生化策略的契合——论鬼子的小说创作
5.Comment on Sima Qian s Sympathy(Ⅱ)--The Forth of Series Papers on Sima Qian s Study;论司马迁的悲悯情怀(下)——司马迁研究系列论文之四
6.His poems usually take images of martyrs as his expressive subject to eulogize sacrificing spirit and to show his pity.其诗歌以殉道者形象作为抒情主体,讴歌牺牲精神,并表现出悲悯情怀
7.Lonely Soul,Feelings of Commiseration--Another Talk About Xiao Hong;孤独的灵魂 悲悯的情怀——也谈萧红
8.The humanistic spirit expressed in Cao Cao s poems;悲悯·体恤·玉人于成——魏武人文情怀之诗文史互证
9.Beauchamp, who had watched with sincere pity the young man's paroxysm of grief, approached him.波尚怀着深深的同情怜悯注视着这悲痛欲绝的青年,走到他的身边。
10.Reviews on Chang An s Fleeting Time;深切焦躁的叩问 悲天悯人的情怀——读畅岸的散文集《流年》
11.The feeling, as of sympathy or pity, so aroused.悲悯一种引起怜悯或同情的感情
12.LI Cun-bao s Temperament Studing on his Cultural Prose;悲悯的入世情怀和雄健的军人气质——从“文化大散文”看李存葆的文化心理结构
13.A quality, as of an experience or a work of art, that arouses feelings of pity, sympathy, tenderness, or sorrow.引起怜悯的因素在经验或艺术中引起同情、怜悯、敏感或悲伤的因素
14.Grief and Tenderness--West Anhui nationnatity Writer Xu Guixiang and his Armies Novels;悲悯与温情——皖西籍作家徐贵祥和他的军旅小说
15.Bewail the Social Corruption in Pity of People Show the Affectionate Solicitude for the Human World --On Song Yirui s Novels with Social Themes;悲天悯人 情注人间——谈宋诒瑞的社会题材小说
16.Sympathy and Tolerance--Humanistic Solicitude in Wang Zeng-qi’s Adaptio of Profession and Special Talent悲悯与宽容——汪曾祺改写《职业》和《异秉》体现出的人生关怀
17.Sympathy and sorrow aroused by the misfortune or suffering of another.同情,怜悯对他人所受的不幸或遭遇产生的同情和悲哀
18.an investor with a pessimistic market outlook.对市场怀有悲观情绪的投资者。

Compassionate Feelings悲悯情怀
3)the bosom of the commiseration悲悯之怀
4)Sympathy harbor悲悯心怀
5)Pityful care悲悯与关怀
6)feelings of grief悲敏情怀
