1.ZHUANG Zhou held in esteem the beauty of simplicity and took it as a refutation and denial of the tendency of hedonism in the society at the time.基于此 ,庄子推崇素朴美、自然美、大美 ,以此作为对当时社会审美文化感性化、生理享乐化倾向的反拨与否定 ,对审美自由境界的向往与追求。
2.Then the Zen in the three movies will be analyzed from three aspects, namely simplicity, consciousness and harmony.接着分别从素朴、自觉与和谐三个方面分析与解读作品中蕴含的禅意,分析角度包括情节结构、人物塑造、主题选取、画面表现手法等,以此来归纳禅意在其动画中的特定的表现模式。
1.Simplicity,Practicality and Efficiency——Student Cafeteria Design for Maoming Transportation Technical School朴素·务实·高效——茂名市交通技工学校学生食堂方案设计
2.Chinese paintings, during the process of development, have been influenced by all kinds of thoughts in the ancient China, especially by the thoughts of simplicity and naturalness from the Taoism.中国画在发展过程中受到过我国古代各种思想文化的影响,尤其是道家朴素自然等思想对其影响深远。
3.By their elegant and vivid moldmaking language, Tujia brocades have conveyed the characteristic cultural connocation,shown their humanist spirits and implied the simplicity of their aesthetic seeking by Tujia nationality.造型与实用的结合,建构了土家织锦纹样的基本框架;它用稚拙、生动的造型语言,表现出土家织锦独特的文化内涵,体现了丰富的土家人文精神,蕴含着土家人朴素的审美追求。

1.He always goes in plain clothes.他总穿着朴素的衣服。
2.live in a modest little house住在朴素的小房子里.
3.Do not you have a plainer one?有更朴素的点的吗?
4.clothes in quiet good taste.朴素的品质好的衣服。
5.a plain hand-drawn letter.一种朴素的手写体字母。
6.Most of the people were plainly dressed.大部分的人都穿得朴素
7.She wore a severe black dress.她穿一件朴素的黑衣裙。
8.a plain but very elegant dress朴素而极雅致的连衣裙
9.a simple dress without adornment朴素而无装饰的连衣裙.
10.and working hard and living plainly, and being modest and prudent.艰苦朴素、谦虚谨慎,等等。
11.Show me something plain and quiet.给我看件朴素、文静的。
12.She dressed with elegant simplicity.她的穿着朴素而雅致。
13.a room decorated in quiet colors.颜色朴素淡雅的房间
14.Natural, spontaneous verbal utterance.自然的、朴素的语言发声
15.The language of truth is simple真理的语言是朴素
16.Her apparel was neat and plain.她的衣裳朴素而清洁。
17.There is a movement towards simple designs in clothing.时下服装设计趋于朴素
18.Plain living and high thinking.生活要朴素,情操要高尚。

1.Simplicity,Practicality and Efficiency——Student Cafeteria Design for Maoming Transportation Technical School朴素·务实·高效——茂名市交通技工学校学生食堂方案设计
2.Chinese paintings, during the process of development, have been influenced by all kinds of thoughts in the ancient China, especially by the thoughts of simplicity and naturalness from the Taoism.中国画在发展过程中受到过我国古代各种思想文化的影响,尤其是道家朴素自然等思想对其影响深远。
3.By their elegant and vivid moldmaking language, Tujia brocades have conveyed the characteristic cultural connocation,shown their humanist spirits and implied the simplicity of their aesthetic seeking by Tujia nationality.造型与实用的结合,建构了土家织锦纹样的基本框架;它用稚拙、生动的造型语言,表现出土家织锦独特的文化内涵,体现了丰富的土家人文精神,蕴含着土家人朴素的审美追求。
1.This thesis deals with simple monochromatic art——sketch in terms of black and white, daub and outline, rhythm and sentiment and visual forms.以朴素的单色艺术———素描为基准 ,对黑与白、涂抹与勾线、节奏与情调以及视觉形态几个方面进行了分析 ,提出素描艺术不同于色彩的特殊魅力 ,强调艺术家情感与美的形式的结合 ,肯定了单色艺术在绘画与设计中的应有地
2.The paper attempts to examine the artistic characteristics of his essays from three aspects: calm and easy style,simple and realistic de-scription,and pure and free language.其艺术特色体现在:从容淡定的文风、朴素真实的描写和纯净自由的语言3方面。
3.The author of this essay, with the view of writing style of linguistics, studies the writing features about San Mao, a prose writer, and thinks that the prose language of San Mao is natural, fresh, original, simple and individual.从语言本体论的视角去考察三毛散文的语言特点 ,我们可以在话语空间、节奏音调、文体风格等方面发现三毛散文语言的自然、清新、朴素 ,具有天然去雕饰之美。
4)naive theory朴素理论
1.Naive physics, naive biology and naive psychology are suggested to be the core domains of the development of kinderganden抯 naive theory.朴素物理学、朴素生物学和朴素心理学是幼儿朴素理论发展的三个核心领域,本体集合、因果原则集合和内部一致的知识体系则是朴素理论的三个重要成分。
2.As a core domain of the Naive Theory, study of children s theory of mind is a frontier subject in developmental psychology.作为朴素理论的一个核心领域,儿童心理理论研究是目前发展心理学研究中的前沿课题之一。
3.Recently, the naive theory approach grew from developmental psychology has pointed out this problem of underestimating young children's .新近,发展心理学关于儿童朴素理论的研究,有力地批判了这种对儿童认知能力的低估倾向。
5)nave theory朴素理论
1.In the last two decades, research in this field has shifted from Piagetian to nave theory framework.近20年来,西方发展心理学家在该领域的研究逐渐从皮亚杰理论框架下的研究转变为“朴素理论”框架下的研究。
2.Two viewpoints are Vygotsky s everyday conceptions and scientific conceptions and nave theory.维果茨基的日常概念和科学概念理论与儿童“朴素理论”是儿童概念发展中的两种主要观点。
6)simple architecture朴素建筑
1.A simple architecture is a true record of such process in which environment and function take on the space and shape of the building without meaning less decoration.朴素建筑是对环境和功能在建筑空间和形象作用过程的忠实记录,它避免无谓的装饰。
