1.Generally, it can be understood as two meanings as follows: the painting was made in modern time, or the painting is modern art made with Chinese tools such as brush and ink, which is one kind of vanguard in contemporary Chinese art.现代水墨书画的含义比较模糊 ,一般可以理解为两个意思 :一是现代的“水墨” ,强调水墨书画的创作年代 ;一是水墨形式的“现代艺术” ,是中国当代艺术中表彰前卫的一种。

1.The advance guard was pressing forward with all speed.前卫正以全速向前挺进。
2.An avant-garde movement or publication.前卫派运动前卫派运动或出版物
3.The three players in the front row are called left forward, center forward and right forward.前排的三名运动员被称为左前卫、中前卫和右前卫
4.The inside left is passing the opposing side's fullback line.这左前卫正越过对方的后卫线。
5.The split end is one of the quarter-back's most important targets for passes.前卫是四分卫最主要的传球目标之一。
6.Who is the mid field player in the Chinese football team?谁是中国足球队的前卫
7.She is a forward girl.她真是个前卫的女孩。
8.Now, their inside right forward's dribbling.现在,他们的右前卫正在盘球。
9.the former USSR and its satellites前苏联及其卫星国.
10.Extra sentries had been put on the main gate.厂门前加添了守卫。
11.The guards stood upright at the gate.卫兵笔直地站立在门前。
12.It is unsanitary to eat without washing one's hands.饭前不洗手,不卫生。
13.Two guards marched in front of him, and two guards marched behind: They all carried guns.四个卫兵两前两后阔步护卫着他。他们都带着枪。
14.New Interpretation of Self-Denfense and Excessive Defense with the Act of Defense as a Presupposition;论以防卫行为为前提,对正当防卫、防卫过当的新表述
15.Here we the left fullback has attempted a through ball to the strong side forward.我们看到左边后卫正准备传过顶球给突前前锋。
16.They charged the loss to my negligence为保卫祖国,我们随时准备冲在前头。
17.I was forgetting (that) David used to teach you.我几乎忘了大卫以前经常教你。
18.I was forgetting David used to teach you.我几乎忘了大卫以前经常教你.

1.In a match midfielders are usually regarded as the key organizers.前卫队员作为比赛中的核心组织者,他们的攻防组织能力对一支球队的整体实力起着非常重要的作用。
3)avant-garde[英][,?v?~ 'ɡɑ:d][美]['?v~ɑ'gɑrd]前卫
1.Therefor A new strength was urgently needed in Chinese painting field to smash bonds of tradition and refresh thingsWestern modernism was introduced to Chinese painting as an avant-garde painting.西方现代主义油画被作为一种前卫的力量引入中国画坛,并在20世纪30年代的中国迅速崛起,与中国写实油画和中国传统绘画摆开谁与争锋之势,刘海粟、庞薰栗等中国早期现代派倾向的画家,既在艺术理论方面做出了独到的见解,又致力于实践如开办学校、创建社团和美术协会等。
5)The vanguard; the forefront.前卫;前锋
6)Avant-garde design前卫设计

“前卫”级战略核潜艇Image:11726424587551188.jpg “前卫”级战略核潜艇
结构:改装和更换核反应堆芯的间隔预计8—9年。潜艇外表覆盖均匀的吸声涂层。光导发光潜望镜是一新特征。武器装备: 导弹 潜射弹道导弹:16枚洛克希德“三叉戟2”d5,3级固体燃料火箭,星体惯性制导、射程12000公里(6500海里),热核弹头为8个15万吨当员机动分弹头,圆公算偏差90米。d5能够装载12个机动分弹头,但英国制造的限制在7—8个分弹头。 鱼雷 4具533毫米发射管。马可尼公司的“矛鱼”两用鱼雷,线导、主/被动寻的,60节航速时射程65公里(35海里),战斗部定向能;“虎鱼”mk242型,线导、主/被动寻的,主动寻的35节航速时射程13公里(7海里),被动寻的24节航速时射程29公里(15.7海里),战斗部重134公斤。电子设备 :电子对抗系统 2座ssde mk10假目标发射装置置。电子支援系统 雷卡uap3,被动侦听系统。战斗数据系统 道蒂塞马(dowty sema)smcs。火控系统 道蒂战术控制系统。雷达及导航系统 凯尔文休斯(kelvin hughes)1007型,i波段。声纳系统 马可尼/普莱西(mamconi/piessey)2054型组合多频艇体声纳阵;马可尼/费伦递(marcon;/ferranti)2046型拖曳基阵。主要性能诸元:排水量 15000吨(水下) 航速 约25节(水下)编制 135人(两班制) 喷水推进器 1台主尺度 长149.9米,宽12.8米,吃水12米主机 核动力, l座 rr2压水堆:2台蒸汽轮机,27500马力(20.5兆瓦):单轴。辅助推进电机 2台柴油机交流发电机,2700马力(2兆瓦)。