1.The Research of "Pan-animation" on the Background of Media Revolution;媒体革命背景下的“泛动画”研究
2.On the Cultural Construction of Pan-animation Enterprises论泛动画企业的文化建设

1.Thoughts on PAnimation and Its Industrial Significance关于“泛动画”及其产业意义的思考
2.In recent years all localities in China have held various performances, sports contests, and other cultural activities, such as calligraphy, painting, photography and philately, for the disabled.近几年,全国各地广泛举办残疾人参加的各种文艺演出、体育比赛和书画、摄影、集邮等文化活动。
3.His paintings came in for a great deal of attention.他的画受到了广泛的注意。
4.Contemporary Chinese Oil Paintings Practice of the Pan-image Cartoon Phenomenon;当代中国油画图像实践的泛卡通现象
5.Pan-Africanist Movement泛非主义者运动(泛非运动)
6.automated animation动画片, 自动制片
7.Cloning babies,however sound in the abstract,泛泛地谈论克隆婴儿不 管多么动听,
8.Our art gallery, having a wide-ranging collection of excellent paintings By famous Chinese and Western artists, could Be called a world of celeBrities.本画廊广泛征集中外著名画家佳作,堪称名流天地。
9.The Study on Language of Flash Animation Form-Comparison of FLASH Animation and Traditional AnimationFlash动画语言研究-Flash动画与传统动画之比较
10.These creations cover an extensive region from east to west, from north to south in the nation.这些岩画从东到西,自南至北,分布地域十分广泛。
11.If I can get these portraits into universal favor, it is all I ask.现在我只希望这些肖像画受到广泛的爱好。
12.The Characterization of Feller Brownian Motion;Feller-Brown运动的刻画
13.Qaumiyun al Arab Movement泛阿拉伯民族主义运动
14.The nationwide physical fitness campaign was carried forward.全民健身运动广泛开展。
15.Panhellenic Socialist Movement泛希腊社会主义运动
16.computer-generated animation计算机生成动画(三维动画)
17.computer-assisted animation计算机辅助动画(二维动画)
18.Interactive 3D Canvas for Virtual Action Painting虚拟动作绘画的互动三维画布(英文)

Functional characterization泛函刻画
1.The Application of 3D Animation Technology in NC Machining Simulation;三维动画技术在数控加工仿真中的应用
2.Application of audio-visual animation in biochemistry teaching;影音动画在生物化学教学中的应用
3.Multimedia videodisc with animation scenario in Chinese medicine integrated nursing;中医护理动画情景多媒体影音光盘
1.Explore about Solid Sculpt Design and Demonstrate Cartoon of Vacuum Clique;真空阀立体造型设计及其动画演示的探索
2.The reality of cartoon in CAI software;CAI课件中动画场景的实现
1.Performing process of the program and demo animate are given.文中给出了程序执行过程及动画演示。
2.Applying graph and animate function to instruction of analytical geometry and make instruction visual and living.将MATLAB的图形和动画功能应用于解析几何教学,可使教学形象生动。
3.In the light of the principium of coarse-grain parallel computing, we segment the complex computing process in the forming of animate topography and physiognomy, and distribute each part to each computer.根据粗粒度并行计算的原理 ,对形成地形貌动画中计算量较大过程采用人为分割 ,把分割后的各部分数据交给配置基本相同的各台PC机进行计算 ,采用以空间换取时间的方法 ,提高系统的实时性 。
1.We will let them make building flash by invented technology.毕业设计作为高职院校实践教学的重要手段,是对学生在校所学专业知识的综合考核,通过实际操作,熟悉建筑虚拟漫游动画制作的一般流程。
2.Adopting flash technology and utilizing the cartoon s advantageous properties,the flash which can assistant us in learning critical path is devised.本文主要介绍了关键路径的原理及如何系统地采用flash技术,利用动画的特性,设计辅助学习关键路径知识点的动画,以期降低教学难度,达到辅助教学的效果。
3.This paper analyzes the current situation of China s flash education and advantages of applying flash education in the intemet era.文中分析了中国动画教育的现状及网络时代动画教育的优势,并从中国动画的市场前景出发,参考借鉴当今国内外动画教育的成果,提出了突破传统的“立体式”动画教学模式,将动画教学内容多样化,教学方式市场化,教学资源综合利用,教学软硬件提高,教学学制改革相结合的动画教学模式。

泛唇泛舌1.亦作"泛唇泛舌"。 2.议论纷纷。