人文属性,humanistic attribute
1)humanistic attribute人文属性
1.Since the establishment of the discipline of sociology, the topics of its scientific and humanistic attributes and the relationship between the two have always been under debate.自社会学学科创建以来,社会学的“科学属性”与“人文属性”以及两者之间的关联一直是备受争议的话题。
2.Since modern times,under the effect of the western biomedical modes,people have gradually neglected humanistic attribute,social responsibilities of medical workers and their humanistic care for patients,which results in a series of problems in current medical research and medical practice.医学即人学,人文属性是医学科学的本质属性之一。
3.Throughout the history, different headgears vary from one another in terms of different beliefs, station, nationalities as well as dynasties in that social and humanistic attribute is implicated in the headgears covering all facets of political, economical, cultural and religious fields, considered as the symbols of rights, station and wealth.这是因为,头饰隐藏着极其丰富的社会人文属性,它几乎涵盖了政治、经济、文化、宗教信仰等多方面的内容,曾被认为是权利、地位与财富的象征。

1.On the Scientific and Humane Properties of Natural Science;试论自然科学的科学属性与人文属性
2.Using Land Humanistic Attributes to Display the Plant Cultural Connotation;因借用地人文属性 彰显植物文化内涵
3.Scientific Spirit is a Necessity of the Research of Social Sciences;科学精神:人文社会科学研究的必然属性
4.Essence of Education & Property of Pedagogy and their Relationship;教育本质与教育学的人文学科属性及其关联
5.All postings made by members are solely personal opinion and do NO relationship with Home station.在本站所有的所文字图像档案,只属网友个人性质的文章。
6.A Discussion on the Relations between Business Nature and Industrial Nature of Culture;文化事业属性与产业属性之关系刍论
7.Through the analysis of The Old Man and the Sea, this article expresses the dual characteristics of Heming way′ s Character.本文通过对分析,充分展现了海明威人物性格的双重属性.
8.The extended attribute table file is full.扩展属性表格文件已满。
9.attributed string translation grammar属性符号串翻译文法
10.space restricted attribute grammar空间有限制属性文法
11.To modify a document property, click Properties on the File menu.要修改文本属性,请单击“文件”菜单上的“属性”。
12.Consciousness of Cultural Attribute and Study of Southeast Asian Literature in Chinese Language文化属性意识与东南亚华文文学研究
13.Private -- Only the user and users with the Manage Profile right can view the settings for this property私人 -- 只有具有“管理配置文件”权限的用户才可查看此属性的设置
14.(Note to "The Workers' Families Are Very Keen on the Co-operative Movement")(《在合作化运动中,工人家属的积极性非常高》一文按语)
15.Nature and Human-Culture: Studies on the Marginal Attribute of Cities and Their Spatial Forms--Taking Zhejiang Province as an Example;自然与人文:城市边缘属性成因及空间形态研究——以浙江省为例
16.On "Private Property"and "Civic Right"Attributes of Educational Products;教育产品的私人属性与权利属性剖析
17.File-attribute cache– the attribute cache is updated whenever new attributes arrive from the server.文件属性缓存-无论何时新属性从服务器到达,属性缓存被更新.
18.Select Property and select a property name to create a rule based on a user profile property.选择“属性”并选择一个属性名称以基于用户配置文件属性创建规则。

1.The medical science is endowed with dual attributes, natural science and humanism.医学具有自然科学和人文科学的双重属性 ,而中医学的人文属性更加强烈。
3)medical humanistic property人文社会属性
1.It is the historical and current that lead to a serious lost in medical humanistic property.分析了人文缺失的直接原因和深层根源 ,强调了医学人文社会属性的不可缺失性 ,提出了医学人文属性复归之途
4)humanistic value property人文价值属性
1.The humanistic value property of science & technology is on the basis of the essence of science & technology.科技的本性决定了科技的人文价值属性。
5)On the human attributes of circle论圆的人文属性
6)social and humanistic attributes社会人文属性
1.The method(technological in nature) has particular social and humanistic attributes.该手段(作为科技手段)却具有独特的社会人文属性,包括生态容量性、时间跨度性、区域空间性。

SolidWorks属性链接如图所示,在sw里动态显示零件的体积,面积。  首先在前视基准面上建立一个半圆形闭合草图,然后以中心线旋转,如图1所示:在特征管理器右键单击“注释”,在“显示注释”、“显示特征尺寸”前打勾,如图2所示: 图1图2单击菜单“插入”——“注释”,如图3所示:依次输入,体积、面积、两个注释。(具体自己设置),如图4所示: 图3图4鼠标左键单击“体积”,注意到特征管理器中的“属性连接”项,如图5所示:打开属性连接,单击“文件属性”,分别添加“体积”和“面积”的配置,在“数值/表达式”选项里,在下拉列表中,选择相应的选项——体积、面积。如图6所示: 图5图6然后在属性连接管理器中,在下拉列表中找到相应的选项,确定,如图7所示:同样的方法,添加“面积”的属性连接。下面让我们来看看结果吧,更改特征尺寸,相应的数据随着变化。 图7这就是属性连接的妙用,处处留心皆学问,大家好好学习。