人格心理,personality psychology
1)personality psychology人格心理
1.The paper systematically analyzes Flaubert’s personality psychology by using the theory of personality model,and it concludes that: Flaubert appeared anxious and depressed in neuroticism,imaginative in opening experience,pessimistic,lonely and monotonous in outside tendeney.运用人格模型理论对福楼拜的人格心理进行系统分析,得出:福楼拜在神经质方面主要表现为烦躁、忧郁;在经验开放性方面主要表现为富于想像;在外倾性方面主要表现为悲观厌世、孤独、生活单调。
2.This paper unscrambles an amazing movie"One Flew Over the Cuckoo\' Nest", which was adapted from a famous American novel and got five Oscar Awards from the perspectives of personality psychology and socio-cultural psychology.文章从人格心理及社会文化心理的角度,解读由美国名著《飞越布谷鸟巢》改编并获得五项奥斯卡大奖的影片《飞越疯人院》,并对其所反映的具有时代特征的美国六、七十年代社会文化心理变态现象,进行了表象和内涵的解剖。
3.Those three images had differences at historical background,economic conditions and social experiences,but on personality psychology and spirit boundary,they had the same essence.这三个形象,虽然在历史背景、经济状况、社会遭遇等方面有所差别,但在人格心理、精神境界等层面上,却具有本质的相同。

1.The Development of Positive Psychology on the Research of Positive Personality;积极人格:人格心理学研究的新取向
2.On Personality Psychology and Holistic Psychology人格心理学和整体心理学的比较研究
3.A Compared Research of Jung s Personality Psychology and the Theory of Consciousness-only School;荣格人格心理学与唯识学的比较研究
4.The Unique Exploration of Personality in Chinese Indigenous Psychology;本土心性心理学对人格心理的独特探索
5.On the Agreement of Humanistic Psychology and Taoist Theory of Moral Quality人本主义心理学与道家人格心理之契合
6.Unscrambling the Personality Psychology and Socio-cultural Psychology of "One Flew Over the Cuckoo' Nest"《飞越疯人院》的人格心理及社会文化心理解读
8.Time Refines Personality Beauty--A Comment on Exploring the Psychology of Time and Personality;时间磨砺人格美——评《时间与人格心理学探索》
9.Development of Character Psychology &Practice of Character Education in China;我国人格心理学的发展与人格教育实践
10.Personality and psychological characteristics of 147 aging people;高龄健康老人147名人格心理特征调查
11.A Philosophical Meditation on the Developmental Course of Chinese Personality Psychology;中国人格心理学发展路径的哲学思考
12.A Study of Wang Yangming s "Theory of Saints Being Equal to Plebeians" From the Angle of Personality Psychology;王阳明“圣凡平等论”的人格心理学解读
13.psychopathic personality心理病态人格 精神病态人格
14.A Study on Implicit Theories of Personality and Personality, Mental Health;内隐人格观与人格、心理健康的研究
15.Personality barrier refers to the ill adaptation of personality,and it is also called "personality of morbid psychology".人格障碍是指人格适应不良,又称“心理病态人格”。
16.Jung's Theory and the Psychological Interpretation of Personality Androgyny人格双性化现象的心理学阐释——荣格理论视角
17.Application of Dynamic Personality Theory in sport psychology-Retrospection and Prospect;动态人格理论在运动心理学中的应用
18.Personality and Mental Health of the Roadman.;筑路工人的人格类型与心理健康水平

personality and mentality人格心理
1.The development of Lu Xuns personality and mentality and works also have natural relation with the theory of Psyc.鲁迅的人格心理的形成及其在创作中的表现也与精神分析理论有着天然的契合关系。
1.This paper introduces the general contents of personality and its importance to students,summarizes the result of the examination on the personality of modern students, analyzes their general personality and degrees of maturity,probes into the reasons for these phenomena on the basis of the examination and analysis ,and finally proposes some measures to perfect the personality of modern students.概述了人格心理的一般内容及其大学生的重要性,归纳了大学生人格心理调查结果,分析了大学生人格心理的基本特征和成熟程度,并在此基础上,指出了造成这种现象的可能原因,提出了健全大学生人格心理的几条对策。
4)psychological personality心理人格
1.In this paper, an attempt is made to interpret his novel "Yong Goodman Brown" in the light of Fre-adian subeonselousness theory anti psychological personality theory.我们可以通过弗洛伊德的潜意识理论和心理人格理论来解读小说《年轻的古德曼·布朗》的主人公布朗的故事在心理学上隐晦的意义与作者霍桑从宗教层面上去探讨的人的内心世界的隐秘之“恶”的内在联系。
5)Personality psychology人格心理学
1.Studies on animal individual differences and its association with personality psychology have gained increasing research attention and been intensively investigated by many researchers.动物个体差异的研究与人格心理学的关系已经引起了很多学者的关注。
2.As a field with significant features,personality psychology tries to explore the behavioral rules and its mechanism of human being in terms of integrity and dissimilarity,and it shows robust potentials of development with its for recent years.人格心理学立足于整体性与差异性以揭示个体行为规律与内部作用机制,是心理学中极富特色的研究领域,并彰显出旺盛的发展势头。
6)the mind with positive personality人格积极心理

人格心理学人格心理学personality psychology  人格心理学(personality psyehology)亦称“个性心理学”。普通心理学的一个分支,研究人格发展、构成及其表现规律的学科。其研究领域有:人格的实质,人格的结构,人格的形成和发展,人格的外部表现及其测量和诊断的方法和技术等。 (王启康撰移藕龄审)