1.Discuss tactics that practice fraud and precautionof false financial report;论虚假财务报告舞弊手法及防范
2.On the producion mechanism and regulation of false accounting information;论虚假会计信息的产生机理及其治理
3.The Essence of Hegel s Dialectic Method is false and non-critique criticizing;黑格尔辩证法批判的实质是虚假的无批判的批判

1.The man is never sincere, he is always pretending此人从不真心诚意,老是虚虚假假的。
2.False with one can be false with two.对一个人虚假,也会对两个人虚假
3.Research and Define the False Drumbeating Act of Crime of False Advertisement;虚假广告罪中虚假宣传的分析与界定
4.an assumed name; an assumed cheerfulness; a fictitious address; fictive sympathy; a pretended interest; a put-on childish voice; sham modesty.假名;假装的快乐;假地址;虚假的同情;假装出来的兴趣;假装的孩子声音;假虚心。
5.An open enemy is better than a hollow friend.公开之敌胜过虚假之友。
6.flamboyantly adventurous.虚假、浮夸地爱冒险。
7.false claim of support作出虚假的支持声称
8.false statement of withdrawal退出竞选的虚假声明
9.false statement about a candidate有关候选人的虚假声明
10.not fake or counterfeit.不是虚假或者伪造的。
11.in a false and spurious manner.以虚假、伪造的方式。
12.To show to be inaccurate or untrue.显现出虚假或不真实
13.false statement without oath未经宣誓的虚假陈述
14.if they do not, it is false.反之,该陈述就是虚假的。
15.temporary phenomenon of overproduction虚假的生产过剩(现象)
16.absence of affectation or pretense.没有虚假的装饰,不做作。
17.delude sb with empty promises以虚假的诺言哄骗某人
18.False ideas are those that we can not.虚假的观念则与之相反。

1.In his novels, prose and essays, he conveys a radical ruffian spirit, which, in essence, is the disengaged cultural spirit of the irreconcilability of truth and falsehood.他通过小说文本及散文随笔传达出一种激进的“痞子”精神,这种“痞子”精神的实质是“真实与虚假势不两立”的自由文化精神。
1.Under the market economy condition,the deceitful medicine advertisements become too extensive disaster.夸大其词、耸人听闻的虚假广告给人民群众造成了巨大的身心伤害,对社会的侵害与污染极为严重。
2.The problems of relation between entity economy, conjecture economy and deceitful economy cause concern of national, international academia and practice section after 1997 July the financial crisis in Southeast Asia taking place.自1997年7月东南亚金融危机发生之后,实体经济、虚拟经济和虚假经济的关系问题,就引起了国内外学术界和实践部门的关注。
1.On the Possible Falsity of Present Comprehensive Indices of Environmental Quality;论现有环境质量综合指数的可能虚假
2.As the idea or thought system of a class defending for their benefits rationality,ideology has its legality and falsity.意识形态作为某一阶级或阶层为关于自身利益或自身存在的政治合法性和思想合理性进行辩护的观念或理论体系,有其存在的合法性的一面,但其虚假性也是每一个统治阶级所无法避免的。
3.Marx and Engel stated clearly the falsity of the ideology.马克思、恩格斯明白地指出了意识形态的虚假性。
6)fake ego虚假自我

虚假【虚假】 (术语)不实之义。谓无实体也。辅行五之三曰:“假者,只是不实为义。”三假之一。(参见:三假)